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I'm going to break some hearts today. Your query letter is probably too long. How long SHOULD it be? Let's look into why shorter is better, and why. 🧵


#AmQuerying #AmWriting #AmEditing #WritingCommunity #RevPit Image
Before I give you a tangible word count goal for your query letter, a few words about diction: Writing MORE doesn't mean you're writing BETTER. We novelists are, by trade, wordy people, and sometimes trimming things down to their essence is the hard part.

Diction is the process of carefully choosing words, which means keeping only those words that BEST communicate your ideas and stories. I've seen a lot of queries written by folks who were told to keep it "under one page," but then filled up that page to the damn brim.

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I'm seeing a lot of talk about tropes in books (again), and I've been staying out of it. But I can't anymore


#WritingCommunity #RevPit #AuthorsOfTwitter 1/?
Let's start with this: saying a book having tropes means it's bad is not only insulting to readers and writers--it also shows a fundamental lack of understanding about tropes, what they are, and how they function in stories 2/?
There is no such thing as "stories with tropes" and "stories without tropes."


Stories without tropes simply do not exist. 3/?
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I critiqued the 1st 5 pp for 15 authors & made a list of common edit suggestions. It's neither exhaustive nor universal, but I hope they help.

I'll likely turn this into 3-4 threads for length

& Common writing tips
#RevPit #WritingCommunity

Busy agents/editors need to be hooked by a great query before they'll even glance at pages.

IF they open pp, they need to be sucked right in. Hopefully by first few lines.

This is PRIME REAL ESTATE that you can't afford to waste!

100,000's of queries are sent each year. Maybe millions.

You must show why yours is one that deserves attention.

Most queries are rejected b/c there isn't time to spend on a concept that hasn't been fully articulated.

It must be FRESH & also relatable to known sales
Read 18 tweets
Hello fam and happy Tuesday. I saw a lot of tough threads yesterday re: querying, and realized the only thing anyone can control is the query itself--not the outcome. As this is one of the opportunities in my #RevPit subs, I thought I might #RevThread about this important doc (1
You have 4 seconds. That's about the length of time to read a text message. In those 4 seconds, you need to hook the agent. Why? I timed myself reading subs for #Revpit to get the calculation right. It took, on average, 10 minutes for me to read the query, then pages (2
That's 17 hours to read 100 subs. Agents can receive on avg 50-100 queries PER DAY. Think about that. The query should take time to write and perfect. It's the single most important document you'll ever compose when it comes to trying to sell an agent on the idea of your mss (3
Read 15 tweets
Ok, I hope I am not overstepping, but here is some advice and tips that is particularly helpful to me and hopefully, it can be of help to others (plus, it's Friday and all my students are involved in group projects & don't need me at the moment!) #revpit #revpitwaiting
Today’s thread is about CREATING 3D CHARACTERS (and this is for MCs/Antagonists/sidekick characters too--basically anyone who features in your book ought to have some clear thought put into them and WHY they are there!) 1/14 #revpit
I read for many contests & there's often a reliance on explaining the personality of a character by describing their looks & their clothes. Authors can often SEE their characters so clearly that they want the reader to see as clearly--but it doesn't work 2/14 #revpit
Read 15 tweets
I saw a #revpit question about when you know your MS is ripe to query.
It’s a common one because we’re all anxious for the chance at publishing.
Here’s a frank chat
Almost every writer I know has queried too early. The story wasn’t ready, but we didn’t know.
Mainly because we don’t know what we don’t know until we learn.
Most people don’t get lovely contest mentoring--so you just wing it
Usually, after contest mentees are chosen, pro editors might offer specials to other people who entered. These are not universal. They also take an extraordinary amount of effort, so editors are paid commensurately!
Read 12 tweets
Alrighty, folks. I'm still sick in bed, so it's time for another #RevPit #RevThread and today we'll tackle "Show, Don't Tell" (quit ur eye-rolling!)

For the purpose of today's thread, I'll be referring to it as SDT for short. Buckle up!

#writingcommunity #writetip #writingtips
Let's address a common misconception that gets people ALL kinds of riled up:

SDT is NOT about mundane description. I REPEAT: SDT is NOT about mundane description.

When you start describing the scene, and every little thing your character is doing...that's all "telling." #RevPit
Your faces right now:
Read 11 tweets
All right folks. I'm sick, in bed, unable to work, so it's the perfect time for a #RevPit #RevThread! There were a lot of calls for this one, so today, let's talk about the dreaded...SYNOPSIS! #amquerying

😭 You still have to write them even when you land an agent (sorry!)
Step One: Open a blank document
Step Two: **stare**
Step Three: **stare**
Step Four: **stare**
Step Five: **sob**
Step Six: Repeat steps two-five

LOL jk. First things first. In a synopsis, everything from your main plot MUST be revealed #RevPit
This does NOT mean every twist and turn/arbitrary thing/fun event that happens from main plot to sub plots are revealed.

It means you have to focus ONLY on the main plot, and give everything away. Think of a synopsis like a business plan. #RevPit
Read 23 tweets
As #PitchWars is ending, I just wanted to do a master-list of all the mentorship programs that are out there. If you know of another one, please feel free to tell me and I'll add it onto the thread.
Thank you to @AngelDiZhang for the idea! I'll steal @molly_katheryn and @gigigriffis's lists as they're already there (as part of WTMP's Open Inbox). I also saw @ByGeorgeJreije's list! He's addicted to mentoring so he knows what he's talking about.
Let's start with my own program to get it out the way--WTMP! @writeteammentor is a mentorship program focused on community and support with a biennial mentorship program. It will return in 2023.
Read 35 tweets
Welcome to my final #RevPit #10Queries for this contest! First, a summary of my submission age categories & genres, a guide to abbreviations, then some general observations.
My abbreviations:

MG=Middle Grade
YA=Young Adult



#RevPit #10Queries
I will not indicate whether I would/would not request because I had too many that I wanted to request and can’t have them all. Instead, I’m giving tips on what I like and what could be improved. #RevPit #10Queries
Read 37 tweets
I've got a full glass of decaf iced tea and I am about to start my #RevPit #10Queries session. Doing this at my standing desk today. Ready???
First, a summary of my submission age categories & genres, a guide to abbreviations, then some general observations. #RevPit #10Queries

MG=Middle Grade
YA=Young Adult
My abbreviations for genre:

M=Manuscript pages

#RevPit #10Queries
Read 36 tweets
Alright fam. It's Thursday, and it's time for another #RevPit thread. On the back of yesterday's #10queries , I think it's time to discuss the query itself #amquerying #writingtips (1
You have 4 seconds. That's about the length of time to read a text message. In those 4 seconds, you need to hook the agent. Why? I timed myself reading subs for #Revpit to get the calculation right. It took, on average, 10 minutes for me to read the query, then pages (2
That's 17 hours to read 100 subs. Agents can receive on avg 50-100 queries PER DAY. Think about that. The query should take time to write and perfect. It's the single most important document you'll ever compose when it comes to trying to sell an agent on the idea of your mss (3
Read 14 tweets
Woohoo! It's time for the first of my #RevPit #10Queries!!

What is it? Non-specific notes on my submissions, with hopefully helpful advice to help ALL writers. At this time, I can't guarantee feedback to these entrants, but I sure will try!
The key:
A: Adult
YA: Young Adult
MG: Middle Grade
#RevPit #10Queries
Genre Key:
HF: Hist Fiction
H: Horror
T: Thriller
F: Fantasy
HR: Historical Romance
SF: Sci-fi
#RevPit #10Queries
Read 25 tweets
I've reached the point during #RevPit where I get really down and out. For those who don't know, I'm not only a Developmental Editor, but I'm also an author, and I've been on the other side of contests more often than not. A thread. (1
Until #RevPit the idea of subjectivity didn't quite sink in. The daunting task of reading really great queries, and incredible takes a toll. Like, how am I supposed to only pick one?? At least agents can request as many awesome manuscripts as they like! (2
@KyraMNelson bared her soul on this the other day, and you can read her thread here (3:

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It was March of 2014. Our son was 7 months old, and what was meant to be a happy occasion--the first time my extended family met our miracle boy--was marred by the passing of my beloved grandfather 3 months prior. I hadn't been able to make it home for the funeral #RevPit (1
The trip itself was grand--going house-to-house, eating scones, filling up on tea at every stop, and visiting graves (as a culture, we have an interesting relationship with death). Trips home for me are never relaxing. They're excitement, then sadness, mixed with jetlag (2
And to make it worse, the return flight from Shannon used to always be at 9:05am (thanks United), which meant we always had to be at the airport at 6 for check-in...which meant rising at 5...and the long tearful goodbye that no one should have to do before coffee (3
Read 35 tweets
I love helping authors dig into their characters' internal, external, and unknown desires because these all influence every aspect of the story. If you don't know what your MC wants, how will you know if they achieve it? #RevPit #AskEditor
Underneath all those desires is a lack, or an emotional wound. Figure out the emotional wound and you'll know what they lack, which drives the unknown desire. Everything is built on that. #RevPit #AskEditor
The lack also fuels the stakes. If the MC doesn't achieve the internal desire, then the lack is not fulfilled, the emotional wound can't heal. #RevPit #AskEditor
Read 10 tweets
It's time for my #RevPit #10Queries! Get ready for a very long thread where I analyze 10 anonymous queries and 1st 5 pages. They were all great in their own way, but they all could grow and be slightly more polished. However, I want to read them ALL! Hurry and get pubbed!
Q1: YA Scifi, Very interesting concept, but falls a little flat at times with over explaining the plot. Try to use more gripping words and show more personality in the query. Great hook at the end, but could use more of that mystery up front. #RevPit #10Queries
P1: Too much of a play by play. Show us what's important, not every action. Careful w/ flashbacks, they are info-dumps. Let us learn info as we move through plot w/ the MC. 3rd person present is tough POV, feels like you want 1st but didn't for some reason. #RevPit #10Queries
Read 35 tweets
My turn for #RevPit #10Queries! First, a summary of my submission age categories & genres, a guide to abbreviations, then some general observations.

MG=Middle Grade
YA=Young Adult
I received:
1 YA Dys
1 A Dystopian
1 A Mystery

SFF = Science Fiction/Fantasy, and I categorized the MS that way if it was either/or.

#RevPit #10Queries
Now for observations that I noticed across the board. Always follow submission instructions. Don’t give editors/agents an excuse to reject based on technicalities. If you submit to our annual #RevPit event, this WILL count against you. #10Queries
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