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Feb 13th 2022
A lot of interest in this comment. So let me lay out a framework for assessing risk in general and how it relates to Covid so we have a more nuanced understanding of “risk” and risk mitigation.

3 things can determine risk:

2/ Looking to lessons learned in wilderness education and mountaineering, risk can be understood as a combination of these 3 factors. And we have varying control over each of them in different settings. We do this all day long but don’t consciously think about it.

3/ In simple terms, P (probability) is just how likely is something to happen?

S (severity) is how bad would it be?

T (time) is how long you are at risk/exposed to the hazard.

Unpacking this from just “risk” helps tremendously with thinking about Covid.
Read 20 tweets
May 12th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/12/2021…
GOP State Lawmaker Slammed For Saying 3/5 Compromise Aimed To End Slavery…

#PartisanPolitics #SystemicRacism #institutionalSlavery #RevisionistHistory
Educated man says he’d rather die than risk dying from AstraZeneca vaccine…

#humor #vaccines #COVID19 #CriticalThinking
Read 10 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/30/2021…
Complex Systems: Volume 30, Number 1 (2021)

#complexity #journal #CurrentIssue
The Law of Regression to the Tail: How to Survive COVID-19, the Climate Crisis, and Other Disasters…

#RegressionToTheTail #risk #FatTailedRisk #COVID19 #pandemics #ClimateCrisis #RiskMitigation
Read 8 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Item #2 for building back better

The covid crisis must be used to accelerate the transition to an electric, zero-carbon economy, to reduce climate tail risk.
This includes:

(a) investments in renewable energy (and maybe nuclear, if it can be made fast and safe) for powering the industry;

(b) electrification of trains, trucks, public transport, and cars; and
(c) investments to improve true sustainability of farming, food manufacture, housing, and commercial real estate.

Free pdf with new paper here:

Please help share.
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