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Dec 3rd 2022
Day 6: Our @quarto_pub parameterised celebration of #RLadies working with the #NHS

I was keen to do something to celebrate the folks who use #rstats behind the scenes in the #NHS - building something with R to do so felt fitting!

Plus, I learnt more #quarto in the process!
@quarto_pub First step for me in doing something like this: Figma. It's a really useful tool for playing around with a layout before you try to implement it in code.

Here's the basic layout I built to figure out where everything should go. Image
@quarto_pub Next, fonts. For this one, I was looking for something that says "I know what I'm doing but I'm also approachable" as that was the vibe I got from folks at the @NHSrCommunity a few weeks ago.

I went with Nunito Sans, and found a "slab" font with a similar shape: Zilla Slab.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
I love using and teaching R. For a while I was an adjunct faculty member, and I taught MFA students about data viz and R. It was so much fun! I always learn new things when I teach.

Based on my experience learning and teaching R, here are my five tips for learning R. (1/8)
1. Make mistakes. Mistakes help you learn. Even though I’ve been coding and using R for many years, I consistently run into errors and make mistakes when I code, and I always learn new things. (2/8)
2. Experiment and try new things. There is so much to learn and do in R, and it can feel  both exciting and a bit overwhelming. But the more you experiment, the more you’ll learn. (3/8)
Read 9 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
Hi everyone! I'm Jenn, and I'm super excited to be curating #RLadies this week! I've worked in data/data science for about 10 years, and I love R! I mainly use R for data viz and analysis. (1/5)
This week I'll be talking about #DataViz and learning #RStats. I learned R first in grad school and then on the job when I worked as a statistician. (2/5)
Now, I use R in my work as a research analyst and for data viz projects I do for fun, like participating in #TidyTuesday and visualizing the books I read in 2021. (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
(1/n) All about Shiny. My go to approach for building shiny apps is finding an example I like, going to the github to review the code, and retrofitting it for my use case (w/ credits!).
(2/n) I learned this approach via an online course where we deployed models via Shiny to show performance. It was daunting at first and my first foray into building an application.

If you are just getting into Shiny and feel overwhelmed, you've got this & keep at it.
(3/n) Version control & Peer review: Something I like about code based dashboards (vs. low/no code solutions) is that it version control becomes possible via git, and dashboards that require complicated calculations are more visible/transparent in a single script.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
While I touched the surface of what you can do with #Git today, it’s an extremely powerful tool that has so much more to offer 🤩

Here are some more resources, if you want to learn more about it:


📖 (my go-to resource)
And there are of course fantastic #rladies talking about using #Git:

📺 @RLadiesBmore: (by @lisalendway)
Read 5 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
#GitHub is a code hosting platform (like GitLab or Bitbucket) that allows you to share your code with others and as a version control. But it becomes more and more social — you can for instance generate a personalized README where you have a mini website 👩🏼‍💻 Screenshot showing an examp...
The README is a great landing page to collect information about yourself and your work 👩‍💻 And it's extremely easy to set it up: Create a new public (!) repository with your GitHub handle and a README file. Now you can start editing it and making it beautiful 💅 Screenshot showing an examp...
📑 Here’s a short tutorial on how to change (and also set-up) your README:…
Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
If today inspired you and you want to write your #rstats package now, there are plenty of great resources out there!

Several #rladies talked about how to set up your package within no time 💫

📺 @RLadiesBergen: (by @srharacha)
Read 7 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
👩🏼‍💻 Another great tool that you can use to better understand code structures is the #rstats {flow} 📦 by @antoine_fabri

It visualizes a flow diagram of the functional architecture (…)
@antoine_fabri Let’s take a look at it by using our make_sum function from yesterday. We wrote this simple function that calculates the sum: Setting up a function that ...
@antoine_fabri But what happens under the hood? We can see it here in code language but wouldn't it be great to see it more visually? Here's {flow}'s moment to shine! ✨ Run this line of code and you'll get a flow diagram that shows you how the function works 🥳 Showing the workflow of flo...Showing the visualization o...
Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Hello everyone 👋 my name is Cosima and I usually tweet at @cosima_meyer.
In my professional life, I work as a data scientist in the field of AI. I love my job because it allows me to work with fantastic teams to solve puzzles👩🏼‍💻 Image showing two people holding two puzzle pieces to the sk
@cosima_meyer Before working in the industry, I explored my passion for research in academia. I hold a PhD from the University of Mannheim in #politicalscience (my dissertation dealt with post-civil war stability 🕊).
@cosima_meyer While working at @MZESUniMannheim, I co-founded a #datascience blog “Methods Bites” (@mzes_ssdl) which provides several hands-on tutorials on #NLP, scraping #Twitter data, #dataviz, or how to publish your package on #CRAN.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
After that inspiring panel of women in Data Science, I want to give a spotlight and appreciation round to all those #RLadies that are active on #rspatial and that have definitely inspired me to also try and be part of the community 🤩
I invite you all to give a shoutout to those amazing #RSpatialLadies that have crossed your path!
Read 10 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
Loved this line from @McconnellKyla:
"I realized I was becoming a copy/paste data scientist and decided that I should invest more time in this"
@McconnellKyla @TnaniHedia just compared programming with playing during her journey of learning coding! Great way to see it! 😀
Read 14 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
Hi all 👋 today I would like to talk about #CV tips. Did you know you can create your CV in #rstats? There are so many cool 📦 out there!
I personally use {vitae} with a good range of eye-catching templates to choose from, I highly recommend it!
What I like the most about building my CV in R is that I can organize everything in an R-project, I push to GitHub which gives me track changes and I can use the great advantages of #rmarkdown and #latex. Here is the repo of my #vitae CV
I had to modify a bit the .csl file to adapt certain details to my taste, and I included a 🗺️ of my journey which has had some nice feedback, as it serves as a visual presentation card 💃 A preview of my CV made with the vitae R package
Read 6 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
Morning! Let's continue with the polling results, today and get some #learningtips. Here is what people voted for regarding learnings strategies! Not surprisingly, the big majority likes some hands-on exercises, although a mix between theory and practice is also welcome 😎 Results to poll about learn...
📚 Very few people voted for learning from books about coding, but have you already seen all the resources out there? #rstats has a big pile, and the best way to browse them all is with the Big Book of R #rmarkdown #bookdown
Most of the people like blogs and written content. Well this is the perfect opportunity to point you to the #RLadies blogs collected by @PipingHotData & @DrMowinckels
Read 4 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
Poll #1 results are in! Now let’s see if we can answer this *for real* by generating an✨ AWESOME✨ list of #RLadies blogs! 💜 Comment 👇🏽 for yourself or someone you know (1 comment = 1 blog)! I’ll kick it off w/ some #RLadies blogs I have read recently!

Read 22 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
This is happening on Friday 8/28 at 11:15 AM Eastern!!

Listen to me speak about "beyond sample splitting: valid inference while double dipping"!

#rmed2020 #rstats
This is joint work with some of my current/former students, including @lucylgao @yc_yc_yc_yc Anna Neufeld and Sean Jewell
As well as other collaborators including Jacob Bien and Paul Fearnhead
Read 3 tweets
Jan 17th 2020
@KTorresStats Hi Katy!

The resume looks good to me!

I'm starting a thread with some ideas.

Goal 1: Connect with #rstats data science community
- Tons of academic and industry here on Twitter
- do informational interviews with acquaintances
- join @RLadiesGlobal Slack @R4DScommunity
@KTorresStats @RLadiesGlobal @R4DScommunity Goal here is to meet someone who can get your name to a hiring manager
- referrals == stronger chance of interview/hire
- R4DS and #rladies Slack are places outside Twitter to find job posts, ask questions, network
- Info interviews help you understand what pro DS do/expect
@KTorresStats @RLadiesGlobal @R4DScommunity Goal #2: read…

By @robinson_es and @skyetetra

Tons of good ideas and biggest additional step IMO == get a public portfolio

Essentially show the industry that you can do the job already!
Read 9 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
So you want to learn #rstats? I’ll tell you about my favourite learning resources in a minute, but first… some tips and tricks. 1/n
Tip 1: Find a reason. It is tough to get motivated to learn something new when your old workflow, while inefficient and not reproducible, gets the job done. If you try to learn #rstats in service of a real project, you are more likely to persevere. 2/n
Tip 2: Make it fun with side projects. Try sentiment analysis on Jane Austen novels… Or learn regular exp by on analyzing your bank trans data…. Check out #tidytuesday for vis practice datasets 3/n
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Oct 5th 2019
So, I love the amazing variety of colour palettes we have available in R! 🎨 🖌️

I'll share some of my favorites! #RLadies #dataviz

First up: Wes Anderson by @_inundata

@_inundata Next: FISH 🐟🐠🍥

I discovered this one by chance today, and can't wait to try it out!

#fishualize by @NinaSchiett 🌊

@_inundata @NinaSchiett I 💜 Studio Ghibli, so I was delighted to discover {ghibli} by @ewen_!

"Make ggplot cute again!"

Read 7 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
100% proud 😊 of this community achievement 💪🏽: a translation to Spanish of a must-read 📖 for those who are starting with #rstats - or learned it a while ago! ⌛️

Thread 1/n
As announced at #LatinR2019, the translation to Spanish of “R for Data Science” by @hadleywickham & @StatGarrett is complete ✔️ and can be found here

🔗 #rstat #rstates #r4ds

(yes! free, open, for the whole 🗺️) 2/n
I take advantage of this great @r4ds_es achievement to tell you an anecdote.

Its audience is meant to be those that, like me_version_2018 🐣, don’t dare to talk to the R community 🌟celebrities🌟 3/n
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Aug 16th 2019
Getting ready to start our Intro to R Workshop! #rstats #RLadies
The fabulous instructors for today’s workshop! @nikkirubinstein @goknurginer #RLadies
For those who are new, the #RLadies community is extremely supportive and welcoming!
Read 16 tweets
Jul 4th 2019
Happy 4th of July!!
One area of intergration of ML and econometrics is providing inference after variable selection (Post selection Inference) #rstats #econtwitter #Rladies #ML #econometrics 1/n
Most popular technique in economics is the 'Double LASSO' which provides inference on the treatment effect after variable selection using LASSO. Check out the R package 'hdm'.…
#rstats #econtwitter 2/n
We are often interested in conducting inference on other selected covariates (controls) as well. Check out R package 'selectiveInference' which conducts inference on multiple covariates.…
#rstats #econtwitter 3/n
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Apr 22nd 2019
#RYouWithMe showcase Day 4:

Unit 2 (Clean It Up) Lesson 1: Cleaning Up Columns
This lesson comes in 3⃣ parts! See thread 👇
Find the link to the lesson in the video descriptions!

#rstats #rladies #dumpdatacamp #rstudio #learntocode
Part 1: How to clean up and rename variable names! Video:
Part 2: How to select subsets of data and change the order of variables! Video:
Read 4 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
You might be looking for R learning resources, especially if you’ve dropped @DataCamp. We’d like to point you to #RYouWithMe!

Over the coming days, we'll be showcasing the lessons. Stay tuned!

#rstats #rladies #dumpdatacamp
Read 14 tweets
Feb 17th 2019
Hi! I’ll be curating the @WeAreRLadies account this coming week, so I thought tonight I’d round up a few things the previous #RLadies curators shared that I really liked! :)
@WeAreRLadies W1: @dataandme

I found @StephdeSilva's "Data Analysis: Questions to Ask the First Time" (and the two related posts that followed) a really helpful starting point! I’d love to hear any advice other people have on exploratory analyses and report writing :)

@WeAreRLadies @dataandme @StephdeSilva W2: @LucyStats

I first learned from @RebeccaB2820’s post how we can use #rstats to extract data from PDFs when the text isn’t automatically recognised!

When the text *is* recognised, my go-to tool is @MilesMcBain’s {datapasta}…

Read 23 tweets

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