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Feb 15th 2021
We Still Here (day 15 of 28)

The queen of neo soul, Erykah Badu, was born Erica Abi Wright on February 26, 1971. She was raised by a single mother in #Dallas, #Texas. 1/

#BHM #HERstory #ShareBlackStories #threadstorytime
Badu started her training in the arts at age 4 and was a cast member at The Black Academy of Arts and Letters in her youth. By 14, she was freestyling for a local radio station. 2/
Believing her original name was a “slave name”, Badu decided to spell it as “Erykah” early in life, incorporating the term “kah” which means “inner self”. Her adopted surname, “Badu”, refers to the 10th born child in the native language of Akan people from Ghana. 3/
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Feb 14th 2021
We Still Here (day 14 of 28)

Wishing you all a day full of love! Today's entry is a bit long, as we pay tribute to Prince's dazzling legacy, and commemorate the many Black struggles that took place in his hometown #Minneapolis, #Minnesota.

#BHM #ShareBlackStories #ShareTheLove
Prince Rogers Nelson was born June 7, 1958. A well-rounded entertainer, Prince was a singer-songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist, guitar virtuoso, & professional dancer. His eclectic, genre-bending music & flamboyant and androgynous persona forever imprinted on the world.
Born to musician parents with familial roots in Louisiana, Prince Rogers was given his father’s stage & band name and encouraged to explore interests in music. At 7, he wrote his first song, “Funk Machine”, with his father’s piano.
Read 23 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
Good morning and welcome to the weekend! Day 13 of our collab with artist Greg Edwards (@GregtheGrouch) features Amanda Gorman, who at 22 is the youngest entry of this series. Her story demonstrates the empowerment that comes with having a voice & creative outlet.

#BHM #thread Image
Poet and activist Amanda Gorman was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1998. She grew up with a speech impediment and has an auditory condition making her hypersensitive to sound.

Facing these conditions, Amanda did not despair. Writing in 2018, she said,

“I always saw it as a strength because since I was experiencing these obstacles in terms of my auditory and vocal skills, I became really good at reading and writing."

Read 12 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
1/12 An open letter to The Christian Left, a “progressive online ministry” that is inflicting organized white violence against Lace Watkins, a long-time follower of @TheChristianLft and renowned Black Christian #activist #shareblackstories
2/12 Her transgression? Being a Black Christian woman who dared to question the white male co-founders of The Christian Left for profiteering off the death of Congressman #JohnLewis by appropriating his legacy of #goodtrouble.
3/12 The Christian Left refuses to #listentoblackwomen. They ban Lace and erase all of her comments. They silence anyone who kindly invites them to consider how their behavior is at odds with their stated values, which they call "concern trolling" rather than #goodtrouble.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
We hear you, we see you and we are with you.

We stand against racism. We stand with our Black community — and all those working toward justice in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many others whose names will not be forgotten.
Time & time again, we’ve seen that the Instagram community has the power to bring meaningful change. The more we #ShareBlackStories, the more we raise voices that make an impact. To continue that impact, @Facebook is pledging $10M to efforts committed to ending racial injustice.
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