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Per descrivere il rapporto tra Joe #Biden e lo speaker repubblicano della Camera #USA, Kevin #McCarthy, nessuna frase viene in aiuto più di quella pronunciata qualche giorno fa dal senatore Gop dello Stato del Mississippi, Roger Wicker: "Beh, aiuterebbe se McCarthy e Biden Image
fossero compagni di golf, ma non lo sono. E non lo saranno mai".
In un'epoca segnata da una contrapposizione portata all'estremo fra Democratici e Repubblicani, il presidente americano ha più volte insistito sull'importanza di dialogare con i propri avversari. Ma cosa succede
se, a pochi giorni da quella che il segretario del Tesoro Janet Yellen (non esattamente l'ultima arrivata) si spinge a definire "tempesta economica e finanziaria senza precedenti", sei costretto a trattare con qualcuno da cui non potresti essere più distante a livello Image
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#ClintEastwood turned 93 yesterday; a 🧵on Spaghetti Westerns, Clint's role in 'Per un Pugno di Dollari' (A Fistful of Dollars) and the subversive after-effects of the film that re-defined the Western. #ClintEastwood93today Image
In the summer of 1964, a TV actor who starred in a prime time Western serial was looking for distraction in films. The show was 'Rawhide', and its star Clint Eastwood, who played the impulsive, sometimes hot-tempered, but generally sweet-natured 'Rowdy Yates' felt he’d stagnated. Image
So, at 34, Eastwood decided upon a risky gamble: take a leap into the unknown by imposing trust in an obscure Italian director named Sergio Leone and travel to Rome to do an obscure “European Western” called 'Per un Pugno di Dollari.' Image
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📣 Thread on the recent debt ceiling deal between President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The agreement brings new details to light. Do you agree or disagree with the deal? Here's a non-biased breakdown of the key components. 👇 #DebtCeiling #Biden #McCarthy Image
The cornerstone of the agreement is a two-year suspension of the debt ceiling, allowing the government to continue borrowing and pay its bills on time, if Congress passes the agreement by June 5th. #DebtCeiling #Congress Image
In exchange for suspending the limit, Republicans demanded policy concessions from Mr. Biden, such as limits on federal discretionary spending growth and new work requirements for certain food stamps and Temporary Aid for Needy Families program recipients. #PolicyChanges Image
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🇹🇼 1/n
La presidente Tsai Ing-wen è pronta a prendere posto sul volo che la condurrà in America Centrale. Il suo staff ha preparato la sua visita nei dettagli. Domani uno scalo negli Stati Uniti, la Grande Mela ad aspettarla. Sa già se il 5 aprile, a darle l'arrivederci prima di
prendere la strada di casa, sarà il vulcanico speaker della Camera #USA, Kevin #McCarthy.
E chissà se adesso, allacciate le cinture, pochi istanti prima del decollo, l'ultimo pensiero è per la possibile reazione della #Cina. Quale situazione troverà al suo ritorno a #Taiwan?
L'aereo presidenziale è già ben al di sopra delle nuvole quando il Dragone comincia a sputare fuoco: "Se Tsai entrerà in contatto con il presidente della Camera degli Stati Uniti McCarthy, sarà un'altra provocazione che viola gravemente il principio della Cina unica", che
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1⃣La #Cina avvisa gli Stati Uniti che il loro approccio condurrà ad un “conflitto inevitabile“.
2⃣Lo speaker della Camera #USA, Kevin #McCarthy, non rinuncia ad incontrare la presidente di #Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen. Appuntamento in California.
3⃣Ipotesi: Pechino rifornisce Mosca
di armi letali nella guerra in #Ucraina.
4⃣Rischio: Vladimir #Putin punta a ricreare il nucleo delle “terre storiche” russe ben oltre il #Donbas.
5⃣Fatti: massiccio aumento della spesa militare cinese per il 2023.

Cinque punti annotati sul taccuino nel giro di pochi giorni.
Come interpretarli?

🅰️ La Storia divora oggi pagine che un tempo avrebbe consumato nel giro di molti anni.
🅱️ La netta percezione di trovarsi alle porte di un cambio di fase nella competizione – eufemismo – tra potenze.

Flashback. Primavera 2018. Clint Hinote, tenente
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Un axiome rappelé en une du New York Times: les opinions publiques démocratiques contemporaines se lassent vite d'un effort de guerre qui dure- même indirect. Et les #EtatsUnis de #JoeBiden ne font pas exception sur l'#Ukraine...1/…
2...en ce début de semaine, des élus républicains du Congrès US de la faction America First ont remis en cause, lors d'auditions de responsables du Pentagone par la commission des armées à la Chambre, le mésusage possible des armes envoyées à l'#Ukraine.…
3. Dans l'article du jour du New York Times, on apprend d'ailleurs que #Zelensky essaie de mettre sur pied une entrevue téléphonique avec Kevin McCarthy, le speaker républicain de la Chambre, afin de s'assurer du soutien US sur la durée...
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Ilhan #Omar says #McCarthy leaving her off #Africa subcommittee is 'racist, xenophobic' | Jan 27…
Friday Fun.
Ilhan #Omar Happened Because Media Chose to #Lie to You | JULY 18, 2019
- She had disturbing associations with #Islamic #terror-tied groups.
#Sibling #marriage is against the law in #Minnesota, yet the brother and sister were married in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
- I guess they looked the other way when it came to Ilhan Omar and her #brother bride Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
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A partire dalla regola aurea per cui l'interesse nazionale si riconosce, non si inventa, gli USA si confermano Paese serio.
Emblematica la notizia delle ultime ore: il Pentagono starebbe pianificando una prossima visita a #Taiwan dello Speaker della Camera #McCarthy. Image
Notizia clamorosa, dopo i fuochi d'artificio agostani e le relative tensioni con la #Cina, a conferma dell'importanza che il dossier Taipei continua a rivestire agli occhi di Washington.
Da notare la tempistica: correva l'anno 1997 quando l'ultimo speaker della Camera USA, Image
il repubblicano Newt #Gingrich, si recò a Taiwan per manifestare la vicinanza americana all'isola bramata dal Dragone. Trascorsi, tra la sua visita e quella di Pelosi, venticinque anni. Uno appena, secondo i retroscenisti di "Punchbowl", fra la scampagnata di Pelosi e quella Image
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President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
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Se avevate conservato il pallottoliere, ora coraggio: riprendetelo.
Se vi eravate messi l'anima in pace, spalancate le porte al caos.
Se pensavate che fosse tutto finito, esultate (o disperate).
La politica americana, e Kevin #McCarthy in particolare, rischiano di vivere
un'altra notte "movimentata".
Lo #Speaker uscito vincitore dalla battaglia parlamentare più infuocata degli ultimi 164 anni è chiamato ad affrontare il primo vero test sulla tenuta della sua leadership. In gioco c'è l'approvazione del pacchetto di regole per il 118° Congresso
degli Stati Uniti. Di che si tratta? Di 55 pagine che delineano le priorità del Partito Repubblicano da qui alla corsa per la Casa Bianca, delle procedure che il Gop utilizzerà per dirigere la Camera, nonché - piccolo dettaglio - del passaggio fondamentale senza il quale le
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I was waiting for the results of the 14th vote on #Speaker when I saw Kevin #McCarthy walking toward us.

Within seconds, a confrontation and fight broke out. Just a few feet from me, a newly elected member eager to get sworn in and start a job I’ve dreamed of doing for years.
It all happened on the floor of the House of Representatives, in the waning moments of #January6th and the second anniversary of the violent attack on our Capitol.

The whole thing made me sick to my stomach.
What we witnessed was such selfish, chaotic behavior - and by the very people who would take the reins of the House moments later.

These are the folks in charge now.
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Für diejenigen, die #Politik in den #USA nicht regelmäßig verfolgen, eine kurze Einordnung zu Kevin #McCarthy, der gerade im 15. Anlauf (awkward) zum Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses gewählt worden ist. McCarthy gilt als Vertreter des "moderaten" Flügels der #GOP - im
Gegensatz zum (komplett frei drehenden) Rechtsaußenflügel um Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt #Gaetz, Lauren #Boebert, Ted #Cruz usw.
In diesem Kontext ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass McCarthy absolut nicht mit moderaten Konservativen der Vor-Trump-Zeit vergleichbar ist, etwa
Senator John McCain oder auch nur George W. Bush (der allerdings aus anderen Gründen - *räusper* Irak, Folter *räusper* - ziemlich radikal war). Denn McCarthy hat sich wie kaum jemand sonst für seine eigenen Ambitionen in den Dienst Trumps und seines autokratischen Projekts
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Round 15.
Biggs enthält sich erstmals. Punkt für #McCarthy
Boebert und Crane machen dann 3 Enthaltungen.
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Für jene, dir wach sind. Willkommen zur vielleicht letzten 14. Runde #McCarthy. In wenigen Minuten geht's los. Livestream gibt es bei C-SPAN:
#McCarthy braucht entweder 3 weitere Stimmen oder muss entsprechend auf Enthaltungen hoffen.
Biggs bleibt ein Gegner von #McCarthy und stimmt für Jim Jordan.
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The Grave of Nations

Pg 1: As #McCarthy chips away at holdouts in congress, know this; those republicans who held out and then gave in, most likely compromised their demands because they got something individually good for themselves (typically money related) not the nation.
Pg 2: This is what defines a Republican vs a Democrat and conservatives vs liberals. Democrats put ideology and party first, & what’s best for the nation last. Republicans put money, ego & party first, & what’s best for the nation last.
Pg 3. The key word in that mix is ideology. The democrats have an ideological glue (albeit evil) that binds them together, while the republicans as a party have no ideology, love of country or dedicated mission to serving the Constitution strong enough to be their cohesive glue.
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@ajboekestijn @g900ap Robert van der Noordaa..zelfbenoemde #trollenvanger en #factchecker bij @volkskrant #activisten kliek die..zie ik nu..geen factgecheckte #feiten van een wel deskundige ter zake verdraagt met zijn blijkbaar (te) grote ego en gevoelige tenen..

Je moet het maar kunnen..🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Geen idee waar Robert de deskundigheid, kennis en inzicht vandaan haalt om dit zo stellig te beoordelen als dat de wel objectieve en verifieerbare feiten zijn oordeel alleen al ontkrachten. Hoezo #factchecker? Hij #trolt nu zijn #complottheorie zelf als een volleerd #wappie.>
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Wie wie heeft #vergiftigd en waarom is nog helemaal niet glashelder noch in enig rechtszaak vastgesteld. Weer volstrekt #wappie reactie en duiding van #RobertvanderNoordaa. Als ook feitelijk onjuiste conclusie wat Rusland van plan was of is. Dat is #propaganda, #complottheorie.>
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A reminder, as we are entering Day 4 of this mess: The new @USDemocracyPod is out, with a deep dive into the Republican chaos in the House - the background, the historical context, the implications for the GOP and the country going forward.…
We must now go back to the 1830s to 1850s to find precedent for the number of failed votes. As I said on the pod, this doesn’t mean the situation is *just like* right before the Civil War, as there is no such thing as “just like” in history. But things certainly aren’t great.
We recorded in-between failed vote 3 and 4 - but I believe everything we say very much holds up: How to explain it, what the fault lines are, why it’s misleading to present the #McCarthy camp as “moderates” and only the rebels as “extremists.”
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5 articles ou sujets de l'actualité états-unienne qui ont retenu mon attention ce vendredi 6 janvier 23 au matin.
#USNews #Actualités #EtatsUnis
(Les partisans de Donald Trump à l'assaut du Capitole, le 6 janvier 23, photo Evelyn Hockstein pour le Washington Post)
1. C'est le jour de la marmotte au #Congrès avec l'invraisemblable #FeuilletonKevin depuis mardi. #McCarthy n'arrive pas à atteindre les 218 voix même après 11 scrutins ?! Il a fait de nouvelles concessions... Mais il a des ennemis qui ne renoncent pas.…
2. Comme toujours on peut compter sur l'excellent @voxdotcom pour des explications très claires sur ce qui se trame en coulisses et les enjeux des règles parlementaires qui sont en balance
#FeuilletonKevin #Congrès #SpeakerVote…
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Die Wahl zum Speaker live.

Schafft es #McCarthy im 7. Anlauf?
Mit 201 Stimmen ist #McCarthy wieder nicht gewählt worden.
Der 8. Wahlgang ist mir durch gegangen, aber auch den 9. Wahlgang hat #McCarthy nicht gewonnen.

#Trump, als Gegenkandidat hat übrigens auch nicht gewonnen.😉
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1/ This fight over @GOPLeader isn't really about McCarthy (though for some of the 20 it is). What this is about is the pending #debt ceiling fight likely in February. Here's what's going on (a thread)...
@GOPLeader 2/ 'Twas the night before Xmas (not exactly but close enough) & all thru the night, lobbyists were skulking the decorated hall of Congress, looking for handouts for their special interests. Everyone on Capitol Hill wanted to go home for the holidays so, w/o much debate,
@GOPLeader 3/ A group of elected officials pushed through a $1.7 Trillion spending bill w/o debate or even so much of a "Dear Colleague" letter. It was imperious. What upset some on the Hill the most was that the spending bill was chock full of goodies for Left-wing special interests.
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#FeuilletonKevin #Jour3
Midi à #WashingtonDC figurez vous que #KevinMcCarthy est à nouveau candidat au poste de #speaker pour un…7e vote.
Le député africain-républicain John James (Michigan) rappelle qu’une élection aussi tourmentée n’a eu lieu qu’en 1855/56 au sujet de l’abolition de l’esclavage qu’il contraste avec les peccadilles actuelles. Il soutient #Kevin « pour mener la nation dans le bon sens »
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🚨 New episode of @USDemocracyPod just dropped a day early: Chaos in the House!
Also: How can we explain the radicalization of formerly “moderate” Republicans? And finally: What we expect for democracy in 2023.…
We are witnessing a historic spectacle in the House. Join us for a deep dive into the Republican inability to elect a speaker: How to explain it, what the fault lines are, why it’s misleading to present the #McCarthy camp as “moderates” and only the rebels as “extremists.”
Also: Whatever happened to “moderate” Republicans? We look at the case of Elise Stefanik and reflect on the lure of Trumpism, the relationship between opportunism and ideology, and the personal dynamics of a radicalization that is shifting the GOP ever further to the right.
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5 articles ou sujets de l'actualité états-unienne qui ont retenu mon attention ce jeudi 5 janvier 2023 au matin.
#USNews #Actualités #EtatsUnis
(Portrait de Nathaniel P. Banks, élu speaker en 1856...après 133 tours de scrutin et 3 mois de débat, c1880, source: wikipedia).
1. L'humiliation continue pour Kevin #McCarthy : au cours d'une deuxième journée ubuesque, il a à nouveau perdu 3 scrutins successifs. 20 élus de son groupe continuent de lui refuser leur voix. Blocage total.…
2. Moment #Frankenstein à la Chambre: les créatures trumpistes comme @laurenboebert n'obéissent plus à leur créateur @realDonaldTrump ?! qui pourtant les appelle à voter pour "son" #Kevin…
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1. Watching #McCarthy humiliated I try to not forget the people doing it to him are insurrectionists. McCarthy deserves it because he touched a coup conspiracy. We need to harshly judge any member who voted to overturn an election in a show of support for a violent coup attempt.
2. The 14th Amendment bans the members who voted yea on Jan 6 who were re-elected from being sworn an act that will further desecrate the Capitol. Traitors like Gaetz, Boebert, Taylor-Green and Perry should not be sworn.
3. I think a motion to disqualify them might be in order. What do we know about the other insurgents? Were others involved in the coup? If we're going to have all day GOP Schadenfreude let's make it really good. Change the floor activity to huge disqualification motion.
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