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Jun 27th 2022
#Russian state television #Russia1 says when #Russians “reach the western borders of #Ukraine, the rest will certainly not be about” #Kiev. A “safe corridor” to #Kaliningrad “has to be created” regardless of #NATO “waving their #Article5.” He warns “taming of #Lithuania... [1/2] being considered” but “the issue is with” their masters in #Washington and #Brussels. He suggests striking #Energy & #Logistics infrastructure of #EU as the “spigot closes from here.” He says “#Nuclear weapons might be used.” [2/2]
Speaking on #Russian state television #Russia1, retired General and current #StateDuma deputy, #AndreyGurulyov, says “not one normal member of the military would go for” capturing the #SuwalkiGap with “#NATO forces” on “both sides.” He proposes instead a corridor “from... [1/2]
Read 14 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
1. Some rambling thoughts that occur to me as I ponder the #UkraineCrisis: A Geopolitical Tweet Thread of Uncertain Proportions.

I really fail to understand the number of people I see actually defending #Russia re: #Ukraine.
2. #Russia has security concerns. I agree. History and geography necessitates they are going to be wary of being attacked, particularly across the North European Plain.
3. But if you want to keep your neighbors out of a rival alliance, invading, seizing territories, ignoring security guarantees previously given, interfering with their internal affairs, and massing hundreds of thousands of troops on their borders doesn't seem like the best method
Read 24 tweets

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