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Sep 1st 2020
We will be stuck with Trump amd his cozy band of corrupt players for YEARS. May the public officials charged with prosecuting corruption be ready for the marathon.…
Jason Miller was the chief spokesman for the Trump 2016 presidential campaign. The 2020 campaign re-hired him in June. Bannon’s tentacles were never really cut. Image
And it’s not legal to mask payments to campaign staff. In case you wondered. #TrumpCorruption… Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
So the long anticipated and much hyped Senate Intel Cmte Volume 5 is out.

I am starting with the recommendations.…

This part is interesting:

One of the ways foreign actors influenced the election was through “a private entity intertwined with the structures of democracy.”


This has to do with Flynn, who lied to the FBI about subverting the acting President’s foreign policy, which he also did not take notes about because he knew what he was doing was problematic.


Read 256 tweets
Jan 10th 2020
Where are we?

1. Trump is impeached.

2. He just announced that he can do ANYTHING he wants without consulting Congress. He can ignore a subpoena and any US laws.

3. He just said he can commit troops to any assassination or act of war WITHOUT consulting or notifying Congress.
Where are we? <continued>

4. Trump is quietly gutting tax law while Americans are distracted, simultaneously bankrupting the country and setting up the #oligarchy !

5. Trump is creating one of the largest deficits and adding many trillions of dollars to the national debt.
Where are we? <continued>

6. Trump's war on science continues (more ignorance) ... especially attacks on #ClimateAction attempts, almost as if he's trying to accelerate #GlobalWarming !

7. Trump lies about protecting the environment, simultaneously removing all protection.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
Top political recipients of cash from the for-profit prison industry ... who's making $$$ from putting babies in cages?

- Henry Cuellar: $146,740
- Bob Corker: $101,858
- Marsha Blackburn: $101,250
- Marco Rubio: $92,050
- Charlie Crist: $86,450
- Mitch McConnell: $84,900
Huge corporations making millions in profit per day off of the cruelty in Trump's immigration policy.

Lots of money for political bribes and other #TrumpCorruption funding.

#WhereAreTheGirls ?

For your researching pleasure.
Even if the Republicans in charge of this mass incarceration scam are NOT engaged in #ChildTrafficking ... the obscene profits and corruption must be criminal and indictable.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 8th 2019
Castigate… vilify… demonize… then dehumanize! We have your political playbook, Donald Trump, and it reads like a page out of another fascist leader's in modern history.
#ProtectImmigrants #WeAreHumans
Like Benito Mussolini, your weaponizing of language is not merely a metaphor but a calculated attempt to reframe an issue-immigration-while ramping up fear, manipulating perceptions, broadcasting, and then unleashing a crisis to justify extreme and inhumane border policies.
But, we also hear the mania and desperation in your demagoguery. Jumping from subject-to-subject without a definitive line of logic or consistency in policy and actions, your malignant gibberish is infused with a daily fusillade of attacks, bullying and tedious tweets.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 16th 2019
(THREAD) Donald Trump promised he'd put #AmericaFirst. The past 2 years have proven that his agenda is #MeFirst. Rather than #DrainTheSwamp, he filled his cabinet with elitist & grifting billionaires who have capitalized on their office at taxpayer expense. #TrumpCorruption
No one has profited more from the Trump Administration than the Trump Family. In violation of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, Trump retains ownership interests in his family business while he's in office. This is unprecedented. #AmericaFirst
When Jimmy Carter won the Presidency, he sold his family peanut farm in order to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest. Every modern President has put their assets in a blind trust - every President except for Trump. #AmericaFirst
Read 20 tweets
Nov 3rd 2018
@realDonaldTrump 1) Oh yeah, only a monster would try to rewrite his father's will when he was sick.
President Trump received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges dubious tax schemes including instances of outright fraud.
@realDonaldTrump 2) The Times documented 295 streams of revenue that Fred Trump created over five decades to enrich his son. Over time, as Donald Trump careened from one financial disaster to the next, his father found ways to give him substantially more money, records show.
@realDonaldTrump 3) In 1990, according to previously secret depositions, Mr. Trump tried to have his father’s will rewritten in a way that Fred Trump, alarmed and angered, feared could result in his empire’s being used to bail out his son’s failing businesses.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 13th 2018
1/ In 1993 the US and North Korea agreed to support a 1992 joint agreement between NK and SK. I’ve attached the points in that agreement and the points in the Trump/Kim Jong Un agreement for comparison. It’s pretty easy to figure out which is which.
2/ Trump’s toothless agreement along with his offer to end joint military exercises with SK set a disastrous precedent for future negations, and play into China’s and Russia’s hands.
3/ Here’s the full text of the Trump/Kim Jong Un agreement.…
Read 9 tweets
May 18th 2018
Lets try something. Lets take ALL the stories about #TrumpCorruption that've been lost in the chaos. Stories that haven't gotten enough exposure. Stories that on their own would have toppled any other WH but get lost in the craziness of Trump. Lets put them together. I'll start..
#DidYouKnow Ivanka Trump's been subpoenaed by the Commercial Bank of Dubai for an alleged scheme to help a Dubai Oil family fraudulently HIDE $100M by buying diamonds through Ivanka's Jewelry line? And the guy she partnered w/ has a criminal history AND introduced her to Jared?
Did I miss it? Did I blink? Has this Ivanka story been talked about? These kinds of stories are getting buried. The story itself is only half the story. COLLECTIVELY how many corrupt & criminal ties have been linked DIRECTLY to Trump is the bigger story. Here's another one...
Read 16 tweets

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