-Kushner's family tried & FAILED to get $500M dollars from Qatar.
-After the denial, Kushner led a WH initiative resulting in a blockade of Qatar.
-Since the Blockade Qatar bought a Trump Apt & NOW Qatar's giving Kushner the cash
-Suddenly Trump sees Qatar as an Ally

Jan '18 Trump Tower NYC: Roof Fire
April '18 Trump Tower NYC: Art Dealer apt Fire
April '18 Trump Tower Baku Fire 1st fire
April '18 Trump Tower Baku 2nd Fire same day
Dec '17 Ivanka's biz partner's house - Arson suspected

It also links to a prior thread I did on the Trump Fires.
DM me for links to other past threads on the fires or Cohen
Trump said Bayrock (& Felix Sater) approached him about the deal
Another tie from Trump to Corruption & the Russians?

But #DidYouKnow at least 15 out of 27 of Trump's 'License' Deals are linked to CORRUPTION & foreign govts?

She's been under investigation for Trump Soho & now the Vancouver Deal.
In interviews on Trumps potentially corrupt projects, principals typically say she's very involved

Coincidentally 2 of Stormy's Campaign advisors both had suspicious fires ON THE SAME NIGHT. Was this the work of the Fixer?

RT & Add #TrumpCorruption stories
We need to expose & TALK about Trumps criminal ties BEFORE midterms so EVERY person who votes understands
A VOTE for GOP is a VOTE for CORRUPTION & keeps Trump in office
Corruption's currently winning & we must overwhelm the polls to make a change
GOP don't fight fair so this election will be hard
Lets be LOUD w/ the truth & stop the spin