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Alison Greene @GrassrootsSpeak
7 years ago, 16 tweets, 13 min read Read on Twitter
Lets try something. Lets take ALL the stories about #TrumpCorruption that've been lost in the chaos. Stories that haven't gotten enough exposure. Stories that on their own would have toppled any other WH but get lost in the craziness of Trump. Lets put them together. I'll start..
#DidYouKnow Ivanka Trump's been subpoenaed by the Commercial Bank of Dubai for an alleged scheme to help a Dubai Oil family fraudulently HIDE $100M by buying diamonds through Ivanka's Jewelry line? And the guy she partnered w/ has a criminal history AND introduced her to Jared?
Did I miss it? Did I blink? Has this Ivanka story been talked about? These kinds of stories are getting buried. The story itself is only half the story. COLLECTIVELY how many corrupt & criminal ties have been linked DIRECTLY to Trump is the bigger story. Here's another one...
-Kushner's family tried & FAILED to get $500M dollars from Qatar.
-After the denial, Kushner led a WH initiative resulting in a blockade of Qatar.
-Since the Blockade Qatar bought a Trump Apt & NOW Qatar's giving Kushner the cash
-Suddenly Trump sees Qatar as an Ally
#DidYouKnow Federal Investigators suspect Michael Cohen got his job w/ Trump in 2007 as a favor to Cohens Father-In-Law who was convicted of Money Laundering in 1993. Federal Investigators suspect the Father-in-Law was a Trump silent partner & perhaps funneling Russian💰 to him
#DidYouKnow there are at least FIVE Trump related FIRES

Jan '18 Trump Tower NYC: Roof Fire
April '18 Trump Tower NYC: Art Dealer apt Fire
April '18 Trump Tower Baku Fire 1st fire
April '18 Trump Tower Baku 2nd Fire same day
Dec '17 Ivanka's biz partner's house - Arson suspected
Here's a link to a great thread by @gregolear delving into whether Cohen's a Trump loyalist or maybe he's more of a Russia loyalist?
It also links to a prior thread I did on the Trump Fires.
DM me for links to other past threads on the fires or Cohen

#DidYouKnow the prior Finance Director of Bayrock, a partner on the Trump Soho project said the bldg was "a monument to spectacularly corrupt money laundering"
Trump said Bayrock (& Felix Sater) approached him about the deal
Another tie from Trump to Corruption & the Russians?
We know China's Govt donated $500M to Trumps Indonesian project & Trump suddenly tries to SAVE a sanctions busting Chinese biz who US intelligence community says is spying
But #DidYouKnow at least 15 out of 27 of Trump's 'License' Deals are linked to CORRUPTION & foreign govts?
#DidYouKnow Ivanka was directly involved w/ some of the most corrupt licensing projects in Trump's portfolio?
She's been under investigation for Trump Soho & now the Vancouver Deal.
In interviews on Trumps potentially corrupt projects, principals typically say she's very involved
#DidYouKnow that in '09, AFTER Stormy Daniels slept w/ Trump, & while Cohen was working for Trump, Stormy ALMOST ran for Senate?
Coincidentally 2 of Stormy's Campaign advisors both had suspicious fires ON THE SAME NIGHT. Was this the work of the Fixer?

#DidYouKnow that AFTER the FBI Raid Michael Cohen put his Trump Park Ave apt up as collateral for a big loan w/ Sterling National Bank related to his taxi biz? With news of significant deposits into Michael Cohens secret bank accounts why does it appear he can't pay his debts??
How many stories there are relating to #TrumpCrimeFamily is the bigger story
RT & Add #TrumpCorruption stories
We need to expose & TALK about Trumps criminal ties BEFORE midterms so EVERY person who votes understands
A VOTE for GOP is a VOTE for CORRUPTION & keeps Trump in office
We've got to make the Mid-Terms about more then BLUE its about
Corruption's currently winning & we must overwhelm the polls to make a change
GOP don't fight fair so this election will be hard
Lets be LOUD w/ the truth & stop the spin
Adding another....

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