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Dec 28th 2022
Überblick über die bisherigen Auswirkungen der 🇷🇺🗑️Sanktionen: Von wegen Sanktionen wirken nicht.
1. In 🇷🇺wurde ein historischer Rekord an Währungs- und Rohstoffverlusten aufgestellt👇🧵
#RussiaIsANaziState #PutinWarCriminal #RussiaIsLosing #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussianBankRun
1/1 Die Ausfuhr von Rohstoffen aus der Russischen Föderation im Jahr 2022 überstieg die Einfuhr um mehr als 250 Milliarden Dollar. Neben der nicht kompensierten Ausfuhr von Rohstoffen hat #Russland weiter verloren. 2. 300 Milliarden Dollar in Form von beschlagnahmten oder
2/1 eingefrorenen staatlichen Reserven und Vermögenswerten und hatte die größten wirtschaftlichen Verluste zu verzeichnen. Unter Berücksichtigung der anormalen Rabatte auf russische Exportgüter beliefen sich die Verluste auf mehr als 550 Milliarden Dollar.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
Yes, millions of #Russians will die, alas, but the world as a whole will be saved.

Next, all of #NATO's conventional power would come crashing down on Russia.

Carpet bombing of army positions, Global Prompt Strike on decision-making centers, anti-radar long-range missiles Image
on air defense.

The Russian #AirForce will be destroyed in the first minutes for the most part, and those fleets that get in the air will be destroyed by F-22s and F-35s.

The B2s will fly to the #Urals and launch bunker strikes on #Yamantau and other safe havens.
All Russian #leadership bunkers will be destroyed in the first 5 hours.

Next, the B52s will carpet bomb the Russian army in #Ukraine and #Russia. Hundreds of thousands of bombs will scorch the entire Russian army left unprotected by air defense and air forces.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
@Josh_Young_1 @sohaibab9 @SHOPGod2 This is a great article to contextualize the Russian oil (formerly) imported into the USA and why. Plus a thread with some of my own research (copy/paste) from a crude assay database available to me thru my day job (1/x)…
(2/x) The key for the United States is that we were using M-100 fuel oil to replace the heavy sour oil we were importing from Venezuela before those sanctions kicked in. M-100 is really just atmospheric resid from an atmospheric crude distillation unit (aka "topped crude") Image
(3/x) I know from first hand knowledge (detailed refinery tour I took several years back) that the refinery in Sweeny Texas built a Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) specifically designed to run Venezuelan crude (vacuum resid feed from the CDU/VDU in Sweeny) on a long-term contract basis.
Read 26 tweets

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