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Aug 25th 2021
Had the privilege of reading #WeCanDoBetter by Dr. David Goldbloom (son of Dr. Richard Goldbloom). The last chapter on #mentahealth and #homelessness should be mandatory reading @MikeSavageHFX and @nspc @TimHoustonNS. Here’s the synopsis is (thread):
200,000 people in Canada are estimated to be homeless. More than the entire population of St. John’s NFLD.

Cost per person living with mental illness (excluding medications) who are homeless: $56,000.

Homelessness is an expensive issue.
Shelters and food banks, while important, do not deal with the upstream and downstream causes of homelessness. For a country that prides itself on social welfare and universal health, we are doing in inadequate job of taking care of our most vulnerable people.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
Regarding UA’s renaming of Nott Hall today, my Dad, Judge John Henry England Jr., got to read the resolution. He chairs the University’s renaming committee that will continue this work. His quote from today’s meeting is perfect and perfectly summed up why today was necessary.
“Our group found that Josiah Nott, who supported slavery, misused medical evidence to argue that non-white races were inferior and that my ancestors, like scores of others, were destined for destruction,” said England, who is Black.

“Of course,” he continued, “I’m still here.”
I am proud that the University of Alabama is working to remove these vestiges of racism from campus. Other institutions in Alabama and the State of Alabama overall must do the same. We can no longer allow Alabama to be a respite for racists. #GoodTrouble #RollTide #wecandobetter
Read 3 tweets
May 30th 2020
I am a macroeconomist who uses lynching in economic analysis & was a student of George Akerlof, Barry Eichengreen, David Romer & Paul Romer.

When I taught at Harvard, I taught 2 fundamental equations for economic analysis:

Y = C + I + G + (X-M) (1) and

Y = F(K, L, A) (2). 1/N
I use “human capital” to explain models that got macro to the endogenous-growth equation, Eq. (2). I also teach how slaveowners & Confederates tried to extract "disembodied human capital" from enslaved persons by giving them the right to patent prior to emancipation. 2/N
As @trevondlogan knows, I spent 10 years trying to get my paper on lynching & economic activity published in econ journals (thx JEG!). Spent most time educating referees/fellow economists on US history. Main, persistent questions/comments:

1) What is a former slave? 3/N
Read 27 tweets
Jan 22nd 2020
A diversity website w/DEI mission & goals, fully populated committee, & plans for or initiated programming are something, but I'd feel infinitely better knowing those in charge had an equity reading list & reflection plan.
What would you recommend for a robust #EquityReadingList?
I'll start:
@SaraNAhmed's "On Being Included"
DEI #EquityReadingList #DEIReadingList
Read 16 tweets
Jul 29th 2019
AATIP or the "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" is on the look out for hostile ET's ya'll!

#TTSA #Nope #WeCanDoBetter Image
While #ET's certainly exist it is unreasonable to take a public position that states they are threatening or positive. Et's, or inter-dimensionals are most certainly both and in reality it is up to us what we invite.

#Disclosure #fulldisclosure Image
The quality of inter-dimensional ET we come in contact with is actually a mirror of our own society, That is how portals work, they are rooted in the collective mental and emotional energy of the planet.

#Starseed #Portals #Consciousness ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
@howiepask @KurtLass1 @ahhite @mrc314 @rosestant70 @Meter_Says_No @DiscoStew66 @LouiseStephen9 @BelindaFettke @FructoseNo @DAA_feed We’re all on the same page with seeking a better outcome for food-health-environment & to halt or reverse statistics of FRCD.

The debate (and criticism) is on how we get there, and who decides.

What we’ve been doing hasn’t worked. Here we are with same options put up
@howiepask @KurtLass1 @ahhite @mrc314 @rosestant70 @Meter_Says_No @DiscoStew66 @LouiseStephen9 @BelindaFettke @FructoseNo @DAA_feed Here’s why people are asking for more from our leadership...

Oh hang on...I’m on basketball pick up duty


@howiepask @KurtLass1 @ahhite @mrc314 @rosestant70 @Meter_Says_No @DiscoStew66 @LouiseStephen9 @BelindaFettke @FructoseNo @DAA_feed I'm just going to say stuff now that may not get the diplomacy award, nor the beautiful writing award....please find some tolerance for this because #WeCanDoBetter...

All are welcome to chime in...
Read 17 tweets

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