Omar Degan Profile picture
Pan-African Architect | Fragility and Emergency| @Tedx speaker | Principal of DOArchitectureGroup | Obama Africa Leader @ObamaFoundation

Jan 8, 2021, 80 tweets


In Africa there are 54 countries , each one of them with unique architecture and design that represent the cultural identity and history of the people.

54 days , 54 projects one for every African nation .

I’ll start with Morocco I’ll ended in western sahara.


Day 1.

Morocco .

This 18th-Century Home renovated in the historical center of Essaouira it is an incredible example of traditional Moroccan architecture .

A traditional house renovated and decorated with a contemporary touch.

Between tradition and modernity.

Designed by the French painter Jacques Majorelle the garden was created over the course of forty years, and consists of a labyrinth of crisscrossing alleyways on different levels and boldly-coloured buildings that blend both Art Deco and Moorish influences.

An hidden beauty

The Ksar of Aït-Ben-Haddou is a striking example of southern Moroccan architecture.
The ksar is a mainly collective grouping of dwellings coming together.
It is a beautiful example pre-Saharan earthen construction techniques and it is also a world heritage UNESCO site.

Day 2


The M’Zab Valley situated in the Ghardaïa Province is made up of five Mozabite towns: Ghardaïa, Melika, Beni Isguen, Bounoura and El Atteuf.

Each citadel has a fortress-like mosque, whose minaret served as a watchtower and surrounded by Berber style houses.

Day 2


This tourist complex was designed by the architect Fernand Pouillon, designed following the principals of the traditional Algerian architecture and his personal experience with the social housing this complex located in Zeralda it’s unique.

Day 2


Djamaa el Djazaïr also known as the Great Mosque of Algeria It houses the world's tallest minaret and is the third-largest mosque in the world after the Great Mosque of Mecca and Al-Masjid an-Nabawi of Medina in Saudi Arabia

Day 3


Tataouine is a city in southern Tunisia famous for its cave dwellings" of the native Berber population, designed for coolness and protection. This city was also the set of Star Wars, an incredible and very unique example of vernacular architecture .

Day 3


Djerba’s highly distinctive fortress architecture reflects the island’s long history as a stronghold of the fiercely autonomous Ibadi sect.The constant fear of attack encouraged the development of a bunker mentality, that emerge the design of the structures

Day 4


Ghadames is an oasis Berber town in Tripolitania.Characterized by a vertical division of functions: the ground floor used as a storage; then another floor for the family, overhanging covered alleys that create what is almost an underground network of passageways.

Day 4


Ksar Lalot is a fortified granary, located in Nalut, Like other ksars created by North African Berber communities, it is located on a hilltop to help protect it from raiding parties. It was built around 11th century and it is and example of vernacular fortress

Day 5


Designed by a pioneer of sustainable architecture, Hassan Fathy, the village of New Gourna in Luxor, was commissioned by the Egyptian Department of Antiquities in 1945.

The goal was to use local materials and techniques to relocate Old Gourna.

Day 6

#Sudan #SouthSudan

The old,beautiful mosque sits at the base of the Taka Mountains and is the most important centre for the Khatmiyya Sufi tariqa in Sudan.The mosque is of plain brick, with a pointed octagonal minaret.The prayer hall is open,with its arcades of columns

Day 6

#sudan #SouthSudan

The Toposa tribe , is a pastoral ethnic group of South Sudan in their history they used to trade ivory.
Their traditional way of building their homes it’s very interesting especially because they are solving some major issue like natural ventilation

Day 6

#sudan #SouthSudan

A collection of colorful and incredibly decorated doors from Sudan . All these doors are hand made by the community!

Day 7


#Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, is a unique mishmash of Art Deco architecture, vintage barber shops and age-old Orthodox churches.There are around 400 Art Deco and modernist buildings all over the capital city. Asmara city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Day 7


The 15th century Sheikh Hanafi Mosque stands on Piazza degli Incendi in the center of the old city of Massawa, Eritrea. The mosque was rebuilt after a fire in 1885, and again recently. It’s just an example of the beautiful architecture that Eritrea offers .

Day 8


The Church of Saint George is one of eleven rock-hewn monolithic churches in Lalibela was carved downwards from a type of volcanic tuff. This is the sole architectural material that was used in the structure. It has been dated to the late 12th/13th century

Day 8


Abuna Yemata Guh is a monolithic church located in the Hawzen woreda of Ethiopia. It is situated at a height of 2,580 metres (8,460 ft) and has to be climbed on foot to reach. It is notable for its dome and wall paintings dating back to the 5th century.

Day 8


The Fasil Ghebbi is a fortress located in Gondar It was founded in the 17th century by Emperor Fasilides and was the home of Ethiopian emperors. Its unique architecture shows diverse influences including Nubian styles.

This is another world heritage site .

Day 9


SOS Children's Village In Djibouti is probably one of the most beautiful contemporary architecture project of east africa. The space was designed in 2014 and it is a beautiful place for women and children. A sustainable and peaceful environment within djibouti.

Day 9


The mosque was built in 1901 by Haji Hamoudi. It is among the older standing masjids in the capital city and can host around 1000 worshippers .

Day 9


A collection of pics of Djibouti City to conclude the day 9 of this journey .

Day 10


The traditional Somali Aqal is the representation of the Somali culture . Built by the Somali women the aqal is the portable house that bring with it technology , sustainability and a precious understanding of the climate.

Architecture and cultural identity.

Day 10


The historical city center of Mogadishu tells the whole story of the nation , from the sultanate of Zanzibar , to the Arabs to the Italians , till the indipendence. A beautiful part of the city with a diffuse heritage that tells a very ancient story.

Day 10


Eyl is an ancient part in the northeastern part of Somalia . It serves as an ancient port and was part of a trade route between East and west.
The city boast a beautiful ancient castle that was the bastion for the Dervish forces that fought the colonizers .

Day 11


Lamu Old Town is the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. Built in coral stone and mangrove timber, the town is characterized by houses that features inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborately carved wooden doors.

Day 11


The Mombasa Old Town is an area of Mombasa situated on the south-east side of Mombasa Island, the Old Town covers an area of 72 hectares and is inhabited by a mix of local, Arab, Asian, Portuguese and British settlers.

Its architecture it’s unique

Day 12


This primary school designed in rural Uganda takes under consideration not only the local crafts but is a school that provide a great climate comfort using the main principals of cross ventilation and reflections. The material used are locally made too.

Day 12


This community meeting space is inspired by the traditional forest dwelling of the Batwa which is a light-weight dome made of bent branches covered by grass. The building is made of eucalyptus poles painted with recycled engine oil.
Simply vernacular modernism

Day 12


The National Theatre in Uganda is the main component of the Uganda National Cultural Centre.The main facade is an elegantly curved lattice of prefabricated concrete rings, keeping with the principles of tropical modernism, the building is naturally ventilated

Day 13


RuhehePrimary School is a public school that serves 1,120 students This project aims to prove that design interventions across a school campus can improve learner outcomes, increase satisfaction among students and teachers,and increase student retention rates.

Day 13


Located next to the 110-bed Rwinkwavu Hospital on a steep hill, the Partners in Health Housing is meant to create a community space for those working in the facility, and ultimately to help improve healthcare standards in an underserved part of the country.

Day 14


Bujumbura International Airport is the main and only international airport.the building has six large hut-looking towers, three located at the entrance of the airport one in the middle and two that lead to the runway.

A good example of vernacular re-design

Day 14


The library located in rural Burundi, is part of a future inclusive school for deaf children, in locally sourced compressed earth blocks, built with a participatory approach. The building was designed after a deep study of the local vernacular architecture .

Day 15


Kariakoo Market is a large covered market in Dar es Salaam. The building is not only a great example of brutalist architecture but also an example of sustainable design. The tree-shaped roof and column allow rainwater to be caught and captured in water tanks.

Day 15


Designed as a home for 25 children, tEconef Children's Center was created for children.The children's centre has solar panels to create electricity, rainwater harvesting systems to collect water and a biogas plant to produce cooking gas for use in the kitchen

Day 16


Moroni is the largest city in the the Union of the Comoros. The city of Moroni was founded in the 10th century and it has in the historical part the typical urban fabric of the Arabic settlements , with buildings that date back to the first Arab settlemtent.

Day 17


Located near the island of Mahe and overlooking the Indian Ocean this resort is designed to be in armory with the environment using traditional covers for the roofs and providing buildings designed to offer climate comfort during the whole year.

Day 18


Very colorful the Tamil temples display a profusion of frescos, statues and decorations. The Tamil Mauritians are the descendants of Tamil people who migrated from South India to the island of Mauritius.

Day 18


Located in the heart of the capital city of Mauritius,the Port Louis Theatre was one of the first theatres built in Mauritius and remains one of the oldest theatres in the Southern Hemisphere.The theater closed its doors in 2008 for some needed renovation.

Day 19


This beautiful house follows the principles of tropical architecture and a smart use of local materials. Designed to provide not only common areas and open spaces but especially to support the natural ventilation of the areas and shades from the hot sun.

Day 19


This orphanage is built with simple materials but designed to provide climate comfort.The Children’s home is composed by a slab hosting two dormitories for males and females equipped with toilet facilities, nurse’s rooms, infirmary, and kitchen.

Day 20


This beautiful house on the coast of Mozambique it’s a sustainable oasis.The roof lines were inspired both by the organic shell forms of the marine environment but also by the ubiquitous dhow sails seen all over the Quirimbas on the local fishing vessels.

Day 20


Girl move is an education model that aim to empower women in vulnerable contexts. Beyond functionality, the building aim to inspire others, providing a new reference: innovation, sustainability and valuing local resources and knowledge.

Social architecture

Day 21


This Maternity Waiting village plan borrowed design cues from the vernacular layout of Malawian villages, where family compounds are composed of several small buildings housing branches of an immediate family. It is designed to encourage human relationships.

Day 21


This is a HIV training facility . The spaces are very peaceful, well designed with an eye on the social interactions and climate comfort of the geographical area. The simple materials are used to provide not only physical but also mental peace.

Day 22


The kindergarten is part of a Permaculture-Education-Centre in Zimbabwe.Founded on a stone base, timber was chosen for the main structure, as Zimbabwe is known for its forestry and the community supports tree plantation.Contemporary vernacular architecture

Day 22


The Eastgate Centre in Harare, typifies the best of green architecture and ecologically sensitive adaptation. has no conventional air-conditioning or heating, yet stays regulated year round with a design inspired by indigenous mounds of African termites!

Day 23


This chapel in South Africa is a beautiful object that stand like a sculpture.The surface of the cast-concrete roof rises and falls to create a sinuous outline around all four facades.

Day 23


The building was designed to provide a multi-functional space for community-driven initiatives in Langbos. Superadobe is a simple building method that uses local soil mixed with a small amount of cement to build elegant and strong dome structures.

Day 24


This innovation hub and HIV research laboratory is incredible , sustainable and green to embrace the climate of the region.The cultural significance of the dune and delta to Botswana have been embraced in the design of the building creating an unique shape.

Day 24


The African armadillo influenced the curved, scale-covered form of this boutique safari lodge .The curving form of the main building – created by giant laminated pine beams – is covered in cedar shingles, which look like the scales of a native small mammal.

Day 24


These beautiful buildings are designed following the principals of local vernacular architecture The shapes of the surrounding mountains,the texture of the materials, the layers of rock and the colours of the site were all taken into consideration .Sustainable

Day 24


This building tried to incorporate simple technology with accurate eye to the details that allows the visitor to enjoy the space as a part of the landscapeA farm gate set in a red earth wall introduces the visitor to the unique character of this hunting farm.

Day 25


The design takes from the local vernacular, using materials all sourced within 2 hours of the site and wraps around the existing classrooms to create a large central courtyard within the school.Each block of two classrooms is offset to create a layered facade.

Day 25


The Mwabwindo School serves primary students in southern Zambia, located in a rural area where travel distance to school is one of the biggest impediments to quality education.The building’s design is inspired by the singular trees on the surrounding savanna.

Day 26


The canopies extend between buildings, covering an elevated walkway system interconnecting the facilities within each college. In addition to screening the tropical sun, the canopy's innovative design encourages air movement around campus buildings.

Day 26


The fanfold facades are consequence of the overlapping and physicality of the reinforced concrete. Each module is highlighted by the different angulations of its façade that give an autonomous expression to the building in relation to the new neighboring area.

Day 27


New National Museum of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is created to preserve national heritage and to promote its values. it is a facility that integrate the past, present and future with a symbolic structure with cultural and educational purposes.

Day 27


The construction of this school in rural Congo employed custom shingles, mud bricks, and beams made exclusively from local materials harvested on and around the site. The school’s play equipment is also made from local materials using local techniques.

Day 28


The presidential palace is probably the most controversial and unique project of the nation . A huge building that took around 6 years to be completed and that costed million of dollars. a pure symbol of power.
Despite this the project is astonishing.

Day 29


The SIPOPO Congress Center is rectangular  two-storey block nested in a semi-transparent metal envelop as a shield protecting from strong lights which create an implication of security, protecting the interiors from the sun.

Day 30


Under construction Warka Village is an integrated space for the Pygmy community. Constructed using only natural materials and ancient local construction techniques aspires to transform the landscape of comprehensive human development in harmony with nature.

Day 31


São Tomé is an absolute paradise on earth . A beautiful island not far from Cameroon and Gabon with an incredible landscape . Absolutely breathtaking. The architecture of the island is a mixture of vernacular and Portuguese design .

Day 32


Dominican Chapel is located in a hill of Ibadan with slight incline and it is surrounded with green lawns. semi circle underlines the transition and the movement in the complex and there is also a central axis with entrance doors and two graden pools .

Day 32


The architecture of the Hausa people it’s absolutely stunning. Handcrafted, and locally made.
Beautiful , sustainable and unique .

Day 34


N'Djamena Grand Mosque is one of the main landmark of the capital city of chad . It is a huge building with a big influence of modernism in it .

Day 35


The project is committed by the Chinese and Niger governments, aiming to build a large scale general public hospital together in order to improve and upgrade the local medical facilities. The project despite the foreign nature of it it fit very well the area.

Day 35


The project is a culture and education hub where the secular and religious peacefully co-exist to cultivate minds and strengthen the community.

Day 36


This residential complex aim not only to provide a modern compound , but also a space that aim to introduce the main principals of sustainability while reinterpreting the African identity, in a contemporary and elegant style.

Day 36


The Palais de Lomé, completed in 1905 have been under a massive renovation that brought back to the present a beautiful piece of architecture .It is a space open to the public that and host an exhibition space that display Togolese art and culture.

Day 37


The Ghana National comprises 1500 seats in its auditorium, an exhibition hall, a rehearsal hall, and an open-air theater. The design of the structure was inspired by the local Traditions and culture through the use of statue and local materials and craft.

Day 37


This library, built with local materials such as earth and wood. The budget for this rural library was built with the very little budget of 9000USD . The library provide a well needed service and despite all the building is beautiful and well designed.

Day 38


The CBF Women's Health Centre in Burkina Faso it one of those projects that literally created an impact within the community. It is a space for the women that provide educational services, information and awareness about sexual and reproductive rights.

Day 38


A simple sustainable school . A space for learning and for community engagement , an architecture that moved the people . Simple materials , natural air and ventilation supported by simple and yet very efficient techniques of sustainable design.

Day 39


La Pyramide is a high-rise building located in Abidjan, the Construction of began in 1968 and was completed in 1973. It was designed with the idea to capture the activity of an African market in an urban setting and it became a symbol of the city.

Day 39


This church , very unconventionally built represent an interesting way of designing a space . The roof support the movement of the air provide an escape for the hit to the top of the space and allowing the fresh air to get in. Simple materials, great space

Day 40


Popularly known as Africas first luxurious hotel, the Ducor Palace hotel was built in 1960 as a way of opening the country up to more tourism opportunities.It had more than a 100 rooms, a swimming pool and restaurants with chefs from around the world.

Day 41


No matter where you are and the limited resources that you may have . Good architecture is always possible and can change the life of the communities in need , like in the case of this rural school for young girls , a place for growth and happiness.

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