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Journalist/Documentary maker. Ukraine specialist. Data expert (inc. Covid-19). Media trainer. Sports commentator. Buy me a coffee? https://t.co/MLLqpHi3vV

Aug 8, 2022, 40 tweets

Day 166 of #Russia's war of choice. Yep, the monster in the Kremlin chose to start a needless, full-scale invasion of #Ukraine. Welcome to the daily thread for all the news

Sunday was quiet until an explosive evening - if you missed it, click here:

The "underhand" tactics of #Russia exposed today by British Intelligence

#StopRussiaNOW #StandWithUkraine

Let's look at the daily figures from #Ukraine, estimating #Russia's total losses in #PutinsWar.

Relatively high numbers across in many categories.

#StopRussiaNOW #StandWithUkraine

In #Finland they've removed a monument to peace "given" by the Soviet Union (seen on Telegram)

Good to see de-Russification starting to happen in all civilised countries now.


Thankfully @CBSNews saw the error of its ways and took down a completely misleading story alleging weapons from the west were "going missing" in #Ukraine.

The @amnesty report remains up though, with ever stronger calls for a retraction and root and branch reform of the NGO.

#Russia claims only "builders' equipment was damaged after last night's strikes on the Antonivskyi Bridge in #Kherson.

The occupiers report "the resumption of traffic is postponed" but they claim no further damage to the bridge itself!


The Antonivskyi Bridge was just one of numerous targets hit across occupied #Kherson during the night.

They also damaged the #Kakhovka bridge near the Hydro-Electric plant in the east of the region.

#Ukraine's Southern Command also reports destroying "several enemy bases"

Meanwhile in #Melitopol' locals reported "at least 16 explosions"

The exiled mayor reports 100+ Russian troops are dead, a lot of equipment damaged by the air strikes. Ivan Fedorov says last week Occupiers moved air defences from the town to Kherson, leaving them open to attack.

An aircraft has reportedly been shot down in #Sumy region, but a couple of kilometres from the border with #Russia.

So far neither side has claimed a strike nor admitted a loss. Cannot tell what type of craft it is either from this video. Time stamp checks out.


#Russia's Prosecutor General has "found that members of #Azov kill children"

That's about the best they can spin for the domestic audience after a pretty disastrous night for the war (not war) effort in #Ukraine!

The @UN boss @antonioguterres has called for #Russia to allow inspectors to visit the #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in #Enerhodar.

Both sides accuse the other of shelling there, but leaked video proved Russia has moved heavy weaponry into the plant.


#Bulgaria says it is still allowing Russian tourists to visit after all. However there are more stringent criteria and checks being applied, the Bulgarian embassy in Moscow reported.

Upper floors of the Donbass Hotel in #Svitlodarsk in #Donetsk region have been demolished and the attached restaurant is destroyed.

Russia is blaming #Ukraine but at first sight it looks like a misdirected missile, probably from the south, controlled by Russians.


#Kharkiv was badly shelled again last night and already this morning the Russian are back attacking #Ukraine's second city.

One person reportedly killed on Pavlovo Pole

#Kharkov #StandWithUkraine

More smoke and explosions in occupied #Kherson in the last hour.

In #Kakhovka plumes of smoke, and a little further south, this in #NovayaMayachka. Locals say the forest is burning, but not known if "Orcs" were hiding there.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia

Two civilians in #Uman were injured when air defences shot down a Russian missile.

#Ukraine authorities report the missile hit infrastructure causing the injuries and a subsequent fire.


#Russia's officials and collaborators in the occupied part of #Zaporizhzhia have signed a decree on holding a referendum to join the Russian Federation.

All such votes are of course illegal and (war) crimes in themselves.

#StopRussianAggression #SaveUkraine

Just the four new craters left on the Antonivskyi Bridge in #Kherson

As well as the physical damage (more than it looks) the psychological damage for Russians is much greater. They'd just been told this bridge was protected and also the #HIMARS were destroyed.

They're panicking

More scandalous revelations about @amnesty's infamous #Ukraine report.

The🇺🇦Centre for Strategic Communication & Information Security alleges witness statements came from citizens kept in prisons or filtration camps by Russia. If true, beyond words.


#Russia's new best friends are:
#NorthKorea #Iran #Myanmar

Old friends: #Syria #Belarus (ex-Independent states) and #Eritrea

Great company they keep, yeah?

The #Razoni has STILL not moved.
another 24 hours at sea, stocked with #Ukraine's corn, allegedly "awaiting instructions" after changing course from Tripoli #Lebanon.

After the assassination of a high ranking traitor in #Kherson region over the weekend, the main collaborator, Vladimir Saldo remains seriously ill in #Moscow. Although poisoning's not confirmed, #Russia admits Saldo's in the Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine

#Putin has chickened out of traveling to #NewYork for the UN General Assembly in September!

He's ordered Lavrov to lead the Russian Federation delegation.

They must be getting very short of cannon fodder, oops, recruits, in #Russia now.

They've even started advertising for "private contractors" in St Petersburg. This seen on a local bus.

#StopRussiaNOW #StandWithUkraine

Another fire in #Kharkiv, but without any apparent explosions. It could just be a fire in the forest.

#Kharkov #StopRussia

Some photos (from #Ukraine's Emergency Services) of the latest shelling in #Mykolaiv

#Russia is desperate to capture the southern port city, but no nearer doing so than Day One of the war.

#Nikolaev #RussiaIsATerroristState

In #Kherson, a cemetery is on fire.
Cause unknown

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaNOW

Occupied #Donetsk is being shelled again - but we're never sure by which side.

In the Petrovsky district, this is the scene now:

#StandWithUkraine #Donbas #Donbass

#Ukraine claims it foiled assassination attempts on the Defence Minister and Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

The SBU says Russians promised them between $100k-150k for the killings.

#Donetsk - more explosions heard in the #Kyivsky district as daylight fades away.

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine

In occupied #Kherson the Abrikosovskyi forest seems to be partially on fire.

#KhersonIsUkraine #RussiansGoHome

A sight to strike fear into the heart of the invaders in #Ukraine.

A large convoy of #HIMARS was spotted a few days ago in #Romani and only just published, presumably after safe arrival on the battlefield.

Take cover Orcs! May be another hot night in south Ukraine!

Reuters, citing a senior US official says #Russia has suffered between 70,000-80,000 casualties on the battlefield since the start of the full invasion.

That is deaths and wounded. A lot, but significantly fewer than #Ukraine's estimates.

Here is confirmation of another BILLION DOLLARS worth of aid on its way from #USA to #Ukraine.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression

#Russia says it will "temporarily" not allow USA to inspect its nuclear weapons, breaking the terms of the START Treaty.
Moscow says it's because it is "deprived of the right to inspection in the States"


Around 10 explosions reported in occupied #Melitopol tonight. The first was reported to be extremely big and led to a flurry of movement of #Russia's military in the town.

No further news since and just one video:


In occupied #Donetsk quite a bit of action.
Right now explosions heard in the #Kirovskyi district.

A little earlier this evening this "furniture" factory was hit in the Kyivsky raion.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaNOW

The @UN and @iaeaorg have still not been allowed in to occupied #Ukraine to visit the nuclear plant in #Enerhodar.
The situation is critical with rockets landing near the nuclear material and Russians seen moving tanks and weapons inside the plant itself.

Sounds like #Russia is retaliating in #Donetsk.
This was recorded recently in the occupied city.


I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this, but it would not surprise me in the least. Indeed, I think most Russians would think it was tame.

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