Had an open water swim practice planned out at 7am but weather didnt hold, so spend the morning bumming till got guilty in the afternoon & went to pool for some laps.
7 days worth of training. New week begins tmrw.

Hopefully by July/August I can figure something out, so I can start to train properly.
I'm not a very accomplished athlete, just doing to fill up time, but if u have any questions, we can share some info.
I initially didnt thought much of running. More of a ball sports kinda guy, played mostly badminton/p.pong/volleyball/football & basketball thru'out school & uni life.
Started HO & like many, didnt do any physical activities
I said to her, "Who is so crazy to run 10K non stop?"
She said, "Just run for fun". But, like everything else, I'm also competitive & didnt want to just 'run for fun'.
I completed that 10K, didnt pengsan and realised the endorphin rush is real. (but that could be from buying gadgets 😂)
This is me trying his tri-bike.

The best thing is 1 thing lead to another & I met many friends along the way who helped giving advice, bringing me to rides, etc.
It was a Putrajaya - Sepang - Tg Sepat and back route. About 120km. I nearly died. It was my first 3 digit ride.

The biggest event for a duathlon in MY is Powerman in Putrajaya. I raced it in '16 & '17. It was brilliant.
1st pic is 2016, 2nd is 2017; racing to finish line.

1st pic 2017 CompresSport HM, 2nd 2016 Std Chartered FM, @tristupe caught me at Bukit Tunku, gave me a real booster to complete it)

Last race was Std Chartered HM in 2017, after that baby out & I only sendiri syiok run myself 😂

This is a screenshot of my 2017 Powerman Duathlon training calendar. Some days, up to 2-3 sessions.
Quite tiring in between on calls too.

Eventually, the topic of triathlons came up. And as usual, I couldnt say no.
So here I am trying to learn to swim (I have zero swim experience)
Swimming is easier since the pool is just downstairs but now the other problem is bringing the bike down.
If all goes well (& if coach agrees), I might dip into a sprint triathlon this September.
We'll see how it goes 😬
Any stories of your own to share?
Dont think of exercise as a chore, u should always make it fun, workout w friends or family, join a gym/running clubs etc.
Also, dont make training the only reason to workout. Do it consistently, it's a lifestyle & it will be sustainable.