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Danielle McLean @DanielleBMcLean
6 years ago, 46 tweets, 17 min read Read on Twitter
The bus taking Standing Rock natives to the polls. First stop: Cannon Ball #ElectionDay
Now snowing in Standing Rock, where voters are being picked up #ElectionDay
Going door to door picking up Stang Rock voters in Cannon Ball. It is freezing out #ElectionDay
Off the bus to go door knocking and find Standing Rock voters. It's freezing
Standing Rock Native Naomi Folson on helping fellow tribal members vote: "To make changes for our people.. we've been silenced for too long" @4directionsvote #electionday
Standing Rock Native Julian White-Twin on helping fellow tribal members vote: Because government officials are "trying to make natives not vote anymore... To get the right people in to help us." @4directionsvote #electionday
BREAKING: hearing reports that Fort Yates polling location in Standing Rock is refusing tribal letter IDs. Heading there now. #ElectionDay @4directionsvote @thinkprogress
Background and context on the tribal paper IDs issue @thinkprogress…
UPDATE: from Western Native Voice field organizer Nicole Donaghy: there were 2 ND GOP members were urging Fort Yates county auditor not to accept tribal letter IDs. But have started accepting them. Unclear if provisional ballot votes
Additional update: they are treating paper ID ballots at Fort Yates as regular, not provisional
Perrie Schafer, chair of ND GOP district 3 at Fort Yates polls: "paper IDs is fine as long as they have the 3 main pieces of ID on it & they have to be issued by the tribe... we don't want to disenfranchise anyone."
Schafer, of ND GOP continued: "We've seen a couple people w/o IDs and turned around. That's good... My hope is they come back with IDs."
HUGE voter turnout at Fort Yates in Standing Rock. Per county auditor Barbara Hettich: 150 votes cast there so-far today. Plus 327 absentee ballots cast. There are 1,491 eligible voters. 1,257 voted in '16 election. 694 in '14 midterms #electionday
WATCHING: Hettich cont... Fort Yates in Standing Rock only has 897 ballots available. Will they run out of ballots? "I'm not sure." She added: If they run out they will make copies of the ballots and hand count them at the end of the night.
Standing Rock tribal member Raymond Black Bear on why he voted: To "hopefully get Donald Trump investigated." On voter ID law: "Some people are having trouble voting. They get confused... I came in, did my duty"
Standing Rock tribal member Dave Archambault Sr: "I vote against a bad leader (Donald Trump). No Indian Nation or tribe would think of voting for a leader that lies... on ID laws: "You just come to understand as an American Indian that the decks are stacked against ya."
Credit OJ Semans of @4directionsvote: 80- 100 Turtle Mountain Nation students marched through reservation in protest of North Dakota voter ID laws and rallying people to get out to vote. Chanted: "North Dakota, you can't do this." @thinkprogress #ElectionDay
Standing Rock tribal member Wasté Win Young-Harsche on why she voted: "So they can start the impeachment hearings on Trump" Also: "The racist Republicans are running amok and it's time to reign that in with the elections."
Line to vote at Fort Yates in Standing Rock has gotten massive
Line at Fort Yates polls now out the door. Standing Rock voter: "I've never seen anything like this." #ElectionDay
Elderly Standing Rock woman when asked where she lives by poll worker: "I live out in the country... North of 24... l
Past the casino. On the left side of the road." She had an ID allowing her to vote #ElectionDay
Watched a Spirit Lake tribal member living in Fort Yates get denied a regular ballot and given a provisional ballot instead. She had no ID and not a member of Standing Rock tribe so can't get paper tribal ID. Has to get ID later for vote to count #ElectionDay
Standing Rock tribal member & Army vet Soney Bald Eagle on why he voted: "Duty and not only that, the influence because of the attention the Native people have had on the world stage... I'm hoping this is the catalyst for the community to be more involved in situations like this"
Fort Yates poll watchers from group Election Protection: 6 people have been turned away for not having IDs b/c they were non-Standing Rock tribal members & could not get tribal IDs. At least 4 of them got provisional ballots
ALLEGED RACISM ALERT Standing Rock native Darlene Chasing Hawk: @4directionsvote bus driving people to polls stopped at Selfridge High School, a Standing Rock polling location. Group of natives walked in. White woman told her "oh your here for your TANF & SNAP"
Standing Rock native Ethan Gilbertson on voting for the first time: "I don't really like the way I'm seeing everything right now. And now I'm 18... Us younger people want to be heard... this is the only time we get a say so I thought it was important to turnout" #ElectionDay
Knocking on people's doors in Cannon Ball to get Standing Rock voters in blistering cold
FAVORITE TWEET OF NIGHT Standing Rock tribal member LaDonna Allard has been poll monitoring at Fort Yates all day. DAPL protest started in her backyard. Founded @SacredStoneCamp. She said, @johnlegend named his son Miles after her late husband
Standing Rock Native Karrie Bravebull has officially become the 500th person to vote at Fort Yates #ElectionDay
I'm back! They shut the internet off at the Fort Yates County Courthouse and had no service. Back at my hotel in Bismarck. Few more Tweets to this thread.
Also, here's a pack of buffalo I saw near the Cannonball River right outside Standing Rock, earlier #ElectionDay
Waiting on official election results. Here's what I gathered so far: Per OJ Semans at @4directionsvote: 5,070 votes were cast at Turtle Mountain Nation. Most in tribe's history #Election2018
Got some wrong information from the Fort Yates County auditor earlier. Unofficially: 812 votes cast at Standing Rock's Fort Yates polling location. More than 677 votes cast at that same precinct in 2016.
Will update in a few when results from the North Dakota Secretary of State come in #ElectionNight
But knowing that turnout at Native American tribes was massive today, here's some important reactions #ElectionNight
Sioux County Auditor Barb Hettich said she thinks "voter fraud" occurred where Standing Rock tribal members voted in two different precincts and will turn over an investigation to the State Attorney's office.... 1/3 #ElectionNight
Sioux County Auditor Barb Hettich on voter fraud accusation: "It's very political... I think the Democrats are working to make sure the Native Americans can vote b/c Native Americans 99% are Democratic voters. And they want to make sure Heidi Heitkamp defeats Kevin Cramer" 2/3
Sioux County Auditor Barb Hettich said she thinks the voter ID law is a good law and National media cares about issue for political reasons, not Natives. She said if they were, they would be concerned about homeless people in state who had no ID w/ home address and could not vote
OJ Semans of @4directionsvote on Sioux County Auditor's voter fraud allegations: “If there was voter fraud it was done by the auditor because she has intimidated and refused to follow the law." Says she is running for reelection and did not order enough ballots at the polls
Judith LeBlanc of Native Organizers Alliance of massive turnout: Credit aggressive door knocking campaign, Standing Rock tribe's ability to get new IDs for members, and will to protect their right to vote... #ElectionNight
Judith LeBlanc: Sioux tribal members on Standing Rock "believed they had the right to vote and they want to make their right count." -- They "exercised their sovereign, civil, and inherent right to vote in this historic election."
LaDonna Allard on high voter turnout at Fort Yates in Standing Rock: "I think it is amazing and it is the power for what we can do when we all work together... Just tell us no and see what happens."
Okay, to the North Dakota Secretary of State website numbers: Sioux County, where Standing Rock is located: 1,444 Ballots Cast of 2,752 Eligible Voters. -- (NOTE: County Auditor Barbara Hettich told me earlier there were 1,492 eligible voters. Not sure what's wrong)
Going to hold off until the morning to get the official numbers because I am seeing some inconsistencies between County Auditor numbers and Secretary of State.
One last quick note: According to Sec of State website: Sioux County Auditor Barbara Hettich (30.8% of vote), who made voter fraud accusations, lost her reelection bid to Cassie Lee LeCompte (68.4%) #ElectionNight
Last Tweet of night: Another video from OJ Semans of @4directionsvote of Turtle Mountain Nation students protesting North Dakota's voter ID laws today #electionnight
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