Is 'God' Morally Perfect?…

IF you have reason to think
(1) God is a perfect Being, that is, God is God, and
(2) The Bible is the revealed word of God,
(3) Any claim that God is a morally bad actor is false, a priori. A morally perfect being cannot be morally bad.
The atheist is saying that one MUST entertain the idea that “A morally perfect being is not morally perfect."
"S is P and not-P at the same time in the same respect."
That it is, in fact, the OPPOSITE of rationality?
That it is, in fact, insanely irrational, since it makes EVERY proposition both true AND false?
He doesn’t. First of all, his “standards” are almost certainly humanly LOCAL to his time, place, and culture;
It is hubris and in itself wrong-headed as well as sinful for man to ATTEMPT to judge God. Even Job’s friends err by trying to DEFEND God’s actions—in human terms.
This is how Job ends:

“I have uttered what I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”
There is of course a modernist tendency to DEIFY human reason, but human reason is at best a candle. A light, to be sure, but not that much of one:

No, it is not. Quantum Physics has already shown that human reason encounters natural phenomena where knowing X PRECLUDES knowing Y. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have TOTAL KNOWLEDGE.
And this is why the Enlightenment was doomed.
1 I like reason.
2 Therefore, reason has no limits.
3 Therefore, anyone who denies that reason has no limits is “irrational.”
1 God is morally perfect.
2 The Bible is the Word of God.
Then you can get
3 Nothing God does in the Bible is morally bad, nor can be.
It’s possible we finite beings may not be able to UNDERSTAND what is going on, but that’s our thing, not God’s.
One need not and ought not attempt to “defend God’s actions.” This seems like a pointless exercise to me.
Today, for example, because of the issue of American race-based chattel slavery, “God condones slavery” is played as a kind of “trump card” (they love that word ‘condones’!)
As if Who God is were a function of one’s political ideology.

“All of reality, especially God, the Ultimate Ground and Source of Reality must conform to my political ideology.”
And when we judge our fantasies as MORE REAL than reality—well, then you get MURDEROUS RESSENTIMENT FUELED ideologies that want to DESTROY REALITY—for failing to be as the “true” ideology dictates.
Eventually you conclude “it must be destroyed."
RESSENTIMENT stinks. It’s a kind of poison or toxin or rot of the human soul, and it is recognizable.
The man of ressentiment CANNOT attack openly and honestly, because he is not healthy or strong enough to be open or honest.

Stephen Hicks: Nietzsche Perfectly Forecasts the Postmodernist Left via @YouTube