Want to read it? It's not in congress.gov yet with a number. This is the "Family Reunification Act"
I think some words are missing though. Do you suggest any edits @RepPoliquin? What were they? Have they been incorporated yet?
#Readthebill #mepolitics

#Readthebill #mepolitics

#Readthebill #mepolitics
#mepolitics #Readthebill
#mepolitics #Readthebill
There isn't anything about figuring out if they have the right kid with the right parent, any sort of reporting for precisely how many kids we have, reunification times, any remedies for parents seeking to find their kids.
#mepolitics #Readthebill

However, these are some number X of children and we have no idea where they all are, how their parents can identify them, and it doesn't really sound like DHS does either.
#mepolitics #Readthebill
Good start Bruce. Add some language before you move it forward so it's effective.
#mepolitics #Readthebill
#mepolitics #Readthebill

Reunification is going to be a messy logistical nightmare, worse each day we wait.
#mepolitics #Readthebill