I feared it could be cheap & tacky, as often with cyberpunk.
Instead, I was amazed by this tasteful, thoughtful event. The overall scope of the production is mind-blowing. You can't miss it. Let me give you an idea:
2 - Yes that is an actual press photo of the event.
3 - Yes it really looks that insane when you're there. Yes it's really raining indoor.
Bartenders, chefs, cops, replicants, activists... We got scolded in the entrance queue by a "cop". Later a random suspicious dude convinced us to buy a few vials of his mauve spicy whisky. It was delicious.
You start to feel like a part of this world. You're really conditioned when it's finally time to watch Blade Runner together. I was truly moved to see so many fans of the movie. All ages, women & men. It felt special.
Those are not our complete outfits, we removed some layers to eat & speak more easily. What a night ✨
Best event I've ever attended in my life, easily.