Hey Folk’s,
Breathe & hold your heads high.
There are chess pieces moving about & everything is not as it seems. 🤗
H/T @ericgarland, @xtrixcyclex & @SpicyFiles did a little digging; highlights below as well as threads & articles attached. #TeamPatriot
Hmmm..Justice Kennedy ‘retires’ or ?🤔
K->Back channel to Trump via son JustinK>DonJr & Thiel via son GregoryK’s Thiel ->Federalist Society?
K’s Financing via Thiel’s DTA?
RE financing via JustineK’s LNR & Kush’s 666 5th?
JustinK ->DuetcheBank, GoldmanSachs
$1 million mystery gift to inauguration traced to Leonard Leo, EVP Federalist Society, promoter of Trump’s mission, and appt’d Don McGahn.
Who is Leonard Leo, EVP of the Federalist Society? He has hand picked 1/3 of our seated SCOTUS😱
Brilliant @EricGarland susses out the possible circumstances of Justice Kennedy’s ‘retirement’. Also H/T @xtrixcyclex for the Politico story find.
Kennedy’s son, Justin, knows DonJr. through NY RE circles. Another is through Kennedy’s other son, Gregory, &
Trump’s SV adviser P.Thiel. They went to Stanford Law School together & served as prez of the Federalist Society.
most notably Leonard Leo, an executive vice president at the conservative Federalist Society — who have helped promote Trump’s mission, and Don McGahn.
Spicy has some good news to share re a strategy to stave off the #GOPMobFamily from stealing yet another SCOTUS seat. 👇🏼👇🏼
In Other News:
Manafort had $10 million loan from Oleg Deripraska, a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin. Firtash cooperating?
45 eased approach to Chinese trade & China grants Ivanka three new TMs
The new arms race is threatening to explode in space.
‘Putin lied to Trump re 2016 Elex interference, & in so doing attempted to undermine USA constitution, which more than just a quotidian covert op. It is a casus belli, a true act of war, & one DC will never tolerate. We negotiate with Russia at our peril.’
Former CA employee says "there are more" apps that collected user data
CBO Report: GOP Tax Cuts Had a 'Direct Effect' in Making US Debt Highest Since WW II
A fed judge in CA ordered a 🚫to most fam separations at the US border &!the reunification of all fams.
Schumer: Justice Kennedy is abandoning "the most important SCOTUS vacancy for this country in at least a generation."
Schumer: GOP to "follow the rule they set in 2016 -not to consider a SCOTUS justice in an election year."
.The new arms race is threatening to explode in space
New Panama Papers Leak Includes Offshore Links To Lionel Messi, Cartier, Argentine Leader
Four Arrested in Columbus, More Than 22 Pounds of Fentanyl Seized. Enough to kill over five million people.
Propublica Found $16.1 Million in Political & Taxpayer Spending at Trump Properties
Disney is set to win antitrust approval for 20th Century Fox
Australia lawmakers backed legislation that will criminalize foreign meddling in domestic politics.
Traces of an explosive substance have been found on parts of the wreck of the Polish plane that crashed in Smolensk, W RU, in 2010, which killed most of the Polish gov’t, per Investigation.
Act of War?🤔
U.S. cruises toward record-breaking debt on 45’s watch
HORSESHOE THEORY: The Far R & L are joining forces to ‘defame the @NSA’s lawful foreign SIGINT to protect Trump & distract from the real hostile intelligence spying done by the SOCMED giants for Russia, Israel & China.
Koch-aligned group already prepping for next Supreme Court fight
Trump Rides a Harley—to Europe
The U.S. casualties of his trade war are starting to mount.
Battleground state polls find more voters prefer Congress as a check on Trump
Only about a third of voters in AZ, FL and OH say Trump deserves to be re-elected.
Ivanka’s business rec’d reg’n approval for 3 add’l Chinese trademarks on June 7, 2018, On that same date, 45 agreed to lift sanctions against the Chinese telecom company ZTE
Bolton heads to Moscow to plan Putin-Trump summit
Proposed TrumpPutin meet has unnerved U.S. allies abroad & angered US critics, re Putin's abysmal human rights record; aggression in the U.K., Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, & more, plus interference in 2016 Elex.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by Trump: Canada will take you.
SCOTUS ruled that non-union member gov’t EEs First Amendment rights shield them from having to pay fees to a union to cover costs to represent them.
Experts say cyber weapons can turn off power grids, derail trains, cause offshore oil rigs to list, turn petrochemical plants into bombs & shut down factories.
Kagan accuses Supreme Court majority of weaponizing the First Amendment
Charlottesville Car Attack Suspect Indicted on Federal Hate-Crimes Charges
The world's chemical weapons watchdog granted new powers for member countries to assign blame for attacks with banned chemical weapons.
Trump has turned words into weapons. And he's winning the linguistic war. @DNC must learn to weaponized their words to fight this war effectively otherwise our Democracy will be lost.
Former Fox News Co-President Bill Shine has accepted a senior WH comm’n.
Jeff Sessions Named as Potential Witness in Alabama Corruption Trial
The attorney general has refused to say if he will recuse himself from overseeing the case.
Hang in there Folks, we are at the bumpy ride part of this journey. So take time out & be good.
Schumer then called on GOP to "follow the rule they set in 2016 -not to consider a SCOTUS justice in an election year."
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you.
He also intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada’s refugee policy.
Please take a few minutes to read this thread as both right & left Bots & Trolls will be pushing to incite conflict.
From ‘spygate’ to ‘fake news’, Trump is using language to frame & win debates.
And the press operate like his marketing agency, sad but true.😱
@NancyPelosi @DNC learn!🙏🏼
Please take a few minutes to read, you will be glad you did.
Only about a third of voters in Arizona, Florida and Ohio say Trump deserves to be re-elected.
New Panama Papers Leak Includes Offshore Links To Lionel Messi, Cartier, Argentine Leader
With the dark money funded Federalist Society, Leonard Leo has reared a generation of originalist élites. The selection of Neil Gorsuch is just his latest ‘achievement’ (rather travesty)
But this has unnerved U.S. allies abroad & angered US critics, re Putin's abysmal human rights record; aggression in the U.K., Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, & more, plus interference in 2016 Elex.
22 pounds which is enough to kill over five million people.
Most came from political entities such as the Trump campaign, but government agencies chipped in, too.
