Did he lie about his nomination for the Nobel Prize? Why was his organization at the head of a vast NGO coalition, despite his charity's 501c status being revoked?
That didn't stop the 5,000 members of the @StopRapeCmpgn from "unanimously" voting to "restructure under the leadership" of Davis's NGO.

When will #humanitarianaid finally be held accountable for its actions and inactions?
Pictured: The Image displayed on the home page of Davis's (defunct) charity.

That's the same year that a massive coalition (@StopRapeCmpgn) made up of 5,000 respected NGO's & individuals "unanimously" voted for Davis's defunct charity to lead their campaign.

Check it out here: stoprapeinconflict.com/history/

We don't know, because the Campaign does not provide a list of its Board of Directors. This is where lies meet a critical lack of transparency.

He says:
"When I was 17, I started working in sexual violence."
Was he lying,@StopRapeCmpgn? Was he a Director, member of the Board, a Coordinator? All of the above? Please clarify.
Care to comment on why you lied about his position in your press release, calling him a mere "volunteer coordinator"?
archive.is/1kzMJ Archive is forever.
