ℹ️"South Walton currently has over 50 public beach access points, including 8 Regional Public Beach Accesses complete with parking, restroom facilities, and lifeguards."
⁉️For an area that is attracting nearly 4 million visitors per year?
🌊And you need to walk BELOW the MEAN HIGH TIDE LINE. Translation: "visitors," i.e. those without beachfront property (or not renting), must walk on wet sand or in the water.

⁉️Did he sign the bill because HE has beachfront property in Naples, #Florida?
The GOP is becoming synonymous with corruption these days. It's commonplace. Trump, Pruitt, Price, Flynn, Porter, Manafort, Gates, Jackson.
👨⚖️Federal case is pending. This could not only affect #Florida, but #Texas & #Oregon as well.