DOJ says she "act[ed] as an agent of Russia" by "infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics"…

One was sanctioned in April by the U.S., and the other was just arrested for acting at the behest of the Russian government.

1. Butina and Torshin, based on the DOJ's complaint, are exactly who many suspected over the past year: Russian operatives with no interest in "gun rights" in Russia, but who spied an opening with the @NRA as a conduit to the Republican Party.
1. On how ties between Russia, the NRA, and U.S. Religious Right first began, years and years ago:…

—Unnamed U.S. PERSON 1, who described the @NRA as a “conduit” to GOP leadership, appears to be conservative activist Paul Erickson:

- Stephen Cohen
- Pat Buchanan
- Writers for anti-Semitic sites like Russia Insider and Unz Review…