Especially for those concerned for @BorderIrish, @BelfastAgmt,
& with more sense than time.
@DPhinnemore & I have scrutinised the WP in light of #JointReport commitments to NI/IRL & the UK's alternative #backstop.

The White Paper is in part an effort by UK govt to prove a NI-specific #backstop to be unnecessary. But remember Protocol for NI/IRL in the Withdrawal Agmt is abt much more than a customs border.

Green background identifies UK/EU agreement.
Yellow background: work required.
Red font: what is still not addressed in WP.

In & of itself, that list marks v.welcome progress. But there's still a way to go, as we can see by text frm the Joint Report.

+ a simple summary of the ways the #WhitePaper seeks to make them unnecessary.
For specifics on such controls see
[We resisted temptation to turn this table into a 'cakeometer'🍰🎂]

It was meant to be an all-UK solution for Irish #border issue.
Comparison with White Paper is enlightening.

We know what the EU said in response to it
FWIW, it was an ambitious attempt by UK to engage on an all-UK basis with need to avoid customs checks on @BorderIrish.
Where does the WP leave it?

Next (aside from #CustomsBill furore) keep an eye on what UK puts forward for text on #Protocol.
This is still crucial cos no Protocol = no Withdrawal Agmt = no transition = hard exit.