Ever since the beginning of the 20th Century, the Executive has, to one degree or another, been the dominant branch of government in large part due to the explosion of the Federal bureaucracy.
NOW (right now) it’s time that the toothless tigers of the GOP, crafted a full-throated strategy to expose; investigate; indict, & prosecute ANY & ALL indvdls complicit in the political/criminal weaponization of govt agencies.
–the govt grew so large, so complex, so involved in every aspect of our lives, that it cld & was bng used as a wpn by a segment of the political ruling class.
For all the folks who screamed & yelled 'the Patriot Act was shredding the Constitution' far more intrusive tactics that had nothing 2do w/NSA or Homlnd Sec were deployed right under our noses in Obama Admn
Recall there was a thick stench of dangerous arrogance of power, among the Obama Admn officials and senior-level Democrats that should've concerned every American, and EVERY LAW ABIDING LAWMAKER in the Fed Gov.
Add in the fact the former MSM (now FAKE NEWS) received nearly ALL their talking points from LIARS & LEAKERS (Comey/Clapper/Brennan) who prov PROPAGANDA 2cover-up crimes
YES, I AM Talking About The Media.
"the check and balance on government. "
Journalists are supposed to be holding those in power accountable....
"providing them 'cover' and 'comfort'
...we must redouble those efforts immediately.”
Americans, however, were tweeting/calling/ txting/facebking/blogging & doing everything we cld while calling 4his head.
Rule 10-"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
The Obama Admn intimidating banks to prevent them from doing business with a number of legitimate businesses. (Operation Choke Point)
The Obama Administration refused to answer ANY Congressional inquiries about Operation Choke Point.
this little-known "agency" is housed, as part of the Federal Reserve,.....
so it exists OUTSIDE the direct pervue of Congress. (NO CHECKS-NO BALANCES)
How convenient for the Any POTUS, esp Obama.
Betchya Didn't Know:
Andrea Mitchell
(MSNBC & Rod Stewart's body-Dbl))
Is Married To
Alan Greenspan
(fmr Head of the Federal Reserve)
“they (Obama Admn) assume ALL bsns's are predatory,”
which allegedly gives thm ability 2collect up to 96 separate data pnts from more than 1 billion credit cards.
That’s right – Obama's govt was keeping tabs on how you & I spend our money.
The same was done w/welfare laws and drug laws.
Rmbr, he looked to unilaterally raise the minimum wage for federal workers?
This list goes on & on.
& environmental grps over stalling the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Rembr this beauty?
The Agency’s ridiculous regulatory announcement actually banned production & sale of 80% of the country’s wood-burning stoves.
The Republican response, you might ask?
Well, just playing to the camera & 1/2 hearted investigations while the WH pulled the strings of an Exec Branch.
– much of it without fanfare.
Ever since the beginning of the 20th Century, the Executive has, to one degree or another, been the dominant branch of government in large part due to the explosion of the Federal bureaucracy.
15mins aftr @realDonaldTrump was sworn in as 45th @POTUS Susan Rice, who had just become former National Security Adviser sent out her last email using her official WH email account. (Note: TOP SECRET)

re: Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election
Attendees: (drum-roll)
~Susan Rice
~POTUS Obama
~VP Joe Biden
~FBI Dir James Comey
~Fmr Dep Atty General Sally Yates
Rice notes (repeatedly) how
"Obama emphasized during the mtg on Russian that he wanted EVERY ASPECT of the issue handled “by the book.”
Now.. what book is he talking abt?
“President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence & law enforcement communities ‘by the book’. ...
"The President stressed that he is NOT asking about, initiating or instructing ANYTHING from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”
(as it normally would?)
PS. they went rogue
"Obama discussed sharing info w/incoming @realDonaldTrump admn.“The president (Obama) asked Comey 2inform him if anything changes in nxt few wks tht shld affect how we share classifd info w/incoming team.
"Comey said he would.”
Comey admits he wrote his memos
"sometime around midnight after having awakened with an 'epiphany."
There Seems To Be a PATTERN Happening.
And here's a few more questions:...
To quote Hamlet
“The lady doth protest too much.”
Why was Obama concerned there might be reasons why certain classified info would need to be withheld from Team @realDonaldTrump ?
The Bombshell fr NYT titled
"Comey Memo Says @realDonaldTrump Asked Him 2End Flynn Investigation"
-based ENTIRELY on a memo that Comey wrote to himself,
then “leaked” to NYT.
Can one weaponize the gov?
"Yes He Can"
Not 2Chicago
Not Hawaii
Not New York
or even
Kenya (where his family live in huts) w/dirt floors.
Nope Obama "moved" into a Washington DC Mansion
w/Valerie Jarrett (LITERALLY as roommates)
— felonies punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Was AG Loretta Lynch, WH aides or Obama made aware of any such surveillance?
Rice NOT talking
Valerie & Obama busy @ new Deep State hdqrtrs
Clapper is w/CNN
Brennan at MSNBC
McCabe disgruntled fired fmr FBI guy
He conspired Loretta Lynch & the anti-Republican cabal in FBI & DOJ to simply smash/bleachbit & whitewash Crooked H & allow her many felonies to go un-prosecuted.
Because they are all "Family'
a Crime Family
Comey/McCabe/Clapper/Brennan/ Strzok/Lisa Page/Robert Mueller/Crooked H Obama/Rice & Others) wld Have to be LOCKED UP!
But ask yourself why isn't the Justice Dept demanding the highest priority be placed on investigating the deep state & its journalistic collaborators in the sabotage of the @realDonaldTrump presidency?
a) Lying abt intelligence in order to spy on the 2016 @realDonaldTrump campaign
b) Intentionally botching the probe into Crooked H’s criminal mishandling classified data via an unsecured private server. dailycaller.com/2018/04/18/rep…
by Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla.,
requests that Wray & Sessions
use their respective authority to investigate
“potential violation(s) of federal statutes.
should be treated the same as every other American”
and because of that, the members want to be sure that
ANY “potential violations of law” be “vetted appropriately,”
the group of lawmakers wrote.
they added.
“Motivated by a Political Agenda”
~Deliberately mishandled the Clinton email investigation
~Deliberately leaked classified FBI property to the Press
~Deliberately used a fake dossier to enable an illegal spy operation
18 U.S. Code § 793
Did Obama WEAPONIZE his Admn & Agencies for Political Purposes?
I Could Ask Nellie Ohr
The Wife of a Former DOJ Deputy (a FusionGPS Employee & CIA Research Aide, who Applied for HAM Radio License 1 Month Aftr Contracting MI6Agent Christopher Steele)
Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official who delivered opposition research on @POTUS @realDonaldTrump to FBI, did NOT disclose that FusionGPS, which performed that resrch at the DNC’s behest, WAS PAYING HIS WIFE, & he did not obtain a conflict of interest waiver from his Boss
“Congress recently got a trove of Bruce Ohr emails which include exchanges with Chris Steele and others.
Source says emails show Ohr is significant player in dossier component of FBI/DOJ investigation.”
Solomon is also saying he will post the leaked documents shortly.
'They show Bruce Ohr had contact w/Steele in the days just BEFORE the FBI opened its @realDonaldTrump -Russia probe in summer 2016, and then engaged Steele as a “confidential human source” (CHS) assisting in that probe.
They confirm Ohr became A CRITICAL CONDUIT of continuing info from Steele AFTER the FBI ended the Brit’s role as an informant.
“B, doubtless a sad & crazy day for u re-SY”
Steele txtd Ohr on Jan 31 2017
ref @POTUS Trump’s firing of Sally Yates for insubordination.
The FBI concluded on Nov 1 2016, that he leaked info to the news media & was “not suitable for use” as a confidential source, memos show.
“Just want 2chck u r OK, still in the situ &able 2help locally as discussed along w/ur Bureau colleagues.”
“I’m still here & able 2help as discussed,I’ll let u know if that changes.”
Ohr txd
“If u end up out though, I really need another (bureau?) contact point/# who is briefed. We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home. It wld be disastrous.”
Investigators are trying to determine who Steele was referring to. thehill.com/hilltv/rising/…
1 of the things to do is overlay post-election comm btwn Sen Mark Warner & Lobbyist Adam Waldman (lobbying for Oleg Deripaska) while Waldman was trying 2work out comm btwn Warner & Chris Steele. foxnews.com/politics/2018/…
Interestingly, ALL current indications are those March suspicions are being confirmed.
Ohr FD-302 12/19/16 (intervw 11/22/16)
Ohr FD-302 12/19/16 (interview 12/05/16)
Ohr FD-302 12/19/16 (intervw 12/12/16)..
Ohr FD-302 01/27/17 (intrvw 01/27/17)
Ohr FD-302 01/31/17 (intrvw 01/23/17)
Ohr FD-302 01/27/17 (intrview 01/25/17)
Ohr FD-302 02/15/17 (intrvw 02/14/17)
Ohr FD-302 05/10/17 (intrvw 05/08/17)
Ohr FD-302 05/12/17 (intrvw 05/12/17)
Ohr FD-302 05/16/17 (intrvw 05/15/17)
Andrew McCabe (FBI)
Lynch (DOJ)
Yates (DOJ)
James Baker (FBI)
Strzok (FBI)
Lisa Page (FBI)
Jim Rybicki (FBI)
Mary McCord (DOJ)
Mike Kortan (FBI)
Bill Priestap (FBI) &
David Laufman (DOJ)
...were all still in place.
Quick Questions:
~Why was the FBI interviewing Bruce Ohr in 2016?
~Who was interviewing Bruce Ohr in 2016?
After candidate @realDonaldTrump won the election the “small group” knew Bruce & Nellie Ohr were BOTH big risks, & weak links.
Additionally, DOJ needed a back-door conduit to cont access to Steele after the FBI discontinued "formal" communication. ..
That’s where
Bruce Ohr
& wife
🕵️♀️FusionGPS & Fmr CIA employee👰
Nellie Ohr
come into play.
The DOJ-NSD via Bruce Ohr, used the NSA/FBI database to pass information to, & receive info from...... HIS WIFE Nellie Ohr.
~Nellie became the go-between~
Nellie, working 4Fusion GPS
took the raw intel from Bruce (DOJ)
& passed it along to Christopher Steele
DOJ/FBI used UNLAWFUL laundered intel to enhance FISA Title-1 Surveillance warrant agnst Carter Page to gain access to the monitor @realDonaldTrump campaign, legally.🤬
Page was a nothing-burger however,
the FBI previously used Page in a Russian operation. 🇷🇺theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/05/in-…
When Steele returned the dossier to the FBI the DOJ/FBI could present Steele’s construct of Carter Page to the FISA court as ‘collaborating evidence’.
👁️👁️the surveillance on @realDonaldTrump 👁️👁️
They obtained the FISA-Title1 warrant on October 21st, 2016.
All retroactive surveillance was immediately lawful.
used to get the FISA-Title-1 (near unlimited scope)
Surveillance Warrant, on October 21st, 2016. theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/02/ins…
~Oct 2016 “corroboration was in its infancy.”
Bill Priestap (FBI)
~Jan 2017 “IC has not made any judgment that info in this doc is reliable”
James Clapper
…Yet somehow on
Oct 21st, 2016 the dossier was valid engh for a FISA warrant?
Doesn’t add up.
the next phase, the “Trump Operation” was the need for the DOJ/FBI “small group” to have access to surveillance of The Democrat Nominee Hillary Clinton’s political opposition, @realDonaldTrump.
what they call: Oppo Research" But In Reality They Were SPYING & CONSPIRING With a Now WEAPONIZED Intelligence Apparatus
(FBI/NSA/CIA/DOJ) w/a little help by the wife of a DOJ official & An Employee of FusionGPS
We The Forgotten Men & Women Who Gave The Power MUST Take It Back
The Govt Is TOO Big
Since 1990's Gov Quickly & Quietly Became a Club...With a Weapon🔨
Politicians -Above The Law
Obama's Weaponized His Agencies
The Media Provides Them w"Cover"
@realDonaldTrump IS DELIVERING on His Promise
BUT NEEDS OUR HELP (2018 Primaries-VOTE!)
Devin Nunez/Tom Fitton/CTH/Sarah Carter/Hannity/And ALL of YOU Who Dare To Retweet Conservative Principles Among The Screams & Violence of The Liberal Mobs.
And Finally..
Man of Faith & Marine
I'll NEVER be afraid to say it OUT LOUD
WE THE PPL w/GOD In Our Lives
Will Take Our Govt Back!
We Do Cling To Our Bibles&Gunz
We Do Cling To Our Guns
We Pray w/&4 Our @POTUS
We Pray For, & LOVE EVERYONE& Hate SIN
Yes, We Can