#AirPollution threatens our health.
Clean air = healthy future 🌍
A: Children, women, and outdoor workers
bit.ly/2m2PiNr #BreatheLife

bit.ly/2m2PiNr #BreatheLife

Let’s stop this invisible killer.
bit.ly/2m2PiNr #BreatheLife

Let’s stop this invisible killer.
bit.ly/2m2PiNr #BreatheLife

It causes 1.7 million deaths from lung disease and cancer.
Let’s stop it! #BreatheLife

Over 80% of the world’s cities have pollution levels exceeding WHO’s guidelines for safe air.
bit.ly/2m2PiNr #BreatheLife

#AirPollution can be deadly.
bit.ly/2m2PiNr #BreatheLife

#BreatheLife, how is your city’s air impacting you?