(this is why I'm suing to unseal the #TantonPapers)
Read his own words:

This is a problem.
The letter is addressed to a shadowy figure named Harry Weyher, Jr.
He was a lawyer (and fellow @UNC alum..) but more notably, served as President of the Pioneer Fund from 1958 until his death in 2002.
* Founded in 1937 "to advance the scientific study of heredity and human differences"
* Gave $1.3M to Tanton's groups 1985 - 1994.
* Promoted eugenics and ideas of racial IQ disparity
* Founding papers modeled on Nazi Lebensborn breeding program
Screenshot from U-M Bentley Historical Library website:

Center for Immigration Studies in 1984 (@USCIS director Francis Cissna officially addressed this group at the @PressClubDC on 8.15.18)
Tanton remained on the FAIR board until 2011.
In 1995, he was still communicating with eugenicists.
Note the diversionary tactics in this well-polished piece:
Shouldn't we see the sealed #TantonPapers?