This is the story of Adam Khan and Durkhanai.
The other
The commotion they caused did not go unnoticed and as they were taking turns not only Adam Khan
Somehow, Adam Khan decided to tell Payu Khan, Durkhanai's fiance, the truth about their love for each other and to beg him to call off the engagement. That thing didn't go well and Payu Khan
Payu Khan having come to know the gravity of situation and the threat to his honour, decides to marry
The helpless Adam Khan refuses food and his health, physical and mental, starts to deteriorate. His friends couldn't see him in such situation and hatch a plan to help Adam Khan kidnap Durkhanai on the wedding day.
Here is this scene reenacted in the movie.
[Don't blame me if you go on to watch the whole movie]
Just to mention, according to Pashtunwali the protection of a refugee is binding and a refugee must be protected at all costs even if this means giving away your life or taking someone else's.
Payu Khan, the groom whose bride has been taken away, is furious and wants to attack the whole village of Peer Meerum Khan. But his
When Gujar Khan came to know of his father's betrayal, he shoots him dead. But this wasn't what could help Adam Khan. Adam Khan is now a broken man who has lost her love and his friends in the struggle.
This classic Pashto romance is believed to be from Mughul king Akbar's time, in 1556.…