Day 563 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Trump and his allies are running a systematic campaign of harassment directed at legitimate law enforcement activity being conducted on behalf of the American people.
They're exploiting a massive structural media imbalance to help them do it.…
Schiff on CNN: "This is the President intervening in a specific case, pending investigation, that potentially implicates the President of the United States. So that is one huge problem."
Trump's public announcement of his order to declassify Russia-related material came before DOJ got a heads up and received instructions about what specific material it was supposed to cover, a person familiar with the matter tells WaPo.…
Ex-CIA Dir. John Brennan: "It's highly inappropriate & unethical for Mr. Trump to the take any action that pertains to the FBI criminal investigation of Russian collusion," adds: "I am sure that the Russian intelligence services are just waiting to see what comes out."
Sen. @MarkWarner, who has read the documents, says of Trump's decision to declassify raw intelligence about his campaign's alleged conspiracy with Russia: "Be careful what you wish for."
Day 352 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

No White House press briefing today.
The White House has only held 1 briefing since August 23rd.…
Correspondents' Association asks for more White House press briefings
Graham claims South Korea summit with Kim may "undermine" US efforts to denuclearize North Korea
John Dowd failed to learn what at least 10 senior admin officials were planning to say before they met with Mueller's prosecutors and he failed to properly debrief those officials afterward — a basic step, NYT reports.…
NYT reports that it's not clear whether Trump has given his lawyers a full account of some key events in which he has been involved as president or while running the Trump Organization — events that Mueller's team is looking at.…
Even after Mueller's appointment, Trump did things like ask witnesses about what they told Mueller's investigators, NYT reports.…
Manafort’s plea deal says that if his convictions are wiped out for any reason, (for example, a pardon from Trump) prosecutors can charge him with any other crimes he committed or confessed to during his plea negotiations
Trump has had discussions with Emmet Flood about replacing Don McGahn. But Flood is hesitant, NYT reports, in part because that could pull him away from one main reason he joined the W.H.: to represent another president in impeachment proceedings.…
Andrew McCabe will publish a book entitled 'THE THREAT: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump' on December 4, 2018.
In an interview, Rebecca White, one of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's neighbors and a good friend, said Blasey Ford had told her about the alleged assault — without naming Kavanaugh — in late 2017 during the height of the #MeToo movement.…
Anita Hill: "Refer to Christine Blasey Ford by her name. She was once anonymous, but no longer is. Dr. Ford isn't simply 'Judge Kavanaugh's accuser.' Dr. Ford is a human...She deserves the respect of being addressed and treated as a whole person."…
Anita Hill: "The Senate Judiciary Cmte. still lacks a protocol for vetting sexual harassment and assault claims that surface during a confirmation hearing suggests that the committee has learned little from the Thomas hearing, much less ... #MeToo."…
@ChuckGrassley to @hughhewitt on Kavanaugh allegations: "The FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh is closed. The FBI is not doing any further investigation."
Feinstein: "Chairman Grassley said there would be only two witnesses invited to testify at the Kavanaugh hearing next week on sexual assault allegations. Compare that to the 22 witnesses at the 1991 Anita Hill hearing and it’s impossible to take this process seriously."
Kamala Harris: "I believe the FBI...should be compelled to do its job in...completing their background investigation. And that’s not being done, and the W.H. is not directing it, the Department of Justice is not directing it." (via CBS)
Chris Coons said on CNN that he might cede his time at Monday's hearing to Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar because of their prosecutorial experience: "We've got members of the committee who are far more experienced than I am in these matters."
Mark Judge, whom Dr. Ford said was in the room when Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her, will not testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"I have no more information to offer the committee and I do not wish to speak publicly."…
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wants an FBI investigation into the alleged Kavanaugh assault before testifying.
Ford's attorneys argue "a full investigation ... will ensure that the crucial facts and witnesses ... are assessed in a non-partisan manner."…
"What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep. That's been a good thing for all of us" -- Brett Kavanaugh, 2015
Trump, regarding a Kavanaugh FBI investigation: "I don’t think the FBI really should be involved because they don’t want to be involved."
"I feel so badly for him that he's going through this," Trump says of Brett Kavanaugh. "This is not a man that deserves this."
Mazie Hirono: "I just want to say to the men of this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change." (via CBS)
Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are considering having their female aides question Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, HuffPost reports.
One reason for this unusual move: Every Republican senator on the committee is male.…
A top conservative group says it will score a vote on Kavanaugh and retaliate against any Republican Senator who abandons his nomination…
WSJ opinion pages fully mobilized today against Kavanaugh accuser, with three separate pieces attacking her. Here’s the extra-long main editorial:…

Team Kavanaugh mobilizes behind "rough horse play" defense
But, I thought he wasn't there?… via @TPM
The Guardian has a copy of Stormy Daniels’ book and says “Full Disclosure” has salacious details of her time with Trump, and claims he offered to cast her on “The Apprentice” and cheat to allow her to survive through more episodes of the show.…
In her upcoming memoir, Stormy Daniels provides this description of her night with Donald Trump: "I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart"…
Stellar reporting and story by @annawmathews gets at a top problem in health care: We pay more because backroom hospital deals essentially require that we pay more.…
@HHSGov hires new senior adviser who until recently was a lobbyist. MIKE RUBINO represented a pro-Russian Serbian party, the Azerbaijani gov't & a Polish defense company.
Oh, & his lobbying firms were based in Corey Lewandowski's house.

Senior White House officials on a conference call could not explain why Trump keeps claiming China is paying the tariffs, which they aren't. “The tariffs work the way tariffs normally work," one senior official said.
Wilbur Ross says American families won't be bothered by tariffs on $200b of Chinese goods because "it's spread over thousands and thousands of products" so "nobody will actually notice" that prices went up.
Trump is pushing a $20b/year tax on middle class b/c ‘it’s so small, no one will notice’
Proposal to charge financial institutions a fee for risks they impose is 1/2 that size and closing the carried interest loophole is 1/10th. #NoOneWillNotice
China announces tariff hike on $60B of U.S. products in response to Trump duty increase in technology dispute.
Congressional Research Service (CRS) finally posting their reports online is a really big deal in the policy world.
Check them out:
At event that was closed to media, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke reportedly said the government should work for the oil and gas industry-->
Trump says U.S. considering permanent military presence in Poland
Political nonprofits have to IDENTIFY many of their donors under federal court ruling after Supreme Court declines to intervene via @myhlee & @scotusreporter…
'Nightmare that won't end': Florence death toll rises to 35 as evacuees are told not to return home yet…
Trump: Hurricane Florence is "one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water"
Top FEMA official suspended as part of investigation into agency head: report

Trump privately bashing DeSantis as "disloyal" after breaking with him on Puerto Rico death toll: report

Trump has been worried about Republicans' declining fortunes & finding ways to shift the blame.
Trump reportedly told a friend it would be McConnell and Ryan's fault if Repubs lost the House and Senate. "It's about those guys," Trump said.…
A private survey conducted for the RNC and obtained by Bloomberg contains some alarming news for GOP hoping to hold onto control of Congress: Most Trump supporters don't believe there's a threat that Democrats will win back the House.…
49 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
So you'll be releasing your tax returns then?
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
The Trump admin is unable to account for the whereabouts of nearly 1,500 migrant children who illegally entered the U.S. alone this year and were placed with sponsors after leaving federal shelters, according to congressional findings.…
Bloomberg reports, according to a person familiar, that the FBI *did not* tell Trump or the WH that it doesn't want to be involved in the allegations against Kavanaugh.
The FBI could do further investigation if the WH requests it, the person said.…
Dr. Chrstine Blasey Ford has moved out of her house, is arranging for private security for herself and her family, and is effectively in hiding, a person close to her tells NYT.…