A good result for Republicans, though not a huge surprise in a lean Rep. district. Still, this could have been a top race and it doesn't look like one.
America's greatest district posts our second closest result yet, trailing only Kentucky 6
It's considered a tossup and, yes, it's close. But this is not a good result for the GOP.
A good result for the Republicans in a fairly conservative district where the Dems have a strong nominee.
This is probably our best result for the Republicans in weeks. Didn't expect Taylor to look so strong here, given the investigation into his campaign
This seat was already thought to lean Democratic, though there have been signs this race might be more competitive than it ought to be. Not much sign of Marquez Peterson strength in this poll
This seat was already thought to lean Democratic, but there's no good news for Jason Lewis here.
A decent result for the GOP in general, but outright great given some articles suggesting this might have slipped out of their grasp
This continues a run of good GOP results in Trump CDs post-Kavanaugh
Again, feels like part of a pattern of GOP consolidating a bit in Trump/Romney-type conservative districts nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Hegar, despite being a national phenom, still has extremely low name-ID (but highly positive among those who know her) so some upside for her
Cruz lead here consistent with about Cruz+4 or 5 statewide
More undecided voters than any we've conducted so far. Both candidates name ID < 50% in this open race in a fairly expensive market.
Budd's under 50, but Democratic path in this GOP-leaning district is a little ambiguous with POTUS approval, genballot and Budd favs all looking decent
Not a real surprise in a lean/likely GOP race. Kind of something for everyone to be pleased with: yes, Dems showing strength in a tough CD; no, probably not a Dem breakthrough nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Like the other lean/likely R races in Trump Country we're wrapping up, this isn't a great result really for either side. GOP would like to be farther ahead here; Dems not exactly positioned to win, either. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
This may be a dangerous race for GOP.
Hultgren has lower name ID than any other R inc we've polled. Trump underwater. Big D yr in IL. Lower-tier race + expensive market = Rs pbly can't nuke Underwood nytimes.com/interactive/20…
A challenge/opportunity for Dems with Hispanic voters.
Just 45% of reg. Hispanics say they're "almost certain to vote" v. 63% of white voters. 18% say not very likely to vote, v. 4% of whites.
Is it real? Maybe a little. nytimes.com/2018/10/15/ups…
Some things went a little off on this poll, which I'll discuss in another tweet, but I don't think it materially moved the result nytimes.com/interactive/20…
@Redistrict lobbied for this district for weeks, and then the day we announced it emailed to say he expected R+14..... -_- nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Basically what everyone else except the NRCC has, I guess
We had Crow+10 in September. Widely considered a "lean Dem" race at this point, and this certainly won't dispel that notion nytimes.com/interactive/20…
We had this as Davids+8 back in September, which I thought was a little hard to believe. Like CO06, easy to see why this is considered "lean Dem" and a feature of various GOP triage candidate lists
This is a pretty fantastic Dem turnout, but Sherrill is still up 5 in the 2014 electorate. Her fav rating is fantastic, and she's running far ahead of the generic ballot / Trump disapproval
Voters approve of Susan Collins by 34 points and approve of her Kavanaugh vote by 17 points
Pretty astonishing for a Democrat to be so competitive here. Wouldn't rule out an Ojeda win. Not at all.
A lot of Democratic-leaning undecided voters, but Hurd has a 58/26 fav/unfav rating and he might just hold this traditional battleground district by a wide margin.
Voters narrowly approve of the president and want a GOP Congress, but it looks like Cartwright is probably safe
Spano+1 in the exact margin. A tough result for the GOP in a lean Republican open race in an expensive market.
A tough result for Sinema but it's been a tough couple of weeks of news for her, too. Add the fact that it's our first time here and it's a tough result to place in context
This race leans Republican, so not a big surprise. A lot of Trump disapprovers, young voters and Democrats among the undecided
Shalala's favorability rating better than I thought it would be tbh
A lot of undecided young, Dem, St.L burb voters, but this doesn't seem like a top-tier opportunity for Democrats anymore
This will be an interesting test early on election night.
This open race is our first Dem lead in a 'lean Rep' district in a month.
Might be hard for Dems to really get over the top here, with positive Trump approval and GOP lead on generic ballot nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Our closest result yet
Turnout an outsized factor in this in this rapidly changing district nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Will be a big race to watch early on Election Night nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Undecided vote leans Dem here as well, but Chabot's at 50 and Pureval could use a stronger turnout than we have here
Levin up 69-21 among NPA voters
Another tossup looks like a tossup nytimes.com/interactive/20…
This race "leans Rep," but this strikes me as one of the more vulnerable of the lean Rep. races we've polled
Beto up 4, down from 7 in our prior poll of this district; not a great number for him
This district is generally thought to "lean Republican"
A tough road for Roskam: Trump approval -12, D+4 on generic ballot in this once reliably Republican district
10 of 13 tossup races polled (including Siena NY19/22) so far are <1 pt margins
With Trump underwater and Dems favored on the generic ballot as well, this seat looks like part of the Dem path of least resistance to a majority
This is generally considered to be a "lean GOP" race, and Trump approval/Donovan favs/generic ballot all support it. But it's definitely a race
We don't survey in heavily polled races too often, so somewhat reassuring to end at Nelson+3.5 v. FiveThirtyEight average of Nelson+3.3
Probably best result we've had for the GOP in a a tossup district in a while
Another tossup looking like a tossup
Another super close tossup.
Will be a big early test of the GOP's 'bend but don't break' path to at least keeping the House close later in the night. They can't afford to lose this Trump+12 district nytimes.com/interactive/20…
The rare weird result that still makes some strange amount of sense.
It's our best Dem result in a tossup during the final wave, even though I believe it's the district that voted most for Trump
Probably the best Democratic showing of the final stretch. Malinowksi still up by 4 with '14 turnout. A lot of GOP defection.
A tighter race than September, but still seems "lean Dem"
Porter by 1 in the unrounded margin. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Not a district the GOP can afford to give away. 7% support various minor candidates.
Undecided voters here back Democratic control of congress by a 2 to 1 margin, Brat with just a 16/36 fav among the group nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Tenney might be the weakest incumbent we've polled. But Trump+13 approval and R+10 generic ballot might just be enough to her over the top nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Underwood by 5 in the more exact margin. A stunner, if true.
Rouda by 2 in the exact margin. It could take weeks to resolve
This would be something. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Dem path to a majority starts getting pretty easy if the Dems have even a few clear leads in the "tossups," and given the conduct of the campaigns this might be one
A 5 point shift from our prior poll. On average, Dems picked up 3.3 points in these final polls v. our initial one
Given the D+3 primary result, maybe something at the edge of just being lean Dem at this point
The polls close in Kentucky 6 at 6pm on Tuesday. We'll see you on election night.