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unseen1 @unseen1_unseen
6 years ago, 46 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
Going to live tweet the Cruz debate in this thread.

Debate is before a audience. Beto goes first.
Beto goes into Spanish. First question on ballot box security....muh Russia. Yawn...
Soyboy says Cruz voted against increased voter security.

Cruz say he supported funding. Deter act. Congress should not regulate social media content but he is concerned about the censorship of social media on political bias.
Cruz saying should maybe antitrust on social media.

Soyboy says thoughtful regulations on social media.
Soyboy says Cruz invested in Cambridge analytic muh Russia.....yawn....Putin.....yawn....
Cruz gets question about Kavanaugh and abortion. Cruz comes out for pro-life. Says soyboy is for late term tax.payer abortion.

Cruz toutshis effort and vote for gorsich ans BK. He says soyboy would have voted against both.

Soyboy is now attacking Cruz on his judical picks.... think soyboy is in the wrong state defending trans, abortion.
Soyboy doubles down on support of tax.payer and late term abortion. Even for illegals.
Cruz attacking him on those positions bigly.
Cruz is attacking soyboy on his stands on SC judges.

Next question global climate.

Cruz admits climate is always changing. Says follow science for global warming instead of how Dems do it as a power grab
Cruz says soyboy voted for a $10tax on every barrel of oil
Crap live stream went out. Hold on.
Okay. Cruz says build the wall soyboy is against the wall and wants to tear down the walls already up.
Cruz comes out for Kate's law says soyboy voted against it.
Soyboy says his plan to secure the border is to use technology....blah same Dem fake talking points.
Soyboy comes out in support of dreamers
Cruz hitting soyboy on police . The narrators are trying to carry soyboy over the finish line.
Soyboy is explaining his health Care plan. Expand Medicaid...Medicare ......expand....take the lead Medicare for all.....he wants the crumbs back.
Cruz says to soyboy wants universal health Care. Rationing for all.$32 trillion over ten years. Would require tripling your taxes.
Cruz say soyboy wants to put everyone on Medicare it would bankrupt Medicare. Soyboy says Cruz is using fear.......🙄🙄🙄
Soyboy using Dem talking points bring us all together...sit beside a fire sing.....😎😎
??on tariffs. Cruz is against tarrifs and again trade war. Glad Cruz didn't win the POTUS. He is clueless when it comes to trade.
Cruz says the new usmca looks good.....but he doesn't say it was because of the threat of tarrifs.....says soyboy wants to impeach Trump.

Soyboy makes a joke. Says Cruz is all talk and no action.
Soyboy is saying the trade war is hurting Texas......Yawn.....4.2% GDP dumbass.
Soyboy will stand up to Trump on tarrifs. Dems are against the tarrifs. .....funny....Cruz says he brought the tax cuts....Cruz is now touting the economy yet he doesn't understand how the tarrifs are doing that.....
Soyboy is being asked why he voted agsinst tax relief for Harvey victims....he says he went there and talked to them.....says he voted against it because he wanted more.. hits Cruz on why he voted against FEMA funding...........
Soyboy mouth is moving but he isn't makibg sense. ......Cruz says Houston is his home town....says he lead the the effort to pass disater relief bills gave over $5b for Harvey aid. Hits soyboy says at the time he voted against it because he wanted Illegals to get the tax money.
Narrators are really helping soyboy here.

Soyboy saying more stupid stuff. About Cruz running for president.
Cruz gets a ? About debt vs tax cuts. Says the two don't compute....Cruz says the tax cuts are helping economic growth and thus should help the debt in the long run.
Narrators helping soyboy again. Saying the tax cuts are bad.....narrators are terrible seriously. It's like Cruz is debating 3 Dems here.....soyboy saying some more stupid shit.
Soyboy says Cruz got 120k funding for voting for tax cuts.....says he votes for 2nd amendment due to funding.

Cruz is hitting soyboy on his pac funding. Calling soyboy basically a liar hiding his pacs.
Cruz brings up the $10 tax on barrel of oil. Narrators barges in and cuts Cruz off again . ....asks Cruz what he does to bring civility back to the discussion....basically said the mob running Cruz out of the diner was Cruz's fault. Disgusting. Narrators tried to interrupt
Cruz brings up Kavanaugh narrator cuts him off. Digusting.... Goes to soyboy....soyboy saying something....drones on about something......soyboy really isn't making any points. Just droning on .....know talking about compromise......says he voted for veterans..
Narrators asks another question instead of letting Cruz rebut soyboy...terrible.
Narrators cut Cruz off ? Metoo movement....soyboy explains he teaches his sons to respect everyone...says he supportd women.....says Cruz voted against violence against women act. Soyboy ties abortion in
Cruz supports metoo too.
Cruz said some stuff. Soyboy says Cruz is all talk no action.....hitting Cruz on running. For president again. ....poll testers must have said that's a good point to hammer.

Wow moderators stopped soyboy. Think that was a first.
Hardest thing about job...Cruz says being a dad...leaving his kids to go to DC. Says he had to miss his daughters game to vote for tax cuts....nice little segway.....Dem mod cuts Cruz off again. ...
Soyboy says him but a dad is hard original......yawn.
Soyboy talking about a blind squirrel....yes really. ..
2 min closing statement.....soyboy first...thanks everyone....talks about meeting Mattis....
Soyboy says kids away from parents, wall, Muslim ban all bad......typical Dem leftist talking dreamers......universal healthcare.......yuck...
Cruz...are you better off now than 2 years ago .....compared him to soyboy tax cuts, repeal Obamacare, keep economic boom going....opposes impeach....believes in hope....going into family history.m.fsther can fron Cuba. ...why would we want to screw up this economy? Good ?
Wrap up. Moderators we're terrible clearly Dem plants. All in for the soyboy.....soyboy didn't help himself....abortion, taxes, illgeals, no wall no security, ....moderators sucked....soyboy also didn't land any big punches on Cruz....... Cruz was good. Seemed he played defense.
Wrapup. Cruz didn't make any mistakes. Hit soyboy good onn$10 tax on oil, borders and abortion. ...made sone good points.... moderators sucked...did I mention that? They both were nice towards each other. Tax cuts go towards Cruz. Soyboy hung out to dry on that.
Wrapup....both guys terrible on trade. They don't get it. Cruz good on police and military....soyboy see at times to be in the wrong state. ...all and all I think Cruz won going away...soyboy just didn't bring the fire. He just droned on..
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