The Spaceman warned you all... 👀

KYC regulated exchanges + Crypto Fiat + End of Federal Reserve Notes = everything you do will be registered in the blockchain for the government to see 😐
Thanks a lot Satoshi 😬…
Satoshi NSAkamoto 😂…
😋 They can and they will.
#SpaceCash #StableCoinSeason
Guess what? Now they are creating a digital money by making the public opinion believe it is bad for the Federal Reserve.
Too bad he went private after his cousin was banned. You guys can thank your OGs for that 😂
People need to be really naive to believe Monero won't be illegal if it EVER becomes popular (which is not even near btw, no one uses that stupid 💩besides criminals and geeks).
👉 CBs don't feel threatened
👉 They will release their own product
Thanks Crypto, you have made your biggest enemy stronger 😆…
#StableCoinSeason will help Central Banks figure out the best way to implement this, exactly as the IMF was saying the other day.
When they find the best way, will they let their competitors survive?

The firm, which raised $133 million in funding, ran into regulatory headwinds as it attempted to get its stablecoin off the ground."
Yep, not everyone gets to play. 😬…