I'd like to offer a parallel but slightly alternate take.
In the US, we shove generals into the fucking presidency once every few terms for shits and giggles.
With social media, at the drop of a hat you can go anywhere and find someone to pick a fight with.
Like this dipshit right here.
This is America.
We love it, the fighting, the arguing. Republicans don't want to forcibly disband the Democratic party. We want them around to beat them into the fucking dirt election cycle after election cycle.
Because antisemitism is fucking stupid.
Because socialism is fucking stupid.
Because they would rather shove people off social media than allow them to be beaten down in honest, free debate.
But somehow these tech giant authoritarians got it in their heads they're supposed to WIN the internet.
Such things fester and grow when they're left to their own devices, shoved away from view.
Then Twitter, Facebook, Google, they need to go, and they need to drag the antisemites and racists and put them back in the spotlight. They need to take away the paddle boards that they give people on the left.