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Feb 5th 2021
📣CALL TO ACTION! Every year, Congress gives more than $25 billion dollars to ICE and CBP to profile, jail, deport and terrorize immigrants.🧵
Our new report finds that Border Patrol systematically ignores and mishandles the search and rescue emergencies of migrants, who are funneled into dangerous and remote terrain by the agency's policy and practices.
We must decriminalize migration, demilitarize the border and defund Customs and Border Protection, the agency that causes people to become missing and leaves them to die.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
THREAD: Today the House @OversightDems published shocking findings of its investigation into ICE jails run by private contractors. @RepRaskin: "An epidemic of medical neglect & mistreatment at detention centers has caused undue suffering & even death.” 1/…
This report is hard to read. It gives example on example of abuses committed by ICE, CoreCivic & GEO w/ intentional cruelty, and reminds us how many previous reports uncovering the same abuses have gone completely unaddressed by ICE and its contractors. 2/…
The Committee investigated Mr. Huy Chi Tran's death at the Eloy detention center. Mr. Tran never got the medication he needed for mental illness and was put in solitary. After Mr. Tran died, a guard falsified records to cover up his failure to monitor Mr. Tran before he died. 3/
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Aug 18th 2020
This stunning story from @dglaun exposes exactly what we've been documenting in our #COVID19 reporting since the start of the pandemic: ICE is lying and people are dying.…
Each month we publish a report on #COVID19 in ICE prisons using data through our National Immigration Detention Hotline and advocacy networks.

Find those reports here:
It has been clear from the beginning of the pandemic (& since the start of the agency) that ICE's data can't be trusted.

A disturbing trend we've documented are people in ICE custody briefly disappearing in the system. This leaves loved ones on the outside fearing the worst.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 18th 2020
In Portland & elsewhere, it's not Trump's "secret" police or a new paramilitary force. This is the #BorderPatrol, & bipartisan Congresses for decades have bloated its budget & enabled it to act with impunity in our communities along the US-Mexico border. We breathe this reality.
I've described here how from Nixon to Trump and all in-between, the militarization of border communities, including quadrupling Border Patrol personnel, set-up a formula for an unaccountable police force.

Now it's ready to usurp local police power.…
Emboldened by a white supremacist with authoritarian aspirations, this formula becomes a greater threat to you and the Constitution meant to protect you because Border Patrol enjoys unprecedented powers within 100 air miles "from any external boundary.”…
Read 12 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
HAPPENING NOW: The #FourHorseman of the private prison industry are testifying before Congress on how they have responded to #COVID19 in immigrant prisons.

Follow this #thread for highlights 👇

#DetentionKills #DefundHate…
"For fiscal year 2020, Congress appropriated approx $3.1 billion for more than 45,000 single adult and family detention beds [...] Over 80% of these beds are operated by private contractors"


#DefundHate #DetentionKills
The negligence of ICE and private prison companies has resulted in two in custody deaths since the start of the #COVID19 pandemic. Congress was notified of a potential THIRD death today in Florida

This requires IMMEDIATE attention if we want to keep everyone safe #DetentionKills
Read 23 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
#LOOKUP We’ve joined 80 artists for @inplainsight, making visible the injustices of the U.S. immigration system. Learn more at

This is a 🧵#thread of all the actions planned across the country today. Join if you can!🙌

Today in NY/NY! Join @MaketheRoadNY @MaketheRoadNJ @FirstFrndsnjny & @afsc immigrant rights program today to fight for #FreeEDC #FreeThemAll Image
Today in Yuba County, CA! Join @EstamosUnidos19 to #FreeThemAll Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
Today SCOTUS delivered a 5-4 victory to immigrant youth who've fought & organized for years for the right to stay. This week is DACA's 8th anniversary & is amidst one of the largest racial justice movements in history as activists take to the streets to protest police brutality.
DACA was a victory delivered by undocumented young people after years of pressure & fearless organizing, bc Congress failed for decades to deliver what the people want: citizenship for immigrants and an end to cruel enforcement. A new poll shows 85% of Americans support DACA.
Ever since Trump took office & rescinded DACA in 2017, immigrant youth, their families, and allies have been fighting to protect DACA. While this decision gives needed relief for DACA recipients & their families, immigrants are still under attack by this administration.
Read 7 tweets
May 14th 2020
Over a month ago we launched a #COVID19 Hotline to document abuses in ICE prisons.

Since then, we received approx. 3,000 calls.

We just published our latest report analyzing data from the Hotline & media reports

Here’s what we found 👇 #FreeThemAll
Since our last update, 2 people have died as a result of ICE's negligent response to #COVID19

Rest In Power Carlos Ernesto Escobar Mejía & Óscar López Acosta.

Both men had medical conditions that ICE failed to care for

Between April 30 –May 12, we received 38 calls to our National Detention Hotline regarding medical neglect in ICE detention.

Examples of medical neglect, as reported via the #Hotline, and from advocates include:
Read 15 tweets
May 13th 2020
Members of the House Judiciary Committee are now hearing from people directly impacted by the immigration detention system in a live forum on ICE's failed response to #Covid19

RT this thread & watch live #DefundHate #FreeThemAll…
Rather than do what is right and #FreeThemAll, @ICEgov issued guidance for social distancing.

It is impossible to practice social distancing in jails & prisons.

"There are at least 881 individuals who have tested positive. Because ICE lacks the ability to test everyone, that number is likely much higher" -@RepJerryNadler

Read 21 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
As Congress negotiates another #COVID19 stimulus package, we must continue the pressure to #DefundHate

@ICEgov cannot keep people safe even with a multi-billion $ budget

@MigrantFreedom is tracking @ICEgov response to #COVID19 on an interactive map.
@ICEgov Here's some of what we've documented:

A person detained at #Adelanto called our Hotline to report broken AC units, a lack of soap in the dispensers, and guards going into work with no PPE.

A loved one of a person detained at La Palma called our Hotline this week:

"Hygiene there is virtually non existent. There is no soap or toilet paper, not free or for purchase. They never tell detained men what's happening, just leave them locked up all day long."

Read 8 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
A7: Call and tweet your local elected officials and demand they #FreeThemAll and #DefundHate

Or you can volunteer remotely! FFI operates a free & confidential Hotline for people in ICE custody. Immigrants do not have access to a free phone call. The Hotline is a lifeline for many.

We are currently looking for more volunteers:
You can also donate to your local bond or bail fund.

FFI operates a national bond fund for people in ICE jails & prisons. We have a list of people we could bond out if we had the funds:…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
An essential component of ending immigration detention is understanding its scope & methods of expansion, especially as the Trump admin calls for a bigger budget to expand detention #DefundHate

This is why we are launching "Detention In Your District":…
#DIYD is a series of informational briefs highlighting ICE detention centers in Congressional districts throughout the country.

Briefs are currently available for 24 facilities in 10 Congressional districts for: CA-51, LA-5, GA-3, AL-4, TX-16, NY-27, VA-5, NM-2, AZ-1, & NJ-8.
We chose to focus on these districts first because they are either facing unprecedented detention expansion or have been sites of concerning human rights abuses historically.

We will continue to add more Congressional districts to this list throughout 2020.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
My client made me a beautiful ring out of plastic bags at a detention center. He has to secretly take the bags out the garbage bc things like crafts aren’t allowed at “civil detention centers.” He and his friends share the bags to make rings to pass the time. Image
Just before he gave me this a man was yelled at by a government contractor for turning around halfway in his seat to wave and smile at his baby who could only have been 8-10 months old.
Immigration detention is wrong. It’s evil. It’s only used to further line the pockets of rich men on the backs of people separated from their families. #DefundHate
Read 3 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Our tax dollars should be invested in education, housing, prison alternatives and health care programs that provide opportunity and increased well-being for all - not in the Trump administration's anti-immigrant and racist policies. #DefundHate #SOTU
The Trump administration continues to promote discrimination against immigrants, people of color, the LGBTQ community, and Muslims. #DefundHate #SOTU #SOTU2020
The Trump administration is ripping apart health care and nutrition programs for low-income people. #DefundHate #SOTU #SOTU2020
Read 30 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
LIVE now: PHR Asylum network member Dr. Todd @Schneberk testifies at @HomelandDems hearing on examining the human rights and legal implications of DHS' Remain in Mexico policy. #SaveAsylum #DefundHate
@Schneberk @HomelandDems My work has changed dramatically since the Trump administration rolled out MPP ... I regularly witness the dire impacts of the MPP and I am here to share my assessment that this program should be halted and defunded immediately.
@Schneberk @HomelandDems In February of this year, I was part of a PHR team that documented the cases of asylum seekers in Tijuana. These findings later formed the basis of a PHR report entitled, “If I went back, I would not survive.”…
Read 10 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
The U.S. gov't implemented policies they *knew* would lead to overcrowding for children and families at the border. Put another way: They intentionally caused harm to kids who were themselves fleeing harm. & then they asked Congress for billions to fix their cruel mess. 1/
More details here from my @NIJC colleague @JoannBautista18 on the information-sharing agreement between the Dept's of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, the policy that's central to so much suffering. The memo is *still in place* today:….
@NIJC @JoannBautista18 Thank you @neenareports and WaPo team for connecting these dots. Congress: now it's on you to de-fund the Memorandum of Agreement and start fighting to #DefundHate.
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Nov 7th 2019
THREAD: Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the US gov is legally responsible for the #MentalHealth trauma that Trump’s #FamilySeparation policy inflicted on thousands of migrant families at the US/Mexico border.… (1/9)
This groundbreaking ruling recognizes that the Trump Admin knowingly put families in danger & is obligated to provide a solution. #MentalHealth svcs are a step on the path to healing for kids & parents who were torn apart simply for seeking safety. #FamiliesBelongTogether (2/9)
It’s also critical that we don’t forget the millions of children--the vast majority of whom are US citizens--who are increasingly vulnerable to or have already been separated from their parents due to ICE enforcement in our own communities. #FamiliesBelongTogether #NoRaids (3/9)
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Oct 25th 2019
New ICE data: >15,000 of the ~50,000 people in ICE jails are people the gov't already found to have a credible claim or persecution or torture. That's 15,000 people ICE should be releasing to be w/ loved ones during their cases, per ICE's own guidance. 1/…
My @NIJC colleagues are blogging about the human cost of ICE's abandonment of discretion over who it jails and for how long. Read here about Margaret, only 18 and stuck in jail for months despite a family longing for her and a winning asylum claim. 2/…
@NIJC And read here about Sebastien, who fled paramilitary groups in Nicaragua to find safety in the United States, but was greeted by a jail cell he could not escape simply because his family couldn’t afford the exorbitant bail set by the judge. 3/…
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Oct 24th 2019
This is a stunning #scotus brief filed by former senior Border Patrol officials in the cross-border shooting case.

Bottom line: The culture of violence and impunity within BP is completely pervasive and out of control.
TL:DR Two former BP bosses tasked with investigating allegations of misconduct by agents describe how the hyper-militarized agency culture and inadequate use of force training combine with weak external oversight and the blue wall of silence and obstruction. Kills accountability
There is, they say, no meaningful deterrent to Border Patrol agents illegally shooting unarmed teens and others if civil lawsuits against them cannot be filed. That’s precisely the result DOJ and the SG are advocating in this case.
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Oct 3rd 2019
Thread: It’s day 3 of the U.S. gov’t running under a Continuing Resolution (CR). ICE is expanding its system of immigration jails. People are dying from medical neglect and 1000s are held in remote jails w/out lawyers. It's all connected and Congress has to act. #DefundHate 1/
A CR is supposed to continue ICE at *flat* funding carried over from its 2019 spending bill. In 2019, Congress funded ICE to jail approximately 45,274 people daily. ICE reports they have 51,302 people in jail as of the end of FY2019. 2/
If history is any guide ICE will continue to expand under a CR through a mechanism called an “exception apportionment” that allows ICE to basically borrow ahead and never pay it back. This is what they did under last year’s CR and during the shutdown.… 3/
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Sep 27th 2019
Today we've decided we're mad. We're fed up of all the BS going on.

-Women facing medical negligence at Karnes.
-Said women being transferred to keep things hushed.
-Making room for FAMILIES at said ^ facility.
-Slashing the refugee cap to 18K

The list goes on...
The thing with anger is that it gives you guts to speak up.

That's what this administration and big corps like GEO and Palantir haven't realized.

The more anger they produce, the louder we're going to get.
So if you're looking through your newsfeed reading these stories and find yourself getting mad..

Join us in emailing ICE to demand they #ShutDownKarnes, ask Congress to #DefundHate...but most importantly go out & protest these things and all acts of hate.…
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Sep 24th 2019
1/ Happening now: DWN, @NIJC, @ACLU, and @MigrantFreedom are holding a briefing with members of Congress to call for routine surprise visits of ICE jails in their districts and states. #EyesonICE #AbolishDetention
2/ ICE’s inspection process fails to provide an accurate assessment of the conditions people in detention face by lacking independent, regular, & unannounced inspections of detention facilities. We need #EyesonICE to hold the egregious agency accountable.
3/Immigration detention is the unjust practice of incarcerating immigrants while they await a decision on their immigration status. Within a broader system which targets low income people of color, @ICEgov locks up people in abysmal conditions where a culture of abuse permeates.
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Sep 4th 2019
We've all seen the guy at a Home Depot hoping to make a wage

He has no tattoos, only has work boots, he's never joined a gang

He asks a man if he can help but when he tries

The man says no, he gets on his phone and he calls ICE
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his boots
Cuz then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues

Then you really might know what its like
Then you really might know what its like
Then you really might know what its like
Then you really might know what its like
Mary got raped by a bunch of thugs while heading home for lunch

Her husbands gone, she can't call the cops, they're all corrupt

Three months later, two months along, and with no one to call

She leaves her land, to go and find her man, he's north of the wall
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Aug 28th 2019
The Trump administration’s money grab away from FEMA and toward detention and the Return-to-Mexico program is unethical, wrong, and will result in more human rights abuses. But it’s also illegal. This thread will explain why. 1/…
The transfer notification DHS sent to Congress moves $155 million from FEMA to immigration hearing facilities for the “Migrant Protection Protocol,” a horrific program that forces asylum seekers to wait in Mexico in unimaginable danger:…. 2/
Section 503 of the Fiscal Year 2019 DHS Appropriations Act gives DHS the authority to transfer and reprogram money between accounts up to certain amounts. 3/
Read 8 tweets

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