Oil? Loan? Internally generated revenue?
Atiku did not elaborate on how this will be accomplished so I decided to do some digging by looking at the 2018 budget as a guide to the future.
issa thread
Debt service nko?
Is crude oil revenue and IGR enough to pay for a $90b infrastructure spending?
What is the cost of the loan?
Can we afford to service $500 debt?

Only about N3 tril ($10b) of oil revenue was available for fed budget in 2018 so it is hard to see how the share of fed oil revenue will jump to $90 in two years. Oil no go do am o.

Internally Generated revenue is also nothing to write home about. N1.2 tril won't cut it.
It is so small that I won't even waste time on it.

Let's scrutinize the plans of all the candidates so that nobody will say they aren't aware that the plans are not attainable.