It is acceptable for people not to be fully informed about Brexit. Let's face it, it's generally dull, with esoteric arguments, a lot of "ifs" and "maybes", plus a cacophony of voices on both sides of the debate.
As an MP, you can't be too busy for Brexit. You can't be too confused for Brexit. You can't be too tired of Brexit. You can't abdicate your responsibility over Brexit.
Brexit is all. It is the first thing you should be thinking about
Because that's why you're an MP, right? To make a difference. To change the world (hopefully for the better)
We have staggered through a decade of austerity and, just as the first chink of light is beginning to show at the end of the tunnel, Brexit
There is another way. A difficult way. A brave way. A frankly frightening way.
And that is to look at the evidence, the facts, the reality of Brexit. Make the hard decision for the country, and for the people you were elected to
Then walk away. Admit that, after £4.2 billion and millions of collective hours spent trying to deliver Brexit, a "good" Brexit is a contradiction in terms.
It's either that, or shut your eyes, cover your ears, and hope for the best.
And the facts of Brexit are that it will be a disaster.