- increase in fuel costs for vehicles
- IT programme replacement
- “7 figure increase in cost of insuring police’s motor fleet”
RH says govt is aware of these pressures which aren’t unique to Essex, and will address it in 👮♀️ funding settlement
RH says indication from MHCLG is that PCCs will be allowed to double police precept for 19/20.
I.e. from £12 extra per household to £24.
Says he accepts that some overtime is good for officers to top up pay, but current level is unsustainable.
Says Force is currently at 3,000 👮♀️, and he hopes to increase in 19/20.
RH defends her saying there’s no “statutory obligation” for her to come, as mtg is to scrutinise him
But he admits there’s ongoing pay dispute with @fbunational over multi-yr pay settlement for firefighters in exchange for changes to role. (I.e he wants firefighters to do some👮♀️jobs)