$15 million/mo for 6 months =
a) salaries for 30,000 employees hired by Hamas for Gaza civil service govt positions, totalling $10 million/mo +
b) $5 million/mo for 50,000 needy people [$100 each/mo]
$10 million/mo for 6 months: fuel for Gaza Power Plant
Qatar "initially planned for the Palestinian Auth to buy the diesel from Israel tax-free through the UN, then resell it to the Gaza power plant w/ a 65% tax + pocket the difference. The PA, currently overwhelmed by financial woes, wld have turned a $39 million profit".
So instead, Qatar will be sending into Gaza $10 million/mo for 6 months,
= $60 million in cash [total, through March 2019], for the Gaza Power Plant
"To ensure the high-quality fuel reaches its destination without being replaced on the way by Hamas with cheap contaminated diesel, the UN accompanies each tanker from the moment it enters Gaza through Kerem Shalom crossing until it reaches the Gaza Power Plant
3 out of the 4 turbines in the Gaza power station have been re-started
[since the first Qatari dellvery of $10 million in Nov + now another $10 million
in Dec] =