
(he just asked me what i was typing & i had to explain what live tweeting is)
the day has barely begun and we’re 40+ minutes behind schedu

what’s the conflict here? how is this even a decision?
the ABCs of carefronting are Admonish, Be wary, and Confront
(the powerpoint was not updated from its last use in a ministry setting so there are some issues on this slide)

(since when do you hate your favorite word, heather?)
(this is a measured and mostly fair statement)
that list is... a meaningless jumble of all the same wor

“kindness is a big deal for me,” she says.
he also said something about having read hillbilly elegy... gonna try to tell him maybe he should read @elizabethcatte’s book instead
i agree to some extent, she did seem to be struggling. but she always has the option of NOT playing the victim here.
this is terrible advice.
but kathy agrees with her & says she would add social media to that. kathy’s ready to log all the way off.

she says she’s never been disrespected the way she has been since coming to charlottesville. (i don’t doubt there is a race & gender element, but people hate you because you’re a cop)
kathy says heather was “flayed alive” & she herself was “belittled” at the listening session on august.
oh kathy.
which is disingenuous because, again, what nikuyah posted was a publicly available written government document kathy authored.
nikuyah, firmly: i heard her.

antifascist & antiracist work are not NICE, but they are kind.
we do not need to coddle those who oppress

wow that’s almost as bad as hundreds of years of white supremacy.
the facilitator has asked nikuyah to “state her path,” but she declines, saying “i’m gonna sit with that.”

“you’re not just a reporter, you’re part of the family.”
(nolan looks uncomfortable)
excuse me, SIR, the tweets are good. mike just doesn’t care for them.

mike... disagrees? “i don’t agree with this valedictory kind of statement.”

brackney is patiently explaining the existence of male privilege.

i think SURJ has groups where you can practice this.