1. You can’t have your tonsils out as an adult.
Incorrect. Tonsils can still be a locus of disease in the adult: recurrent tonsillitis, sleep apnoea, lymphoma, cancer, halitosis, etc. When tonsils are diseases, removal of them may be necessary.
2. Tonsillectomy is extremely painful.
Yes and no. Because of its location and anatomical position, it is uncomfortable. But there are surgical and anaesthetic techniques today to reduce that pain which your surgeon can discuss with you. It’s manageable.
3. You only eat jelly and ice cream for 2 weeks after a tonsillectomy.
Nope. You eat normal food. The more normal your diet the better. Good pain management in the operation and after that will help you with returning to normal diet.
4. Your tonsils fight infection.
Not quite. Your immune system does the fighting. Tonsils capture allergens & foreign particles to present to the blood system. It’s the stuff in your blood that fights infection. When tonsils are sick they harbour bacteria.
5. Big tonsils need to be removed.
Depends. Tonsils are removed if they’re problematic. If they contribute to illness, sleep apnoea and others, then they can be removed. Size is not the only consideration.
Tonsil cancer is on the rise. In particular, HPV-positive viral induced tonsil (oropharyngeal) squamous cell carcinoma.