#Electroneum high sentiment alert. #ETN has both high hourly and daily sentiment.
Tweet volume has surged 88% as ETN now represents .63% of all crypto conversation on Twitter.
Trading volume is up 119% as the coin has gained 8.96% today
See more thetie.io/coin-detail/ET…

71% of tweets mentioning @electroneum are positive today. 67% of tweets mentioning #ETN and @RealJohnDough are positive
#Electroneum is the 9th most discussed #crypto on Twitter today
Of the 20 most tweeted coins, ETN is the only with high daily and hourly sentiment

In relative terms, #ETN accounts for 12X more of #cryptocurrency conversation on Twitter, than it currently does of crypto market cap
With today's gains Electroneum is currently 12% above its 50 day simple moving average
Further gains are projected