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Buster Hyde USMC/Ret @BusterUSMC
, 18 tweets, 7 min read Read on Twitter
😡People Who Hate @realDonaldTrump🤬
More Than
🇺🇸They Love America🇺🇸

1. Who are “they?”
Every Trump voter knows the answer.…
2. They are all of the Democrats, most of the media & many in the RINO Republican Party.

They are the Deep State, an exclusive political country club of mbrs not like Trump or US, more obvious than secretive, but nevertheless sinister.…
3. They are the same people who tolerate (rigged) elections but OBSTRUCT & RESIST representative govt.

These ppl are responsible 4having rendered our federal govt; agencies& the mainstream media, & institutions,
ALL of them....openly corrupt.…
4. It was these people & their pompous & purposeful mismanagement of our government (& outrageous abuse of "We, The People" & our tax dollars) decade after decade, more than any other factor, responsible for the election of @realDonaldTrump as @POTUS…
5. & they still don’t get it.
In fact, they're willing to destroy US in order to reverse 2016 election-ergo, the Mueller witch-hunt, the non-stop talk of impeachment, constant media bashing, & blocking @realDonaldTrump agenda at every level no matter the merits of the proposal.
6. It is "they" who are the extremists.
7. Trump was elected NOT based on any 1single issue, but bc WE became aware of the fact that we were slowly being treated, no longer like citizens of a republic; but 'subjects of an aristocracy',...
8. ...composed of a self-absorbed unaccountable permanent political class, which serve 'international interests' at the expense of the WE, the American people.…
9. They maintain their authority by an ever-expanding & increasingly intrusive gov & use a compliant media to manipulate public opinion in order to maintain the illusion of democracy.…
10. The size & pay scales of the federal govt now exceeds most of the private sector, but is unconstrained by regulation &, ever more frequently, by the laws, or the lack of laws & regulations written by themselves, for themselves making it all
11. they & their family mbrs enrich themselves trading public stocks of the public co's & corps that they write laws & regsfor (that can 'make or break' them overnight.)

"Insider Trading"
& its a FEDERAL CRIME (ask Martha Stewart)…
11. It is a fundamental principle of democracy which asserts that the people are the source of any and all governmental power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed.…
12. That is where they have failed US.
It is NOT a contest btwn Democrat & Republican ideologies driving the insanity permeating from the DC swamp, but a battle btwn the entrenched power of bipartisan political establishment versus the freedom & well-being of the American people.
13. Its a conflict between those who want to adhere to the Constitution and the rule of law and “they,” who wish to continue their corrupted practices of political expediency, crony capitalism & a two-tiered system of justice.…
14. It is a choice between a government
"of the people, by the people and for the people"
or..."elective despotism"
where lies, corruption & tyranny are embraced by the political estblshmnt & protected via propaganda bng spit in our faces by FAKE media.…
15. The election of @realDonaldTrump was NOT the consequence of colluding Russians tapping on keyboards in basements, but one of hope, based on a single proposition, the RETURN TO honest, representative & effective government who SERVE THE WILL OF US.…
16. Three years before the start of the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln said a government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free — that a house divided against itself cannot stand.…
17. Likewise,
a government separated FROM the people
And “they” need to understand that.


h/t Doug Ross
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