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Sep 29th 2022
NEW: #Russia|n oligarch, 3 associates charged w/sanctions evasion & obstruction of justice

Per @TheJusticeDept, indictment vs oligarch Oleg Deripaska, Natalia Bardakova, Olga Shriki & Ekaterina Lobanova was unsealed today

Shriki -a naturalized US citizen- was arrested this AM ImageImageImageImage
Per @TheJusticeDept, Shriki deleted electronic records after getting a grand jury subpoena

Lobanova, 33, is charged w/making false statements to @DHSgov agents when she tried to enter the US "for the purpose of giving birth to Deripaska’s child"
"The Justice Department will not stop working to identify, find, and bring to justice those who evade US sanctions in order to enable the #Russia|n regime" per US Atty Gen Merrick Garland, in statement
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Jul 22nd 2022
"We used to always talk about super powers & I think we now live in a world where we need to talk about cyber powers" @Microsoft President & Vice Chair @BradSmi tells #AspenSecurity

"2 of the great #cyber powers in the world are #Russia & #China..."
"The United States is the strongest #cyber power of all" per @Microsoft's @BradSmi

"But what we're fundamentally seeing is #Ukraine in particular is Russia use its very sophisticated cyber capabilities to do 3 things..."
"One is support an invasion, including w/destructive cyber attacks" per @Microsoft's @BradSmi

"The 2nd is do what the #Russian gvt does year-in, year-out, which is very broad-based espionage & hacking, both of gvt & pvt sector"
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Jan 5th 2021
This is what Julian Assange and WikiLeaks turned the hacked emails into before the election.

Fake news and propaganda that got Trump elected based on mis-interpretations and lies about hidden messages in hacked, stolen emails.

Cult Insanity is still at work in Trump's World. Image
Julian Assange conspired to hack and then release emails that were 'spun' and 'propagandized' as disinformation accusing democrats of 'using codewords' in their 'campaigns' known as 'PizzaGate' and 'Spirit Cooking': supposed pedophiles, child kidnappers and satanic murderers.
Julian Assange isn't a 'journalistic hero' but a hacker who facilitated a disinformation campaign that resulted in a 'stolen election' in 2016 which gave us 4 years of increasing fascist hell and a potential overthrow of our democracy.
Read 20 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
NEW: @POTUS #COVIDadviser @SWAtlasHoover apologizes for interview w/RT from the White House Saturday

Atlas: "I was unaware they are a registered foreign agent...I especially apologize to the national security community who is working hard to defend us"
.@SWAtlasHoover had earlier tweeted the link to the interview w/RT on #COVID19
The interview remains on RT's website...
Read 16 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
NEW: @DNI_Ratcliffe says #Russia|n intelligence analysis provide to @LindseyGrahamSC, Senate Judiciary Committee for its Crossfire Hurricane Investigation "is not Russian disinformation and has not been assessed as such by the Intelligence Community"
MORE: " I’ll be briefing Congress on the sensitive sources and methods by which it was obtained in the coming days" per @DNI_Ratcliffe statement

His letter to @LindseyGrahamSC here:…
NEW: @FBI spokesperson on @ODNIgov declassification of #Russian intelligence analysis re #Election2016

"The FBI has been, and will continue to be, fully cooperative with all congressional inquiries, and Department of Justice reviews, into the Crossfire Hurricane investigation”
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Sep 22nd 2020
"We recognize that this elections for many voters will look & feel very different than it has in the past" due to #COVID19, @DHSgov Sr Advisor for Election Security Matt Masterson tells @AuburnCyber's McCrary Institute Image
"Today is National Voter Registration Day" per Masterson "What a perfect day for all voters to go out & register or update their registration to ensure their information is accurate & up-to-date"
"Election night results may be less complete than what you're used to seeing" per @DHSgov's Masterson "None of that means there's a problem w/the process. It means election officials are focused on accuracy, not speed, & they're doing everything they can..."
Read 21 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
.@HomelandDems' @BennieGThompson opens hearing on "Ensuring Every Vote Counts" criticizing @POTUS for "waging an attack on the Postal Service to serve his own political interests"
"The president has told the public that vote-by-mail is rigged, illegal or fraudulent more than 100 times since March" per @BennieGThompson "...undeterred by the fact that he's been contradicted by DHS & the intelligence community"
"The president has openly acknowledged that he is depriving the Postal Service of additional funding bcs he is concerned the expanding voting opportunities will hurt reelection chances" per @BennieGThompson in opening statement
Read 40 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
JUST IN: Senate Intelligence Committee releases 5th & final report on #Russia #Election2016 meddling - on Russia’s attempts to gain influence in the American political system…
The 5 bipartisan reports from the Senate Intelligence Committee based on “more than three years of investigative activity, more than 200 witness interviews, and more than a million pages of reviewed documents” per statement “All five volumes total more than 1300 pages”
Statement from Senate Intelligence Committee acting Chair @marcorubio:

“We can say, without any hesitation, that the Committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the #Russia|n government to meddle in the 2016 election...”
Read 56 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
.@POTUS repeating criticism of plans to have expanded mail-in voting for #Election2020

"It's going to be the greatest fraud in the history of elections" he says "You always talk about #Russia, Russia, Russia, #China, #Iran...Your biggest problem is going to be w/the Democrats"
.@POTUS says Democrats want $3.5 billion for mail-in voting "we would never approve an amount like that"

He also says Democrats $25 billion for @USPS "so the Post Office can handle this vast amount of ballots that are being sent all over the place"
"Are they going to do it [universal mail-in voting] even though they don't have the money?" @POTUS asks about Democrats in Congress

"It'll be the greatest fraud ever perpetrated other than, perhaps what they did to my campaign" he asserts, referring to #Election2016
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Jul 17th 2020
#Election2016 for US "a similar sort of wake-up call" to #Russia's launch of #Sputnik in 1957, per @CISAKrebs

"This was truly an affront to the American ppl because it demonstrated the potentiality to undermine democracy at large-that's why we take it as seriously as we do"
"I've said it before & I'll say it again. The 2020 election will be the most secure election in modern history" @CISAKrebs tells @BrookingsInst

"We've been truly able to raise the awareness of cybersecurity threats with our partners. They get it"
At least 92% of states will have a paper record of each vote - so election can be audited and verified, per @CISAKrebs

But with #COVID19 and expansion of absentee voting, that percentage could be even higher
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Jun 11th 2020
JUST IN: @ODNIgov Dir John Ratcliffe releases declassified Annex A of the Intelligence Community's 2016 assessment on #Russia meddling in #Election2016 "with minimal redactions"

This follows requests from senators @ChuckGrassley & @RonJohnsonWI
Per Annex A of the 2016 Intelligence Community Assessment on #Russia|n election meddling, intel officials had "only limited corroboration of the source's reporting...and did not use it to reach the analytic conclusions of the CIA/FBI/NSA assessment"
Annex A also notes that Steele "is an executive of a private business intelligence firm and a former employee of a friendly foreign intelligence service" and that he has been "compensated for previous reporting over the part three years"
Read 9 tweets
May 18th 2020
NEW: @TheJusticeDept AG William Barr touts "significant developments" into deadly December shooting at @NASPCOLA that killed 3 and wounded 8 Image
NEW: Information found on phones of shooter, Saudi Air Force Lt. Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, ties him directly to #AQAP per Atty Gen William Barr

@FBI Dir. Chritopher Wray: Info on the phones show @NASPCOLA shooting "brutal culmination of years of planning"
Alshamrani "talked w/#AQAP about his plans and tactics" in the months leading up to the shooting, @FBI's Wray "He was helping the organization make the most he could out of his killings"
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May 7th 2020
THREAD: @JoeBiden & The #ElectoralCollege: There are 2 basic factors of electability nearly every major Democrat candidate in 2020 could reach: 1. Win the national popular vote and 2. Win back Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania. The easiest & barest levels of electability. But...
2/Suppose we are overestimating the #Resistance to Donald Trump in 2020? Suppose just one of the key 3 states in 2016 put Trump over the top in 2020? Which candidate could get to 270 electoral votes a different way? Who is best positioned to win in Florida? In Arizona? In North..
3/Carolina? In Ohio? It's those bigger thresholds that make @JoeBiden the best positioned to beat Trump. Two groups give Biden a unique electoral advantage. First, an incredible strength among older voters. Of the top 10 oldest states as of 2018, 3 are crucial swing states:
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Feb 14th 2020
#BrianKemp bleached the rolls whiter than white, removing over half a million voters from the rolls in #Georgia before the 2018 gubernatorial race against #StaceyAbrams — who was the first African American woman to run for Governor in the U.S.…
But Kemp's racist vote-purging tricks go way beyond Georgia. He worked with #KrisKobach, Trump's Vote-Thief-in-Chief, who used the #InterstateCrosscheck voter purge list generated by Kemp in Georgia to target voters of color in 30 states.…
That's what flipped #Michigan to Trump and helped steal the presidency in 2016. And it'll happen again in 2020, unless we're able to expose and stop the GOP's election-stealing tricks.…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 23rd 2020
USA Today reports on #Ohio's voter purges noting that:

1. The young were disproportionately purged: Nearly 1 out of 3 purged voters was age 25 to 34.…
2. Where a party preference could be determined based on the last partisan primary in which the voter cast a ballot, Democrats outnumbered Republicans almost 2 to 1.…
Our experts have been screaming that the big purge attacks young voters — i.e. Democrats. The excuse is that they’ve moved out of #Ohio. They haven’t. They are students and renters who moved to a new dorm or down the street.…
Read 8 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
Trump's going to steal the 2020 election. It doesn't matter how good the Dem's campaign is or how much they spend on ads. Clinton outspent Trump by almost a $1 billion in 2016, but Trump is in the White House because we have an apartheid voting system.…
#Georgia's ground zero for vote theft. You think of it as a Republican state, but it's going to be the first Deep South white minority state. So the Dems can't lose — unless the GOP steals it from them!…
There aren't enough white people to elect Donald Trump in states like Georgia. That's WHY the Republicans have stepped up their vote thieving games, which could absolutely reelect Trump — no matter the will of the people.…
Read 7 tweets
Dec 15th 2019
We have databases with absolute proof that this purge is racist and illegal. @StaceyAbrams is covering the cost of our experts in #Georgia, where her organization, @FairFightAction is taking legal action using our evidence.… #VanishingVoters
@staceyabrams @fairfightaction However, in #Wisconsin, a court decision is forcing a similar mass racist purge of 234,000 voters. It can be reversed. We are prepared to team up with WI Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes.… #VanishingVoters
@staceyabrams @fairfightaction But bluntly, we simply don’t have one penny to do this work. If you give a damn, here’s the link to make a tax-deductible donation:…

#VanishingVoters #Wisconsin #BrianKemp #Georgia #PurgeByPostcard #Election2016 #TrumpStoleIt #Election2020 #StopTheSteal
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Nov 25th 2019
In 2018, #StaceyAbrams lost by around 40,000 votes to #BrianKemp in the election for governor of #Georgia. Kemp was Secretary of State at the time and he quietly removed over half a million voters from the voter rolls.…
I sued #BrianKemp to get the names of the voters he'd #purged from the rolls. Turns out they were removed because they supposedly moved. But we found out that at least 340,134 had never, ever moved from their registration address, yet they lost their vote.…
We hired the top specialist in Address List Hygiene—a fancy term for people who track where every American lives. We looked at people who paid property tax in Atlanta, paid income tax in Georgia, people who were getting pizza deliveries on the morning of the election—in Georgia.
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Oct 16th 2019
More than 50 minutes behind schedule, @POTUS news conference with @Quirinale finally due to begin momentarily.
And we’re underway. @VP also in room.
@VP As @POTUS begins his remarks, word comes from Ankara that #Turkey is preparing retaliation for US sanctions.
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Oct 8th 2019
"Elizabeth Warren’s Big Challenge: Winning Black Voters"…
Jessie Jackson asked #ElizabethWarren and #BernieSanders to meet with us privately to plan an attack on the racist #Crosscheck vote purge system.
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Sep 24th 2019
Think you’re registered to vote? Think again. With all this purg’n going on, you could be x’d out and you won’t even know it. But there’s a simple way you can defeat the GOP's vote-thieving tricks: Re-register! #NationalVoterRegistrationDay #NVRD
3 months before an election, EVERYONE needs to check their voter registration to see if they’ve been removed. And if you have been removed — or you've not registered yet, there's no better day to do it than TODAY!… #NationalVoterRegistrationDay #NVRD
Register yourself. Then help register your partner, your family — and your Twitter friends by sharing this.

Friends don't let friends lose their vote!

#NationalVoterRegistrationDay #NVRD
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Sep 8th 2019
I don't trust polls, they're not that accurate if they are before an election because the pollsters have to figure out if you're going to vote or not. The polls that really count are the #ExitPolls—and in #Wisconsin, #Pennsylvania & #Michigan, #HillaryClinton won the exit polls.
So what happened in #Wisconsin if you had a 4% victory in the #ExitPolls? How did Trump win? The answer is, you tell an exit pollster how you voted, but you don't know if your vote was counted.…
You don't know if the machine kicked out your vote. You don't know that if you filled out a #ProvisionalBallot and it was disqualified.
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Sep 6th 2019
#NRA skips bullet again: By Trump keeping the Federal Election Commission without members, enforcement action against illegal NRA donations comes to halt.… #FEC #RIPFEC
Statement of reasons of FEC Chair Ellen L. Weintraub regarding allegations that: "Torshin – a senior Russian central bank official with ties to Putin – had illegally funneled money to the NRA to help then-candidate Donald Trump win the presidency.”…
The #NRA requested the matter be dismissed in a letter to the #FEC dated March 19, 2019:…
Read 5 tweets

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