Germany faces the biggest hacker attack in its history.
Private data of almost 1000 German #Bundestag, #Regional Parliament & #EU delegates was leaked.
I worked through the leaked data all night. It's shocking!
Not affected so far: #AfD.…
Mobile phone numbers, addresses, private family conversations, vacation pictures, bills, communications between politicians, work emails etc. were leaked
In most cases, Outlook was hacked, in some cases also Facebook, Twitter etc.
I searched through it 5 hours last night, read maybe 3%of it and already found cases of corruption and bad political scandals.
We must act responsibly, but we must also not forget that if we do not report accurately on the info in the leaked data, others – right-wing extremists – will do it.
Unique situation.
Also from the artists, comedians, moderators etc partially very private data was leaked, in some cases nonetheless only mobile number.
But what I can say is that hackers needed months if not years to collect, inspect, categorize and describe the leaked data, pointing at a group of high professionalism.

Also the chancellory was informed last night.
A Supergau.
Hacks were ongoing for months or years.

No “corruption” was detected, but cases of nepotism.
We can now say that some of the data collection of former or current German MPs reach back to 2009.
We can also say that the hackers removed single data sets after they collected and screened them.
This raises the possibility of more, compromising, data being out there.
The hackers obtained pornographic material of them ...
@BILD's editor-in-chief @jreichelt released a statement, explaining how we as Germany's largest newspaper will deal with the hacked and leaked private information.

The 5 minute interview starts at 34:20.…
,Germany's Parliamentary Control Council, intel services and the public were not informed.
Before the BSI chief admitted the MP contacts yesterday evening, his spokesperson claimed at the govt. press conference that the BSI just learned about the #BTleaks on Thursday evening.
My colleagues counted and categorized the victims.…

We (with the help of 2 GER hackers) possibly found one of the hackers, responsible for the #BTleaks.
He shared the hacked & leaked information weeks to months before GER authorities & the public found out about the hack.
And it's still out there!…

He endorsed the NPD as well as the NSDAP and complained that the AfD "will not get away the clans" (with what he referred to all other parties in the Bundestag).
"Achtundachtzig" means 88 which stands for HH - "Heil Hitler".
Disclaimer: All information according to our open source research only & must be verified by the authorities.
Because we did not hack anyone!