-Day 28 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Federal Workers Stand in Food Lines
-Directed Cohen to Lie to Congress?
-Allowed Sen Graham to Fly to Turkey
-Meets NoKo Spy Chief in Oval Office
-Gambling Reversal Linked 2 Donor
-Teases a "Major Announcement"

Day 684 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 472 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 60 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

There have been 11 American mass shootings in the first 18 days of 2019.
Real-time U.S. gun violence numbers as of January 18th:
•679 gun deaths
•1,188 gun injuries
•25 children shot
•98 teenagers shot
•71 incidents of defensive gun use
•88 home invasions
•76 unintentional shootings
•11 mass shootings
The House bill that would expand background checks and help to prevent gun violence #HR8 now has 224 cosponsors.
And The 224 co-sponsors includes many Republicans
3 of the 4 Americans killed in Syria identified:
-Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jonathan R. Farmer, 37, Boynton Beach, FL
-Navy Chief Cryptologic Technician Shannon M. Kent, 35, upstate NY
-Defense Dept. civilian Scott A. Wirtz, St. Louis, MO
@ajc identifies Ghadir Taher, 27, who immigrated with her family to America from Syria, as contractor who was among those killed in the ISIS bombing. ajc.com/news/breaking-…
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Reminder: Tweet from June 17, 2018.
When Trump returned from his last summit with Kim Jong Un he tweeted "There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea."
Yesterday, Trump's Pentagon issued a report saying North Korea's nuclear program is still an "extraordinary threat" usatoday.com/story/news/wor…
Trump met with North Korean Spy Chief Kim Yong Chol for an hour and half in the Oval Office, to discuss denuclearization and a second summit, which will take place near the end of February.
Will the notes of the conversation be released to the public?
Trump plans to meet again with Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader, in February nyti.ms/2Dhvk8c
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Sweden's news agency says a secret, high-level meeting between envoys from the United States and North Korea is being held in Stockholm.
So, who is representing the U.S. in these secretive talks?
Vanity Fair's Emily Jane Fox tells @maddow that Michael Cohen has documented evidence that Donald Trump knew about Cohen's scheme to pay to rig online polls in Trump's favor. msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/…
Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter tell BuzzFeed News.
Trump supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations, BuzzFeed reports.
"Make it happen," the sources said Trump told Cohen.
Even as Trump told the public he had no business deals with Russia, sources tell BuzzFeed News that Trump, Ivanka and Don Jr., received regular, detailed updates about the real estate development from Cohen, whom they put in charge of the project. buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonl…
Mueller's office learned about Trump's directive for Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, texts, and a cache of other docs, BuzzFeed News reports.
Klobuchar: "A president persuading a person to commit perjury would be obstruction. Is that right?"
Barr: "Yes."
Klobuchar: "You also said that a president convincing a witness to change testimony would be obstruction. Is that right?"
Barr: "Yes."
Article One of Nixon bill of impeachment, approved by House Judiciary Committee, accused Nixon of “approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to...false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings."
In 1998, the first article of impeachment against Bill Clinton included "efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence."
Dianne Feinstein: "Now, media reports say Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about that business deal. If true, [Trump] committed a crime and must be held accountable."
@MerriamWebster with more presidential shade
Obstruction and collusion are somewhat nebulous concepts — which makes impeachment and removal of Trump difficult.
Suborning perjury though, if proven, is clearly a crime and would be very hard for Republicans to explain away. washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/…
According to the NYT story last fall, one of the written questions to Trump from Mueller was, “What communication did you have with Michael D. Cohen, Felix Sater, and others, including foreign nationals, about Russian real estate developments during the campaign?”
When asked directly, White House press secretary Hogan Gidley refuses three times to say whether the Buzzfeed report is true or false.
This is witness intimidation.
The funny thing about Newt dissing BuzzFeed as supermarket tabloid is that Trump used a supermarket tabloid to smear his rivals and commit a felony by facilitating hush money payments to a mistress
From 2014
BuzzFeed stands by its reporting
Why US intelligence should release any Khashoggi files | By Jameel Jaffer and Joel Simon for @CNNOpinion cnn.it/2DkrKKz

Day 28 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 800,000 government workers to work without pay because of the #TrumpShutdown

As we wind down day 28 of the #TrumpShutdown, let's not forget:
"I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."
There's a food line for furloughed federal workers in DC that stretched around the side of this building.
America 2019: bread lines for people who *have* jobs #TrumpShutdown

The Capital area food bank has sent an email asking for more support and donations because of the #TrumpShutdown.
"I’ve organized food drives for the food bank for years. I never dreamed I’d be standing in line for food myself."

Trump suggests someone would lug a prayer rug across the Atlantic, up through South America, into and across Mexico, only then to ditch it in Texas.
To play on the fears of his racist, xenophobic, bigoted base.
Reporters on the border say migrants often carry small heavy rugs to throw over the barbed wire and then dump them when they make it to the U.S. side.
Has nothing to do with Islam.
Rep. Will Hurd — a *Texas Republican* — tells @RollingStone that Trump's border crisis is a "myth."
Hurd says Trump's "wall" is the "most expensive and least effective way to do border security."
Tim Kaine tried to get consent to take up a House-passed bill that would reopen all government agencies except Homeland Security, but Mitch McConnell objected.
McConnell didn't explain his objection. thehill.com/blogs/floor-ac…
On Capitol Hill, @SpeakerPelosi, asked by @GarrettHaake if cancelling her CODEL is retaliation for her SOTU letter:
PELOSI: “I don’t think the president would be that petty, do you?”
The message the White House is sending here is that taxpayer funded visits to autocrats are fine, and taxpayer funded resort weekends in Palm Beach are fine, but visits to meet with troops and NATO are not.
Erdogan and visiting US Senator Graham discuss Syria and US troop withdrawal, attend concert of popular Turkish pianist Fazil Say
"[Trump's] decision to leave Syria was made without deliberation, consultation with allies or Congress, assessment of risk, or appreciation of facts," says @brett_mcgurk who resigned as special envoy in protest. washingtonpost.com/outlook/trump-…
Pence on Wednesday: "The caliphate has crumbled and ISIS has been defeated."
Pentagon spokesman today: "As Wednesday's attack demonstrates, ISIS remains a threat."
As Trump cozies up to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea, Russia has deployed nuclear capable ballistic missile launchers near Ukraine’s borders.
Trump remains silent about the increased threat being mounted on the Ukrainian border. Stay tuned.
Steven Mnuchin recently flew to L.A. on a private jet to meet with Michael Milken, the billionaire "junk bond” king who pleaded guilty to securities fraud in 1990 and served two years in prison.
Birds of a feather... nyti.ms/2HlIrtb
The Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed conservative conspiracy theorist and special counsel witness Jerome Corsi, his attorney told The Hill.
The committee is seeking both an interview and documents from Corsi.
The legal reasoning behind the Justice Department's unusual reversal this week of an opinion that paved the way for online gambling hewed closely to arguments made by lobbyists for casino magnate & top Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, WSJ reports.
New Pew Research poll on Trump entering year 3:
—37% approve, 59% disapprove
—58% trust Trump less than previous presidents
—29% say his presidency will be a success people-press.org/2019/01/18/tru…
Former White House aide reveals compiling of Trump "enemies list" in memoir: report
"A senior admin official told @MajorCBS that Trump will present what the White House believes could be a deal to end the #TrumpShutdown.
The deal was largely influenced by talks between Pence, McConnell and Jared Kushner"
That's not how it works!
Will Trump declare a national emergency tomorrow?
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
✅ Russia probe didn’t start from the dossier.
✅ Dossier not discredited.