
Thus the Constitution derives its authority from the people..
An admirable declaration, but what is that source of authority that India has cherished from time immemorial?
#SriAurobindo answers:

Thus India is not under the dominion of any other state, but an independent nation free to determine her own journey..
But how to attain that original ideal of "Swaraj" which was the impulse behind Indian awakening?
#SriAurobindo answers:

Thus India is a state committed to the welfare of its people via socialist means..
But can this conception of a socialist state be effectively harmonized with the ideas of Individual liberty as enshrined in the Constitution?
#SriAurobindo answers:

Thus Indian state neither endorses nor criticizes any sect or religion..
But does it make sense for India to turn away from her own spontaneous harmony of spirituality and life towards an ephemeral borrowed ideal?
#SriAurobindo answers:

Thus India is a state which accepts popular sovereignty and a model of representative democracy..
But is the form of Parliamentary democracy that India has adopted suits her own soul and character?
#SriAurobindo answers:

JUSTICE, social, economic & political"
Thus India accepts the responsibility of creating a just society..
But isn't it imperative for India to re-evaluate her measures of justice if the attempt has led to much dissatisfaction?

EQUALITY of status & of opportunity; & to promote among all
FRATERNITY assuring dignity of Individual & unity & integrity of Nation"
Thus India accepts the French motto.. But have we understood its subtleties?

May the Constitution be brought in alignment with India's soul, & only thus its adoption on the anniversary of "Immortality Day" will be justified.