Lisa Raitt is desperately trying to discredit her.
Whose purpose might that serve?
What’s the likelihood this smearing of a member of Canada’s committee to review & propose Supreme Court Justices is CPC attempt to load SCC with like minded judges?
They need 7 provinces representing the majority of Canadians, and a like minded PM.
Currently they have MB, SK, ON, QC, NB
BC is a minority govt and could fall anytime. Liberals (Cons in red coats) could easily win majority.
AB overrun with indoctrinated Kenney supporters who live in a vacuum fed by Rebel News and Postmedia BS.
Everyone worldwide laughed at Trump’s chances to become President too. He was awkward, boorish, lies constantly. And he won.
The information desert has created blind, deaf & obtuse Canadian citizenry.
Trump clarified when he gave justification for a military intervention in Venezuela. For the natural resources.
From O&G, to an abundance of key minerals, and 20% of world’s fresh water supply.
The American dream.
And complicit CPC libertarian adherents to hand it to their overlords on silver platter for a cut of the profits & power.
Sound crazy?
Similar voter suppression methods to disenfranchise citizens most affected by the transfer of wealth to US magnates.
The Kearl Oil Sands approval.
Kearl Approved with bogus environmental claims by Harper regime in 2008. Twice, because the federal court called for explanation how the mine’s massive greenhouse gas emissions were “insignificant”.
Kearl oil sands project is front & centre of these lawsuits, one of the main examples used to demonstrate securities fraud
Kill Carbon tax and repeal Bill C-69.
A price on carbon and legislation potentially limiting GHG emissions.
Funny how those coincide so well. Huh?
Then they proceeded to fund a massive PR campaign for the last 25 years to hide the truth from everyone.
How much of that lobbying occurred in Canada?………
💥 Fraser institute, with 🔼$1M in Koch Money in 2017 to defend Exxon withholding info from citizens about the truth of climate change and the cost to develop oil sands in AB.
That’s a direct link between Koch brothers, funding for Trump, Fraser Institute, funding for defense of disinformation.
The surge in climate denial in AB makes sense.
It’s all about the oil folks. Follow the money.
Likelihood there are no strings or expectations for results attached? Approaching 0%.…

Please read.…