Clear topic of the week was measles (so many convos w/ concerned parents this week!) so this week’s thread is on the MMR vaccine
#VaccinesWork #VaxFactsFebruary
@Dr_ScottK @PedsGeekMD @DrJaimeFriedman @DrPanMD
Highly #contagious - 90% of susceptible (i.e. non-vaccinated) persons will become ill if exposed
- Fever
- 3 C's (cough, conjunctivitis, coryza)
- #Koplik spots
- Rash (starts on face & spreads downward)
Sources for thread: @CDCgov & @WHO

Ear infxn (1 in 10) - can cause hearing loss
Pneumonia (1 in 20) - most common cause of death
Encephalitis (1 in 1000)
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (4-11 in 100,000)
1 in 4 will be hospitalized
1-2 in 1,000 will die

1963 - 1st measles vaccine licensed
1971 - #MMR 1st licensed
1989 - 2 dose MMR schedule recommended
2005 - #MMRV licensed
#VaccinesWork #VaxFactsFebruary

3rd dose of #MMR might be recommended in certain mumps outbreak situations (e.g. college campuses)
- h/o anaphylaxis to neomycin or MMR vaccine
- pregnancy
- immunosuppression and/or high dose steroids
MMR Precautions:
- moderate or severe acute illness
- recent blood tranfusion/blood products (specific interval varies)
- h/o thrombocytopenia
Remember—No other live vaccines within 4 weeks but okay to give together (also true for TB skin test)
- fever (5-15%) - occures 5-12 days after
- rash (5%) - occurs 7-10 days after
- transient thrombocytopenia (1 in 30,000-40,000)
- febrile seizure (see next tweet)
- arthralgias (up to 25% of adult women - due to rubella component)
~5% of children will have a single febrile seizure in their life (most are not vaccine related)
There is a slight increase in risk of febrile seizure after MMR vaccination
Not seen w/ 2nd MMRV booster at 4-6 yrs
PCV + flu & Dtap + flu also have small increased risk
To the contrary, there have been multiple well-designed studies that have demonstrated that there is no link between the MMR vaccine & autism
See CHOP Vaccine Education Center:
Natural measles infxn appears to predispose children to other infxns for up to a few years by erasing immune protection to other diseases (so-called "immune amnesia")
When MMR is given, childhood deaths from other infectious diseases also decrease
#Measles can cause serious complications
#MMR is an incredibly safe & effective vaccine
Measles still kills >100,000 every year worldwide
Knowing #data & specifics is crucial in talking w/ families
#VaccinesWork #VaxFactsFebruary #HerdImmunity
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