“The peso is plummeting!” Trump exclaimed at 10: 16 P.M. on Election Night, a broad smile creasing his ever-tanned face. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.” 1/
“All the prognosticators and bloviators who’d predicted his doom were being humiliated, and he was loving every minute of it.” 2/ #TeamOfVipers
“They’ve got John King on the maps again,” Trump quipped. “I used to hate him on the maps, then the maps started turning red and I started liking him. 3/ #TeamOfVipers
When Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson complimented Trump’s ability to articulate an antiwar vision to Republican voters, Trump said, admiringly, “He totally gets it.” 4/ #TeamOfVipers
“When I get to Washington I’m gonna shove it up Kasich’s a—!” he declared of Ohio’s vehemently anti-Trump Governor and Trump’s former presidential rival, John Kasich. 5/ #TeamOfVipers
While working in Sessions’s Senate office, he’d single-handedly written what amounted to the definitive “anti-amnesty” handbook. It was full of statistics and messaging recommendations. 6/ #TeamOfVipers
Bannon loved it all. “Everyone who ever ran against the Clintons wanted to do this!” he exulted, a proud father of the chaos he had birthed. “But nobody had the stones!” 8/
When Bill Clinton walked into the debate hall for the first time that evening, he saw his accusers almost immediately. It was impossible to avoid them. Bannon had made sure of that. I don’t believe I have ever witnessed a man look that shaken. 9/
10/ #TeamOfVipers

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12/ #TeamOfVipers