1 dissent note dated 1st June 2016
2 On 21st July 2016, the Indian Negotiating Team (including the 3 dissenters) signed the final report WITHOUT objections. Apparently N Ram has been given these papers too and hasn't published them for obvious reasons.
3 The final UNANIMOUS..
Obviously I'm challenging N Ram to publish the UNCROPPED 21st July 2016 report that he has a copy of. You know why he won't.
1 benchmarking costs. If you remember in my..

IMPRACTICAL DELIVERY SCHEDULE: Well the first jets are already flying, so we know final delivery will be in 2022 as promised, no slippage
OFFSET & IGA issues discussed in previous threads. These are ...
RESTRICTIVE TRADE PRACTICES: Unfortunately nothing can be done about this as Russia America France all insist on this clause that they and ONLY they be allowed to upgrade
Hope this helps.. it's highly technical & I guess some won't get it. But hey, neither does N Ram 😜