@paulebowen of @brickcourt and @SVPhillimore of @StJohnsChambers for @louisetickle
Adam Wolanski of @5RB for @bbc
Sarah Earley of Pallant Chambers for @SouthamptonCC
Children's Guardian not present and not represented #RROAppeal
PB: This would provide a vehicle by which this would be resolved
Section 97 legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1989/41/… #RROAppeal
PB: If some risk, outweighed by public interest, that detail may need to be published; we're concerned that if anonymised would go too far #RROAppeal
My Lord, My Lady these are matters that cld be addressed by guidance... but this is a vehicle in which issues cld be determined #RROAppeal
AMcF: It wouldn't be possible to determine the balance starting point <paraphrase>
AMcF: You're right to do that and not all the points would be encapsulated in guidance #RROAppeal
We do nevertheless have to reach some conclusion about how to resolve the #RROAppeal and we've reached a more substantial level of agreement
LJK checks all working to same version
PB: Yes thats latest until Mr Messling makes his outlines
LJK: Yes I was happy with unlawful, but it is wrong
PB: I'm speaking as a public lawyer but yes, we're happy with wrong #RROAppeal
PB: I was a little foxed by this.... we'll have to include some flexibility
LJK: Yes if you were to put the actual date when they were 18 then that is pretty much giving the jigsaw piece #RROAppeal
Here you are. I think the bar is not thanked often enough, the public dont realise how public spirited the bar is in providing its expertise in these cases #RROAppeal
PB: She is in this difficult position, the last thing she wants is her child to be identified, but she also wants her voice to be heard about what happened to her
PB: I think its worth repeating this is a family where a child has been moved from what the Court of Appeal described as the slimmest of evidence of harm to the child #RROAppeal
This particular LA area has highest rate of adoption of children in the country #RROAppeal
This case shows the order has changed from the child being placed for adoption to going home #RROAppeal
LJK: ...I'm just sharing what Elastoplast we have in place #RROAppeal
{I think.... got lost a bit there} #RROAppeal
PB: Yes, unless they've acted reprehensibly #RROAppeal
PB: Once its clear there needs some restriction going beyond the case, there's a reporting restriction issues as well as variation issue, which is why parties shd sit down and draft #RROAppeal
LJK: Yes
Discussion about legal bloggers
SE: Previous foster parents and medical professionals who continue dealing with the family #RROAppeal
It's understandable why it didn't happen in this case, nobody planned to come to court and make an application for a RRO #RROAppeal
...its obvious that the problems materialised because nobody was focused on the RRO #RROAppeal
AW: No-one could agree what they were talking at, people were talking at cross purposes #RROAppeal
AMcF: Clarification #RROAppeal
If this court were to give practice guidance, and we'd very much encourage it to, then its necessary to bear in mind any additional formalities may give rise to problems for journalists in that situation #RROAppeal
LJK: We need to be a little careful about that submission.... the danger for a journalist is that they may inadvertently put their foot on a landmine and be in breach of the original order #RROAppeal
AMcF: There's probably more risk in the relaxation, unless you're precise about quite where does it go too #RROAppeal
SE: The local authority are pleased this is resolved... whether you deal with this as practice guidance or not, I'm conscious of the need to involve @MyCAFCASS in future guidance #RROAppeal
AMcF: I'm aware of that... we must be aware of what should have happened, without being unaware of that #RROAppeal
LM: My client's primary concern is for her family... however she is aware that her story has wider application and her sympathy for that story to be published so long as her confidentiality and that of her family is maintained #RROAppeal
[I'm going to tweet light at this stage so don't share information that may later be withheld] #RROAppeal
LJK: Its King Cnut issue {??}
AW: A slightly more prosaic image, the toothpaste is out the tube.... my Lord while it might not be possible to get back in the tube, it might be possible to avoid it getting on the toothbrush #RROAppeal
AW: My Lady I stand corrected, its about the risk #RROAppeal
LJK: That's nonsense, you can't redact the earlier judgement and then not the later Court of Appeal judgement #RROAppeal
Agreement that it's a matter of drafting
AMcF: We see the merit of what you're trying to do... whilst there's drafting going on the numbering in para 3 is off. Right, good.
AMcF: So journalists can reference Court of Appeal hearing, but not provide the link?
LW: I thought they ought to be permitted reference to, or providing the link
AMcF: They're allowed to report the details but not provide reference to it?
LJK: I really dont want to be difficult and want to give the mother and child as much protection as possible, but how is any journalist expected to do what they want with this case and not provide a link to the Court of Appeal judgement, they just cant...
Discussion continues about detail within the Court of Appeal judgement that Lawrence Messling is trying to amend #RROAppeal
Discussion about readership of the Court of Appeal judgements versus media coverage #RROAppeal
AMcF: No, we're left to the professional judgement of journalists about whether they shd
Case law discussion #RROAppeal
Discussion about Transparency in the Family Court by @julie_doughty @familoo and @Maggotlaw and its usefulness to the court l shar.es/amo9wD #RROAppeal
AMcF: The Court has before it an appeal against a reporting restrictions order made in October 2018... {continues}
AMcF: Initially an order was made to place the child for adoption, an appeal was granted and heard which has been reported elsewhere.... case attracted interest in the media, 3 respected journalists appeared at court to observe the hearing, as they're entitled to do
AMcF: The transcript of the hearing makes plain the issue was dealt with relatively swiftly and the judge made an order that restricted reporting, including restricting information already in the public domain
One of the journalists Ms @louisetickle appealed
AMcF: Ms Tickle was granted leave to appeal by Lord Justice Jackson.... with respect to the reporting restriction order, agreement is now reached, it could not be dealt with on paper
the @bbc asked to join this appeal, that's not contested, the Court heard oral submissions from Mr Wolanski #RROAppeal
AMcF: It is a matter that requires full consideration, but this case is now constituted {??} so no party wishes to argue against the representations the media make
My Lady and I decline the invitation to maintain the fuller hearing in March
AMcF: It's asserted the judge gave no evidence, failed to consider case law in relation to family court, finally and crucially he failed to undertake the necessary balancing exercise between Article 8s and 10 of the EU Convention of Human Rights
LJK: I agree #RROAppeal
PB suggests that parties will draft an agreed argument and share with court
AMcF requests Mr @paulebowen skeleton argument electronically and gives his thanks to Ms @louisetickle for raising the issue