July 2017? (Late)- July 20th
Re: the ‘Scaramucci’ model- Mooch joining the WH comms team caused the resignation of Spicer/Pribus--- The two who were signed on in support of the 25th amendment move by the DOJ/FBI.
ALL remained pro MAGA and loyal to POTUS?- Publicly. Privately, undermining Trump.
Why are we attacked by pro MAGA?- Their dirty dawgs
The ‘establishment’ runs deep.- This is NOT about R vs. D
Logical thinking.- More Please.
whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat…📁- @POTUS outlines his reasoning for declaring National Emergency.
whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat… - POTUS calls out all the 'pitfall provisions' the deep state #demos put in the appropriations bill- and proceeds to let them know they can 'SUCK IT'

Why do D's push for illegals to obtain a driver's license?- To skirt voter ID laws.
Does having a DL make it easier to vote?- Yes. makes illegals appear to be legit.
ncsl.org/research/immig… - Website outlines the states that issue DLs to illegal aliens.
What checks are in place within each of the 'DL granted states' to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?- Virtually none.
What do you notice?- They match.
Do you believe in coincidences?- Negative GhostRider
Memes are important.- If you build them, we will share.
Oct 31 2017- Well.....
Prior to the black pop awakening?- Yes
Why did we emphasize as important?- Freedom from the #demo plantation.
When you are awake we can see clearly.- Freedom of thought.

The link animates, the photo does not. Excellent graphic though.
Q suggests slowing it down a touch, for greater impact.

Q reminds us of drop 2444- Re: importance of the Senate for future events.
foxnews.com/politics/graha…📁- Lindsey Graham planning to subpoena Andy McCabe [#2]
Planned?- Military planning at its finest.

WHITAKER remain DOJ senior staff?- Yes, Q told us the in drop 2681
Senior counselor in the associate attorney general’s office?- Prosecution coordinator.
Planned?- Nope- Coincidence...

What happens when Russia gives you up?
Will the C_A protect you?
Sleep is important.
First communication aimed directly to Snowden since drop 1389- May 4, 2018
Other mentions, but this drop is speaking TO Snowden.
Why now?

Photo collage of Jussie Smolette with politicians of question.
Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?- A. They want to keep the racial narrative intact. B. They don't want their buddy to go to jail.

What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?- Buddies
Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?- Doubtful publicly. Already pressuring the Police Commissioner I'm sure.
These people are sick!- They live in a made-up world where power is all that matters and they will do anything to keep it.
ABC NEWS correspondent Claire Shipman married to Jay Carney (WH Press Sec - HUSSEIN)?
MSM = arm/extension of the [D] party?- Propaganda MACHINE!
Nothing to See Here.
time.com/5324130/most-i…📁- Article from last year about the influence of #QAnon.
They knew the 'reach' then.- EXPONENTIAL growth since then. 1=2, 2=4, 4-8, 8=16, so on and so on.
Think about now.

Well done, Patriot.
Important to note 'Q' drops just prior to POTUS.- This increases the proof exponentially. If Q were not in the WH, there would be no way of knowing when the #POTUS tweets were going out.
Something BIG is coming.- I am still not predicting but.....

“Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing.”
Mueller to Bart:
“With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc”
“Mandate was clear -verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.” “What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic/foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect/president) and members .....
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/media corroboration of those findings.”
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted & verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.” “FISC granted auth to conduct based on ....
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
“Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?”
“What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?” “What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?”
CLAS 1-99
Remember that Barr and Mueller are old friends. So this could very well be a candid conversation between boss and subordinate, with a deep relationship. Their wives shop together.
We got a new movie poster going up. Pretty soon our movies will be all that is playing in this theater. Great work @Courtiah22 !
#FisaGate #QAnon #Justice #PatriotsFight #DeepStateDown